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Category: T-SQL

Improvements to Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization

Erik Darling is not good at being on vacation:

Several weeks back, I blogged about a missed opportunity with the new parameter sensitive plan feature. At the time, I thought that there was indeed sufficient skewness available to trigger the additional plan variants, and apparently some nice folks at Microsoft agreed.

If we step back through the old demo, we’ll get different results.

Click through for those results.

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Attaching All SQL Server Data Files in a Single Directory

David Fowler migrated a bunch of databases:

Have you ever had the need to attach a large number of database in one go? There’s no way to attach multiple databases in SSMS or via script, so you’re probably going to be left with the slow, arduous task of doing them one by one.

I recently had to deal with a DR situation (I won’t go into details of what happened just yet as things are still quite sensitive, but I might look at it at some point in the future) where I faced exactly that issue. For one reason or another I needed to attach several hundred databases quickly. I didn’t fancy doing that via SSMS or script each one individually so I knocked together this script to do the job for me.

Click through for that script and instructions. Alternatively, a bit of Powershell and the right dbatools command could get you to the same result but this is good in the event that you can’t leave SSMS.

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Improvements to GENERATE_SERIES

Erik Darling notes some improvements:

With the release of CTP 2.1, the problems that we saw the first time around are all gone. But there are still a couple small caveats that you should be aware of.

There’s also been a change in the way you call the function, too. You not longer need the START and STOP identifiers in the function.

There are still some limitations but it does look like the function is considerably better in CTP 2.1.

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T-SQL Improvements in CTP 2.1

Itzik Ben-Gan looks at ways recent T-SQL improvements:

One of the complexities that is of a specific importance to this section is comparisons that potentially involve NULL comparands, such as ones that you use in filter and join predicates. Most operators that you use in such comparisons, including the equals (=) and different than (<>) operators, use three-valued logic. This means that there are three possible truth values as a result of a predicate that uses such operators: true, false and unknown. When both comparands are non-NULL, such operators return true or false as you would intuitively expect. When any of the comparands is NULL, including when both are NULL, such comparisons return the unknown truth value. Both filter and join predicates consider unknown as a non-match, and sometimes that’s not the behavior that you’re after.

The distinct predicate (IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM) should simplify a lot of code in the wild.

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Data Quality Checks in Power BI

Kristyna Hughes wants to match up data:

Picture this, you have a report in Power BI that someone passes off to you for data quality checks. There are a few ways to make sure your measures match what is in the source data system, but for this demo we are going to use python and excel to perform our data quality checks in one batch. In order to do that, we are going to build a python script that can run Power BI REST APIs, connect to a SQL Server, and connect to Excel to grab the formulas and to push back the quality check into Excel for final review. To find a sample Excel and the final python script, please refer to my GitHub.

Check out the GitHub repo as well as Kristyna’s very detailed walkthrough.

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The Cure to Scalar Functions

Tom Zika has a cure:

In the first two parts, we have seen why the Scalar functions (UDFs) are a problem for the performance. So how do we deal with it now that we know it’s a problem?

There is only one solution:

I say we take off and nuke the entire site from orbit. It’s the only way to be sure.
— Ellen Ripley

Tom’s ideas are intriguing to me and I wish to subscribe to his newsletter.

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CETAS and the Serverless SQL Pool

Liliam Leme takes us through the Create External Table as Select operation in the Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pool:

Serverless SQL pool  has a very cool way to handle CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS).  I mean, you can use a serverless SQL pool to create a CETAS which will materialize the query results. It means a heavy query in which, for example, the results would be part of future large join with other queries or aggregations that can be consolidated for reporting purposes. Those scenarios are examples that could be used as a CETAS. CETAS will be stored as a parquet file accessed by an external table in your storage and the performance is awesome. Later I am suggesting how to recreate the CETAS using pipeline against serverless SQL Pool.

Click through to see it in action.

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Deleting from Multiple Tables by Key

Guy Glantser needs to delete some data:

Sometimes you need to delete data from multiple tables in a database. For example, you might have a multi-tenant database, and you need to delete all the data that belong to some tenant.

The problem is that there are many tables in the database that contain data, which you need to delete. If you have a column like “TenantId” in all tables, then your life is easier, because you have a simple predicate to apply to your DELETE statements against all tables. But even then, if there are foreign keys between tables to enforce referential integrity, then things get more complicated.

Read through for Guy’s answer, which definitely works and can be the quickest solution. If you can’t drop foreign key constraints (even temporarily), I have a post from a while back on tracing foreign keys to “levels.” The post only covers finding the ordering but could be extended to delete data one level at a time.

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