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Category: T-SQL

STRING_AGG() Performance

Aaron Bertrand wants to know how the STRING_AGG() function performs:

We can see that our FORCESCAN hint really did make things worse – while we shifted the cost away from the clustered index seek, the sort was actually much worse, even though the estimated costs deemed them relatively equivalent. More importantly, we can see that STRING_AGG() does offer a performance benefit, whether or not the concatenated strings need to be ordered in a specific way. As with STRING_SPLIT(), which I looked at back in March, I am quite impressed that this function scales well prior to “v1.”

Given that the early releases tend to be “get the thing working” and later CTPs are around “make the thing faster,” it’s nice to see that STRING_AGG() is already ready for prime-time, and makes me wonder if they’ll make it even faster by RTM.

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When Is NOLOCK Okay?

Erik Darling wants to figure out the acceptable boundaries for NOLOCK:

Picture a couple developers who started their app in the cloud, where they can’t get fancy with tempdb, fast disks aren’t in the budget yet, along with that beefier server with some extra RAM. They may not be able to turn on RCSI or SI at the drop of a hat; tempdb would keel over with the row versioning as part of a workload that already uses it pretty heavily.

They still need to run reports, either for users, or for higher ups at the company, and they can ask for them at any time. Caching the data when user activity is low and reporting against it when someone asks may raise some questions, like “why doesn’t my sales data show anything from today?”, or worse. You could invalidate the cache every X minutes, but that doesn’t help because then you need to re-run that reporting query every X minutes. That’s only moderately better than letting users query it at will.

Figuring out when read uncommitted is acceptable is a business decision.  As much as I dislike using NOLOCK, as long as the people on the business side understand the risks, it’s their call.

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Pivoting Data

Jana Sattainathan explains the PIVOT operator:

The results are so much easier to look at and comprehend, aren’t they? All object types for a schema are on a single line and it is easy for us to do impact analysis visually.

Sometimes doing it in T-SQL is the best approach, but pivoting is generally something which is cheaper in the application tier, whether you’re building a report, dashboard, or web app.

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New T-SQL Features

Slava Murygin looks at some new functions in the vNext CTP 1.1:

Since Microsoft introduced XML support in SQL Server, the most common string concatenation technique was use of “XML PATH(”)” like this:

(SELECT ‘, ‘ + name FROM master.sys.tables

Now you can aggregate your strings by using function “STRING_AGG”:

SELECT STRING_AGG(name, ‘, ‘) FROM master.sys.tables;

Read on for the other three.  This aggregation function, however, would make some of my code a lot simpler and easier to explain to junior database developers.  I just want it to perform well is all.

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Passing Parameters To SQL Queries Via Power BI

Chris Webb shows how to use the Value.NativeQuery() function to pass parameters to SQL Server queries:

It looks like, eventually, this will be the way that any type of ‘native’ query (ie a query that you write and give to Power Query, rather than a query that is generated for you) is run against any kind of data source – instead of the situation we have today where different M functions are needed to run queries against different types of data source. I guess at some point the UI will be updated to use this function. I don’t think it’s ‘finished’ yet either, because it doesn’t work on Analysis Services data sources, although it may work with other relational data sources – I haven’t tested it on anything other than SQL Server and SSAS. There’s also a fourth parameter for Value.NativeQuery() that can be used to pass data source specific options, but I have no idea what these could be and I don’t think there are any supported for SQL Server. It will be interesting to see how it develops over the next few releases.

It’s good to know that you can parameterize queries now.

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Truncate Table And Stats

Kendra Little shows that TRUNCATE TABLE does not always reset stats:

You might expect to see that the statistic on Quantity had updated. I expected it, before I ran through this demo.

But SQL Server never actually had to load up the statistic on Quantity for the query above. So it didn’t bother to update the statistic. It didn’t need to, because it knows that the table is empty, and this doesn’t show up in our column or index specific statistics.

Check it out.

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Lists And Ranges In Powershell And T-SQL

Phil Factor has an interesting post on lists and ranges in two languages:

When a  list like ‘1,3,5,6,9’, or ’12 Jan 2016,14 Jan 2016, 18 Feb 2016’  contains a datatype that can be unambiguously sorted in the order of the values of the datatype, it becomes possible to imply a range. This will trim unwieldy lists significantly if they have a lot of contiguous values.  ‘1,2,3,4,5’ can be expressed as 1-5 (or 1..5). The starting integer is separated from the end integer in the range by a dash sign. This representation rather clashes with the minus sign, represented by the same symbol, but the comma removes the ambiguity. A number followed immediately by a ‘-‘ means that the ‘-‘is a range symbol.  As with SQL’s BETWEEN clause that selects rows, the range includes all the integers in the interval including both endpoints. Because the range syntax is intended to be a more compact form,  it is generally only used where there are at least three contiguous values.

Interesting article.  I recommend checking it out.

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OUTPUT With Identity Columns

Kenneth Fisher walks through a scenario trying to archive data using the OUTPUT clause, but where there is an identity column involved:

So what’s the problem? Well, to start with by using the SELECT TOP 0 INTO Archive method of creating the Archive table you’ve created the archive table with an identity column. Get rid of that identity property (you still want the column) and you don’t have a problem. But the really cool part of this is that it reminded me that the OUTPUT clause has a field list.

Also check out the comments for another solution.

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Don’t Nest Views

Denny Cherry recommends against nested views:

Now there are plenty of reasons to use views in applications, however views shouldn’t be the default way of building applications because they do have this potential problems.

While working with a client the other week we had to unwind some massive nest views. Several of these views were nested 5 and 6 levels deep with multiple views being referenced by each view. When queries would run they would take minutes to execute instead of the milliseconds that they should be running in. The problems that needed to be fixed were all indexed based, but because of the massive number of views that needed to be reviewed it took almost a day to tune the single query.

Nested views is usually an indicator of somebody trying to perform OOP on a relational database, taking advantage of encapsulation.  One big performance problem with nested views is that at some point, the query optimizer gives up trying to optimize and simply pulls in all of the tables as many times as they appear.  Make the optimizer’s life easier and it will make your life easier.

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Andy Levy discusses the SET NOCOUNT operation:

So what happened here?  When you execute a query against SQL Server, both your data and some additional information is sent back to the client. This additional information is sent via a separate channel which is accessible via the SqlConnection.InfoMessages (or if you’re still using classic ADO, the InfoMessage) event. When you run queries in SSMS, you see this information in the Messages tab of the results pane most often as X row(s) affected.

That’s where my new stored procedures were causing problems. Where the original procedures were returning only one event which corresponded to the number of records returned by the single query in each procedure. But now that I’m loading temp tables, I’m getting multiple messages back – at a minimum, a count of the records affected when loading the temp table plus a count of the records returned to the calling application.

Data layers which can’t handle information streams are rare, but they do show up in the wild sometimes.

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