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Category: Syntax

Working With UTC And Local Times

Jo Douglass shows how to use the DATETIMEOFFSET data type and AT TIME ZONE syntax to convert between UTC and local times:

Run select SysDateTimeOffset(); and you should see a date and time which mirrors your server’s current time, plus a time zone offset showing its current offset from UTC; this includes any time zone offset, plus any daylight savings time offset.

If I were to run this (from the UK) on August 15th, 2017 while my clock is showing that it’s noon exactly, I would get 2017-08-15 12:00:00.0000000 +01:00; the +01:00 offset is because the UK is offset by one hour from UTC during daylight savings. The datetime2 portion of a datetimeoffset is in local time, not UTC.

My normal operation is to store everything in UTC and let the application convert to local times.  That allows you to compare dates much more easily and reduces confusion around daylight savings time.

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Left Versus Right Joins

Denis Gobo doesn’t like RIGHT JOIN:

Do you use RIGHT JOINs? I myself rarely use a RIGHT JOIN, I think in the last 17 years or so I have only used a RIGHT JOIN once or twice. I think that RIGHT JOINs confuse people who are new to databases, everything that you can do with a RIGHT JOIN, you can also do with a LEFT JOIN, you just have to flip the query around

So why did I use a RIGHT JOIN then?

Don’t be lazy; switch out those right joins.  The trick is that for every RIGHT JOIN statement, there is an equivalent statement which does not use RIGHT JOIN.  The percentage of the time that you might benefit from RIGHT JOIN is so low that the fixed costs of mentally processing what’s going on tend to overwhelm the slight benefit of that style of join.

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Selecting Into A Specific Filegroup

Andrew Pruski shows off a new feature in SQL Server 2017:

Now I can run the SELECT…INTO statement using the new ON FILEGROUP option. I’m going to run an example SELECT statement to capture Sales in the UK: –

We are one step closer to CTAS on-prem…  Being able to select into a specific filegroup is nice when you want to segregate tables by filegroup to make recovery of the most critical tables faster:  having a primary filegroup, and then a filegroup for the critical tables for your application, followed by the history tables and other large tables that the app doesn’t need immediately.

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Using The COMPRESS Function In SQL Server

Kendra Little explains the COMPRESS() function in SQL Server 2016:

One cool little feature in SQL Server 2016 is COMPRESS(). It’s a TSQL function available in all editions that shrinks down data using the GZIP algorithm (documentation).

Things to know about COMPRESS():

  • Compressed data is in the VARBINARY(max) data type

  • You get the data “back to normal” by  using the DECOMPRESS function – which also outputs VARBINARY(max)

  • You can’t use columns of the VARBINARY(max) type in an index key column– but it may be useful to use the column as a filter in a filtered index, in some cases

COMPRESS() uses standard GZip compression, so you could use methods other than DECOMPRESS() to inflate the data—for example, bring the compressed data out to your application and use language-specific GZip libraries to decompress the data.  Read the whole thing.

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MERGE With Deletion

Kevin Wilkie shows an example of deleting data as part of a merge operation:

The last time we were together, we learned how to use the MERGE statement when we wanted to insert rows that didn’t exist and update rows that didn’t. This time we’re going to add onto that. We’re adding the seldom used, but delightfully potent – delete rows that no longer exist in the original table.

MERGE is an enticing but dangerous piece of syntax.  It looks so nice until you realize how many bugs and oddities there are in the command.

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EXISTS Is Self-Contained

Shane O’Neill ponders an existential problem:

So, drinking my first (of many) coffee of the day, I asked him what was wrong with it.

I have two tables. 1 with values 1,2,3 & the other with values 1,2,3,4,5. When I use delete exists, it should just delete 1,2,3 but table1 is always empty.

Hmmm, not an unreasonable assumption I suppose so I asked him for his code.

Read on for Shane’s explanation, though he doesn’t like the verbosity.  My version is, what happens in EXISTS stays in EXISTS.  It just returns a signal to the outer query saying yea or nay and the outer query does its thing accordingly.  In this case, if you want to tie results back to the delete operation, use IN (the ANSI standard way) or JOIN (typically my preferred way, given that IN can get dicey with more complex criteria).

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New T-SQL Functions

Dennes Torres shows off four T-SQL functions releasing in SQL Server 2017:


Translate does the work of several replace functions, simplifying some queries.

The function is called ‘Translate’ because its main objective: transform one kind of information in another by doing a bunch of replaces.

For example: GeoJson and WKT are two different formats for coordinates. In GeoJson a coordinate is represented using the format ‘[137.4, 72.3]’ while in WKT a point is represented using the format ‘(137.4 72.3)’.

We would need several ‘Replace’s to transform GeoJson format in WKT format and the reverse. The ‘Translate’ function can do this easily.

I knew the first three, but Translate sneaked right past me.

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Ditching IsNumeric()

Phil Factor on the IsNumeric() function:

IsNumeric() is actually answering the question ‘Can this string be converted or ‘cast’ to a numeric datatype by SQL Server?’ It is pretty good at getting this answer right but it doesn’t tell you which datatype. It also isn’t interested in such things as overflow.

This problem of IsNumeric() was solved in SQL Server 2012. There was no way of morphing IsNumeric() intro something more valuable, so Try_Cast(), Try_Parse(), and Try_Convert() were introduced. The introduction of these system functions really solve the problem, unless you are still on earlier versions than SQL Server 2012. I’ll show how to do the same thing in previous versions of SQL Server, and demonstrates one or two tricks you can do with these functions.

I’ll stick with the post-2012 version, please.

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The REVERSE Function

John Morehouse explains what the REVERSE function is and why it can be useful:

Recently I had a conversation with a colleague that wasn’t aware of the REVERSE function in SQL Server.  I had sent them a code snippet and they inquired as to what the purpose of the function was.  Essentially, this function that reverses any string value.

For example, the phrase:

The brown dog jumped over the lazy fox

reversed looks like this

xof yzal eht revo depmuj god nworb ehT

Read on to see a good example of when you might use REVERSE.

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