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Category: Versions

Backups to S3 in SQL Server 2022

Anthony Nocentino tries out backup to S3 in SQL Server 2022:

In s3 object storage, a file is broken up into as many as 10,000 parts. In SQL Server, the each part’s size is based on the parameter MAXTRANSFERSIZE since this is the size of the write operation performed into the backup file. The default used for backups to s3 compatible storage is 10MB. So 10,000 * 10MB means the largest file size for a single file is about 100GB. And for many databases, that’s just not big enough. So what can you do…first you can use compression. That will get more of your data into a single file.

This right here is the pain. Anthony shows a few ways to extend this number but there’s still a hard cap on maximum backup size, one we don’t have on-premises.

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Finding Queries with Missing Index Requests in SQL Server 2019

Erik Darling shows off a nicety in SQL Server 2019 and later:

Note that this script does not assemble the missing index definition for you. That stuff is all readily available in the query plans that get returned here, and of course the missing index feature has many caveats and limitations to it.

You should, as often as possible, execute the query and collect the actual execution plan to see where the time is spent before adding anything in.

Read on for the script.

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SQL Server 2022 Public Preview on Linux

Amit Khandelwal has notes on SQL Server 2022 on Linux:

In continuation of last week’s announcement of SQL Server 2022 public preview, we are pleased to announce availability of SQL Server 2022 on Linux/Containers for public preview. Here are the details for getting started with the SQL Server 2022 public preview packages on Linux/Containers.

As usual, the officially supported distributions are Red Hat Enterprise Linux and Ubuntu.

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Azure Synapse Analytics May 2022 Updates

Ryan Majidimehr lays out some updates for Azure Synapse Analytics:

Serverless SQL pools let you query files in the data lake without knowing the schema upfront. The best practice was to specify the lengths of character columns to get optimal performance. Not anymore!  

Previously, you had to explicitly define the schema to get optimal query performance. In this case, the column countries_and_territories is defined as varchar(50):  

There are some interesting updates in this month’s release, including the public preview of Azure Synapse Link for SQL, which connects to Azure SQL DB and SQL Server 2022.

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Obscure Changes in SQL Server 2022

Aaron Bertrand has a three-parter on obscure changes in SQL Server 2022. First up we have some new information:

You can get the marketing blitz from just about anywhere, and the What’s New documentation for the bigger hitters from the technical side.

But what about the changes that aren’t on the highlight reel at Build and aren’t getting all the attention from the media blitz? I’m a details person, so I get a lot of insight looking around at the little, non-headline-generating things that have changed. I’ve shown before how to sneak a peek under the hood, and I’m going to do it again today:

Then we have feature selection changes:

You will notice some changes in the Feature Selection screen. Some of the options have been consolidated; for example, you now get R, Python, and Java with MLS, instead of picking. One item has been added: SQL Server Extension for Azure. Unfortunately, this option is checked by default in the CTP 2.0 version of setup (click to enlarge):

Finally, we have execution plan changes:

As a former technical product manager for Plan Explorer, I can’t help but snoop around in what has changed in the XSD for showplan. Even though I am not the best person to actually analyze what those changes mean, and even though changes in XSD don’t necessarily reflect changes the engine can produce right now – these usually lay the groundwork for engine changes that will happen later.

There’s quite a lot of information available for those willing to dig, as Aaron shows.

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Extended Events in SQL Server 2022

Tom Zika checks out some extended events:

It has been announced today (2022-05-24) during the MS Build event. The blog post includes a download link. Unfortunately, the Docker container is not quite ready yet.

Anyway, because I’m a #TeamXE, I had to check out if there are any new goodies there. So, I took an XE event list from Microsoft SQL Server 2019 (RTM-CU16) and the new one from Microsoft SQL Server 2022 (CTP2.0) and compared them.

There are a lot of new events—click through to see how many.

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Contained Availability Groups in SQL Server 2022

Sean Gallardy is intrigued:

SQL server 2022 (SQL Dallas) has added what is called “Contained Availability Groups”, coming as a nice surprise to many DBAs or other admins out there (incidental DBAs, small shops, etc.) which *could* severely remove a large chunk of administrative overhead and challenges. There’s quite a lot to like about them, but like all things in life there are also some drawbacks that one needs to be aware exist, while these are a giant and amazing step forward for AGs, much like any other tool it has its place and time.

Definitely read the pros and cons of this before giving it a try in the 2022 preview.

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Azure SQL DB REST Endpoint EAP

Davide Mauri opens up a preview:

A new, exciting capability for Azure SQL Database has been announced today at //Build: Azure SQL Database has a new built-in feature that allows native integration with external REST endpoints. This means that integration of Azure SQL Database with Azure Functions, Azure Logic Apps, Cognitive Services, Event Hubs, Event Grid, Azure Containers, API Management and in general any REST or even GraphQL endpoint is just one line of code away. The feature is one of the most requested by developers and MVPs and it enormously reduces the friction to integrate Azure services with Azure SQL Database. 

Hmm, on the one hand, I can see this being useful. On the other hand, ASMX in SQL Server 2005, anybody?

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Azure Synapse Link for SQL

Chuck Heinzelman makes an announcement:

Azure Synapse Link for SQL is an automated system for replicating data from your transactional databases (both SQL Server 2022 and Azure SQL Database) into a dedicated SQL pool in Azure Synapse Analytics. The process of setting up a link from your SQL data to Azure Synapse takes just a few clicks and a matter of minutes rather than hours or days for traditional ETL processes. Once configured, your initial data is replicated into the target dedicated SQL pool. After the initial table seeding, changes made to your source data are replicated in near real-time. 

I’ll be interested in seeing how it performs and how efficient that change feed processor is.

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