Anthony Nowocien takes us through a useful tool:
This week, #PGSQLPhriday is hosted by Alicja Kucharczyk. Every month, one community member proposes a new subject to this monthly blogging event and let the world (or your family/friends/neighbors if you prefer) know all about pgBadger. It’s a tool to analyze your PostgreSQL logs and present you a nice web report.
If you like some history, it has been developed by Gilles Darold since more than 11 years, as v1.0 came along on June the 10th in 2012. At this time, pgfouine was the main log analyzer and the complete Perl rewrite was greatly performance influenced. In V4, it started to have its current look, by embarking the Bootstrap library and fonts.
Click through to see what pgbadger does and an example of how it makes log analysis understandable.
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