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Category: Syntax

Repetition in R with rep()

Steven Sanderson shows off a function in R:

As a programmer, you’re constantly faced with the need to repeat tasks efficiently. Repetition is a fundamental concept in programming, and R provides a powerful tool to accomplish this: the rep() function. In this blog post, we will explore the syntax of the rep() function and delve into several examples to showcase its versatility and practical applications. Whether you’re working with data manipulation, generating sequences, or creating repeated patterns, rep() will become your go-to function for mastering repetition in R.

Read on for the basic syntax, as well as several examples of how to use the rep() function.

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Finding the Actual Error Line in sp_executesql

Thom Andrews solves a problem:

Notice that the error line states line 2 not line 8, which is the line the sys.sp_executesql was called on. Knowing the line the error occured on within the dynamic batch is certainly important, but if you’re working with multiple dynamic batches you have no way of knowing which dynamic batch might have produced the error; was it the one executed on line 100? Line 200? Line 350?

Solving this problem wasn’t wasn’t exactly simple, and it came with a couple of caveats.

Click through for the approach. As Thom mentions, it isn’t perfect, but it is reasonable and interesting.

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Calculating Time Series Differences

Steven Sanderson notices the difference:

The diff() function in R calculates the differences between consecutive elements in a vector or a time series. It takes a single argument, which is the input vector, and returns a new vector with the differences. This function is particularly useful for analyzing the rate of change, identifying patterns, and detecting anomalies in your data. 

Read on to see how you can use it, as well as some examples of usage.

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The Value of QUOTENAME

Quoth Chad Callihan, “Occasionally more”:

QUOTENAME can be used to make sure database objects are valid in your query. Most of the time, objects like table names only contain valid characters, so there’s nothing to worry about. But nobody’s perfect. Let’s look at an example of what can happen when somebody creates a table with a forward slash in the name and see how QUOTENAME can be used to query against it.

QUOTENAME is also a good way of preventing SQL injection, though I still prefer appropriate use of exec sp_executesql in any case in which it’s possible to use.

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MATCHBY for DAX Window Functions

Jeffrey Wang plays matchmaker:

In this final installment of our four-part mini-series on DAX window functions, we’ll be focusing on a new development. The May release of Power BI Desktop has enriched all DAX window functions – namely OFFSETWINDOWINDEXRANK, and ROWNUMBER – with an additional sub-function, MATCHBY, supplementing the existing sub-functions, ORDERBY and PARTITIONBY. In this article, we’ll delve into the purpose of the MATCHBY function, along with the three specific problems it aims to resolve.

Read on to understand what the MATCHBY sub-function does and why it can be important.

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Recursive Common Table Expressions in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie is too fancy for simple joins:

Today, I want to talk about that fun edge case when you’re having to join a table to itself in Snowflake. Does it happen often? Not unless your architect just hates you.

Let’s use the normal pieces of data that everyone uses for this kind of thing – employee/manager relationships. We have our employee table that we’ve been working off that we’ll play with for this example.

The syntax is a bit different from T-SQL, but the concept is still the same.

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Trying NTILE

Chad Callihan looks at the fourth ranking window function:

Have you ever used the NTILE function? Or have you even heard of the NTILE function? It seems to be one of the lesser known, lesser used window functions in SQL Server. I’ve never come across it in the wild but maybe there are those that use it all the time. Either way, let’s have a look at what it does and how it can be used.

Click through for a demo. I definitely use it a lot less than ROW_NUMBER(), RANK(), and DENSE_RANK(), but I have used it to some good effect in the past, mostly in cases where I’ve wanted to focus on the top X% of data for an analysis.

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NTILE and QUALIFY in Snowflake

Kevin Wilkie continues to build a sample:

In our last post, we went over one way to get a sample of data. In the end was it right? Heck, no – at least not if we wanted a percentage of rows returned. Now, SAMPLE does work fine if you want a specific number of random rows returned each time.

But, let’s face it – sometimes we will be asked for 10% of a table – especially in this world of Machine Learning. So let’s attempt to find a way to make this happen, shall we?

QUALIFY would be a nice clause to have. Instead, if you’re in the T-SQL world, you’re probably used to creating a common table expression or subquery and then applying a WHERE clause to the outputs of that CTE/subquery.

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Choosing from a List of Values

Greg Dodd doesn’t need no steenkin’ tables:

Sometimes you have a list of values or parameters that you’d like to run a select statement over the top of to get a result. There’s a few ways of doing this, usually I see people create a Temporary Table and insert the data. But is there an easier way?

Yes, we can select from VALUES:

The result of this is called a virtual table, and as far as other parts of the query are concerned, it’s just another table.

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Sparse Columns in SQL Server

Chad Callihan occasionally inserts something:

Have you ever maxed out the SQL Server table column limit yet still needed more columns? Hopefully not considering SQL Server has a max limit of 1024 columns per table. But as I found out, it’s possible for someone to reach out and ask for even more. Sparse columns are an option to consider when you can’t get enough. Let’s take a look at what sparse columns are and how they can be used.

Sparse columns have very little utility, except in the most “I don’t think you’re doing it right” scenarios. Still, if you happen to end up in that scenario, there is a way out, though I’d really want to understand the nature of the data in that problem and, knowing just the amount of detail in the scenario that I do, would lean toward storing the data either in an unpivoted fashion (one row per entity * attribute in an EAV-style “‘additional attributes” table) or as a JSON string and let the client sort it out.

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