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Category: T-SQL

Using the WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022

Hasan Savran peeks through the windows:

WINDOW Operations in SQL Server can be hard to understand.  I believe one of the main reasons for that is the long and repeated code it needs. SELECT…WINDOW Clause will help us to remove repeated code and hopefully it will make the WINDOW Operations more user-friendly.

I am really happy about this syntax change, as often times, we have to re-use the same window frame (PARTITION BY and ORDER BY) or a base frame with a minor change (add one more column to the end). This removes the kind of repetition which makes queries harder to read and introduces subtle bugs.

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Creating Human-Readable Intervals from Lists in T-SQL

Daniel Hutmacher is making a list and checking it twice:

If you’ve worked with reporting, you’ve probably come across the following problem. You have a list of values, say “A, B, C, D, K, L, M, N, R, S, T, U, Z” that you want to display in a more user-friendly, condensed manner, “A-D, K-N, R-U, Z”.

Today, we’re going to look at how you can accomplish this in T-SQL, and what this has to do with window functions and gaps and islands.

Read on for a really good demonstration of how powerful window functions and STRING_AGG() can be.

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Parameter Sensitive Plan Optimization with Branches and Local Variables

Erik Darling has some mixed news. First up, if you branch a lot:

I’ve spent a bit of time talking about how IF branches can break query performance really badly in SQL Server.

While the Parameter Sensitive Plan (PSP) optimization won’t fix every problem with this lazy coding habit, it can fix some of them in very specific circumstances, assuming:

– The parameter is eligible for PSP

– The parameter is present across IF branches

Less sanguine news if you use local variables a lot:

One fix I’ve been wishing for, or wish I’ve been fixing for, is a cure for local variables. I’d even be cool if Forced Parameterization was that cure, but you know…

Time will tell.

Though I prefer to call local variables an “Optimize for mediocre” plan hint.

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The Performance Pain of User-Defined Functions

Tom Zika continues a series on why user-defined scalar functions are such a bad idea:

I’ll cover several test scenarios and analyze the performance using different monitoring tools.
The results will be for the second executions of the queries, so we have compiled and cached plans and all pages in the buffer pool.

Even if you already hate seeing scalar user-defined functions in code, the occasional reminder of how poorly they perform helps focus the mind.

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Searching Database Metadata in SQL Server

Phil Factor has a lookup function:

Finding things in databases isn’t always straightforward. You might think that you can just search the database objects in SQL Server. No, because user types, for example are stored elsewhere, despite being schema-bound. You might want to search in the scheduled jobs too, but there is no way of working out whether the code in a job step relates to a particular database. You might think that the information_schema represented a consistent industry standard, providing a rational logical layer over the seething reality underneath. You might be wrong.

Click through for the script and explanation.

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SET, SELECT, and Variable Assignment

Chad Callihan obliquely reminds us to create those unique constraints (by way of unique indexes):

Did you know there is more than one way to set a variable in SQL Server? You can actually set a variable without using “SET” at all. Let’s look at an example that shows how setting a variable with SELECT can cause a headache when dealing with identical values.

Click through to see the problem in action. One way around this if you do know you are dealing with duplicates and need a specific one is to SELECT TOP(1) with an appropriate ORDER BY clause, just as you would if variable assignment weren’t on the table.

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Lack of Fun with Scalar Functions

Tom Zika takes away the scalars:

I’m still surprised many people don’t realise how lousy Scalar functions are. So because it’s my current focus in work and this Stack Overflow question, I’ll be revisiting this topic.

The focus of part one is parallelism. Unfortunately, parallelism often gets a bad rep because of the prominent wait stats. Also, if there is a skew, it can run slow. But for the most part, it’s advantageous.

Whether or not you want parallelism should be an informed choice. But Scalar functions will enforce the query to run serially, even if you are unaware. That’s why I want to shine a light on this.

Read on for a demo of how even a no-op scalar function can affect query performance. Given the mess we normally see in scalar functions, it’s all downhill from there.

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When SELECT * Doesn’t

Chad Callihan protects the reputation of SELECT *:

There are plenty of scenarios where using SELECT * can be an issue. Using SELECT * with EXISTS isn’t one of them.

When using EXISTS and SELECT * together, SQL Server is smart enough to realize what you’re doing and knows you don’t care about what’s in the SELECT.

Read on for an example. I’ve trained myself (been trained?) still to use SELECT 1. The reason is, I know SELECT * works exactly the same way but the benefit of using SELECT 1 is that doing this consistently allows you to do a search for SELECT * in your code base to find actual perpetrators (people writing queries expecting to return the entire result set and which may be susceptible to performance problems or future maintainability problems). Using SELECT 1 in the EXISTS clause means you get fewer false positives in that search as a result.

That said, Joe Celko chimes in to provide some of the history behind SELECT * as the convention for references in the EXISTS clause.

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Tips for SQL Developers

Lee Markum has a few tips for you:

SQL Server Developers are under-rated.

That’s right! I’m a DBA and I said, “SQL Developers are under-rated.” Dedicated SQL Developers help I.T. teams by writing efficient code that gets just the data that is needed and in a way that leverages how the database engine works best. How do you ensure you’re doing great work for your company and building code that will stand the test of time?

I’m so glad you asked!

Click through for Lee’s advice. One big thing I’d add to Lee’s list is to understand the domain. Query writing skills are quite fungible across domains—moving from health care to auto parts sales, you don’t need to re-learn SQL—but understanding some of the arcana of the organization and its industry makes it a lot easier to know you’re writing good queries, getting valid data back, and not forgetting some important business rule.

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