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Category: Syntax

T-SQL Improvements in CTP 2.1

Itzik Ben-Gan looks at ways recent T-SQL improvements:

One of the complexities that is of a specific importance to this section is comparisons that potentially involve NULL comparands, such as ones that you use in filter and join predicates. Most operators that you use in such comparisons, including the equals (=) and different than (<>) operators, use three-valued logic. This means that there are three possible truth values as a result of a predicate that uses such operators: true, false and unknown. When both comparands are non-NULL, such operators return true or false as you would intuitively expect. When any of the comparands is NULL, including when both are NULL, such comparisons return the unknown truth value. Both filter and join predicates consider unknown as a non-match, and sometimes that’s not the behavior that you’re after.

The distinct predicate (IS [NOT] DISTINCT FROM) should simplify a lot of code in the wild.

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CETAS and the Serverless SQL Pool

Liliam Leme takes us through the Create External Table as Select operation in the Azure Synapse Analytics serverless SQL pool:

Serverless SQL pool  has a very cool way to handle CREATE EXTERNAL TABLE AS SELECT (CETAS).  I mean, you can use a serverless SQL pool to create a CETAS which will materialize the query results. It means a heavy query in which, for example, the results would be part of future large join with other queries or aggregations that can be consolidated for reporting purposes. Those scenarios are examples that could be used as a CETAS. CETAS will be stored as a parquet file accessed by an external table in your storage and the performance is awesome. Later I am suggesting how to recreate the CETAS using pipeline against serverless SQL Pool.

Click through to see it in action.

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Using the WINDOW Clause in SQL Server 2022

Hasan Savran peeks through the windows:

WINDOW Operations in SQL Server can be hard to understand.  I believe one of the main reasons for that is the long and repeated code it needs. SELECT…WINDOW Clause will help us to remove repeated code and hopefully it will make the WINDOW Operations more user-friendly.

I am really happy about this syntax change, as often times, we have to re-use the same window frame (PARTITION BY and ORDER BY) or a base frame with a minor change (add one more column to the end). This removes the kind of repetition which makes queries harder to read and introduces subtle bugs.

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Creating Human-Readable Intervals from Lists in T-SQL

Daniel Hutmacher is making a list and checking it twice:

If you’ve worked with reporting, you’ve probably come across the following problem. You have a list of values, say “A, B, C, D, K, L, M, N, R, S, T, U, Z” that you want to display in a more user-friendly, condensed manner, “A-D, K-N, R-U, Z”.

Today, we’re going to look at how you can accomplish this in T-SQL, and what this has to do with window functions and gaps and islands.

Read on for a really good demonstration of how powerful window functions and STRING_AGG() can be.

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The Siren Song of Platform-Portable SQL

Shane O’Neill gets on the soapbox:

Part of why I’m ranting about database-ubiquitousness SQL instead of ORMs is that I’ve also witnessed SQL code that has to work everywhere

I’m going to call this SQL “DUh SQL” from now on since I only have so many vowels on my keyboard and shouldn’t waste them re-writing the word “ubiquitousness”

Them: “Nope, we can’t use DATEFROMPARTS; it’s not available in other databases! Yeah, we use GETDATE() everywhere; what’s your point? WHAT!?!”

I strongly agree with this. Lowest common denominator SQL just means your code is likely to perform poorly in all environments. Even if you know you need to support multiple platforms, it’s better to get the most out of each and have whichever data access layer implementation you inject figure out the details of how to do it.

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The Performance Pain of User-Defined Functions

Tom Zika continues a series on why user-defined scalar functions are such a bad idea:

I’ll cover several test scenarios and analyze the performance using different monitoring tools.
The results will be for the second executions of the queries, so we have compiled and cached plans and all pages in the buffer pool.

Even if you already hate seeing scalar user-defined functions in code, the occasional reminder of how poorly they perform helps focus the mind.

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SET, SELECT, and Variable Assignment

Chad Callihan obliquely reminds us to create those unique constraints (by way of unique indexes):

Did you know there is more than one way to set a variable in SQL Server? You can actually set a variable without using “SET” at all. Let’s look at an example that shows how setting a variable with SELECT can cause a headache when dealing with identical values.

Click through to see the problem in action. One way around this if you do know you are dealing with duplicates and need a specific one is to SELECT TOP(1) with an appropriate ORDER BY clause, just as you would if variable assignment weren’t on the table.

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Lack of Fun with Scalar Functions

Tom Zika takes away the scalars:

I’m still surprised many people don’t realise how lousy Scalar functions are. So because it’s my current focus in work and this Stack Overflow question, I’ll be revisiting this topic.

The focus of part one is parallelism. Unfortunately, parallelism often gets a bad rep because of the prominent wait stats. Also, if there is a skew, it can run slow. But for the most part, it’s advantageous.

Whether or not you want parallelism should be an informed choice. But Scalar functions will enforce the query to run serially, even if you are unaware. That’s why I want to shine a light on this.

Read on for a demo of how even a no-op scalar function can affect query performance. Given the mess we normally see in scalar functions, it’s all downhill from there.

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Query Store Hints in SQL Server 2022

Erik Darling has thoughts:

When you’re dealing with untouchable vendor code full of mistakes, ORM queries that God has turned away from, and other queries that for some reason can’t be tinkered with, we used to not have a lot of options.

In SQL Server 2022, Query Store gains a new super power: you can add hints to queries without intercepting the code in some other manner.

There are a couple of useful hints which won’t be available but Erik seems mostly upbeat about what is there.

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