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Category: Streaming

Dynamic DAGs with Apache Airflow

Bhavya Garg explains how we can create dynamic directed acyclic graphs in Apache Airflow:

Airflow dynamic DAGs can save you a ton of time. As you know, Apache Airflow is written in Python, and DAGs are created via Python scripts. That makes it very flexible and powerful (even complex sometimes). By leveraging Python, you can create DAGs dynamically based on variables, connections, a typical pattern, etc. This very nice way of generating DAGs comes at the price of higher complexity and subtle tricky things that you must know

Read on for an example.

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Making Kafka Clients Faster

Yeva Byzek has a few whitepaper recommendations:

Over the years, incredible technical content has been written about data plane performance, general principles and tradeoffs, cloud-native architectures, etc. These writings describe how you can get low latency and high throughput without compromising on a mature and reliable platform that provides persistence, no data loss, audit logs, processing logs, and more—all the things that enable you to go from proof of concept to production. This blog post highlights the top five reading recommendations to help you gain a deeper understanding of what makes applications that run on Confluent Cloud so fast. They cover the key concepts and provide concrete examples of how we do it, and how you can do it too, with specific benchmark testing and configuration guidelines.

Click through for links to those resources.

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De-Scalafication in Flink

Seth Wiesman has a post leaving me feeling a little bittersweet:

If you have worked with a JVM-based application, you have probably heard the term classpath. The classpath defines where the JVM will search for a given classfile when it needs to be loaded. There may only be one instance of a classfile on each classpath, forcing any dependency Flink exposes onto users. That is why the Flink community works hard to keep our classpath “clean” – or free of unnecessary dependencies. We achieve this through a combination of shaded dependencieschild first class loading, and a plugins abstraction for optional components.

The Apache Flink runtime is primarily written in Java but contains critical components that forced Scala on the default classpath. And because Scala does not maintain binary compatibility across minor releases, this historically required cross-building components for all versions of Scala. But due to many reasons – breaking changes in the compilera new standard library, and a reworked macro system – this was easier said than done.

They did it, which means less Scala in the code base. But it also means that you aren’t tied to a particular version of Scala in your own code. I’m happy about it on the whole but it does expose a frustrating pain point with Scala.

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Apache Flink and Delta Lake

Max Fisher and Dylan Gessner use Flink to load data in Delta Lake:

As with all parts of our platform, we are constantly raising the bar and adding new features to enhance developers’ abilities to build the applications that will make their Lakehouse a reality. Building real-time applications on Databricks is no exception. Features like asynchronous checkpointingsession windows, and Delta Live Tables allow organizations to build even more powerful, real-time pipelines on Databricks using Delta Lake as the foundation for all the data that flows through the Lakehouse.

However, for organizations that leverage Flink for real-time transformations, it might appear that they are unable to take advantage of some of the great Delta Lake and Databricks features, but that is not the case. In this blog we will explore how Flink developers can build pipelines to integrate their Flink applications into the broader Lakehouse architecture.

Click through for two methods of doing so.

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Streaming Data to Event Hubs via Kafka Connect and Debezium

Niels Berglund starts off a two-part sub-series within a series:

This post is the first of two looking at if and how we can stream data to Event Hubs from Debezium. Initially I had planned only one post covering this, but it turned out that the post would be too long, so therefore I split it in two.

It started with the post, How to Use Kafka Client with Azure Event Hubs. In that post, I looked at how the Kafka client can publish messages to – not only – Apache Kafka but also Azure Event Hubs. In the post, I said something like:

An interesting point here is that it is not only your Kafka applications that can publish to Event Hubs but any application that uses Kafka Client 1.0+, like Kafka Connect connectors!

Click through for the first part of this pairing.

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Apache Flink ML 2.0.0

Dong Lin and Yun Gao make an announcement:

The Apache Flink community is excited to announce the release of Flink ML 2.0.0! Flink ML is a library that provides APIs and infrastructure for building stream-batch unified machine learning algorithms, that can be easy-to-use and performant with (near-) real-time latency.

This release involves a major refactor of the earlier Flink ML library and introduces major features that extend the Flink ML API and the iteration runtime, such as supporting stages with multi-input multi-output, graph-based stage composition, and a new stream-batch unified iteration library. Moreover, we added five algorithm implementations in this release, which is the start of a long-term initiative to provide a large number of off-the-shelf algorithms in Flink ML with state-of-the-art performance.

Congratulations to everybody who contributed to the project; it’s a big milestone.

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When Not to Use Apache Kafka

Kai Waehner looks at when we may (or may not) want to use Apache Kafka:

Apache Kafka is the de facto standard for event streaming to process data in motion. With its significant adoption growth across all industries, I get a very valid question every week: When NOT to use Apache Kafka? What limitations does the event streaming platform have? When does Kafka simply not provide the needed capabilities? How to qualify Kafka out as it is not the right tool for the job? This blog post explores the DOs and DONTs. Separate sections explain when to use Kafka, when NOT to use Kafka, and when to MAYBE use Kafka.

I appreciate this kind of post a lot, especially from someone directly invested in the product. No technology can or should fit all purposes and the better you can explain where something does not fit, the better you can explain where it does fit.

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Improving Apache Flink Scheduler Performance

Zhilong Hong, et al, share some interesting results out of Apache Flink 1.14. Part one lays out the scene:

To estimate the effect of our optimizations, we conducted several experiments to compare the performance of Flink 1.12 (before the optimization) with Flink 1.14 (after the optimization). The job in our experiments contains two vertices connected with an all-to-all edge. The parallelisms of these vertices are both 10K. To make temporary deployment descriptors distributed via the blob server, we set the configuration blob.offload.minsize to 100 KiB (from default value 1 MiB). This configuration means that the blobs larger than the set value will be distributed via the blob server, and the size of deployment descriptors in our test job is about 270 KiB. The results of our experiments are illustrated below:

Part two explains their improvements:

In Flink 1.12, the ExecutionEdge class is used to store the information of connections between tasks. This means that for the all-to-all distribution pattern, there would be O(n2) ExecutionEdges, which would take up a lot of memory for large-scale jobs. For two JobVertices connected with an all-to-all edge and a parallelism of 10K, it would take more than 4 GiB memory to store 100M ExecutionEdges. Since there can be multiple all-to-all connections between vertices in production jobs, the amount of memory required would increase rapidly.

As we can see in Fig. 1, for two JobVertices connected with the all-to-all distribution pattern, all IntermediateResultPartitions produced by upstream ExecutionVertices are isomorphic, which means that the downstream ExecutionVertices they connect to are exactly the same. The downstream ExecutionVertices belonging to the same JobVertex are also isomorphic, as the upstream IntermediateResultPartitions they connect to are the same too. Since every JobEdge has exactly one distribution type, we can divide vertices and result partitions into groups according to the distribution type of the JobEdge.

Click through for a dive into the architecture.

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Using a Kafka Client with Azure Event Hubs

Niels Berglund takes us through one way to work with Azure Event Hubs:

This blog post came by, by accident, lol. A couple of weeks ago, I started to prepare for a webinar: Analyze Billions of Rows of Data in Real-Time Using Azure Data Explorer. One of the demos in that webinar is about ingesting data from Apache Kafka into Azure Data Explorer. When prepping, I noticed that my Confluent Cloud Kafka cluster didn’t exist anymore, so I had to come up with a workaround. That workaround was to use Azure Event Hubs instead of Kafka.

Since I already had the code to publish data to Kafka and knew that you could use the Kafka client to publish to Event Hubs, I thought I’d test it out. I did run into some minor snags along the way, so I thought I’d write a blog post about it. Then, at least, I have something to go back to. This post also looks at how to set up an Event Hubs cluster.

Click through to see it in action.

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Diving into Spark Streaming

Tomaz Kastrun continues a series on Spark and is well into a section on Spark Streaming. Part 17 looks at watermarks:

Streaming data is considered as continuously ingested data with particular frequency and latency. It is considered “big data” and data that has no discrete beginning nor end.

The primary goal of any real-time stream processing system is to process the streaming data within a window frame (or considered this as frequency). Usually this frequency is “as soon as it arrives”. On the other hand, latency in streaming processing model is considered to have the means to work or deal with all the possible latencies (one second or one minute) and provides an end-to-end low latency system. If frequency of data analysing is on user’s side (destination), latency is considered on the device’s side (source).

Part 18 enumerates the supported types of windows:

Tumbling windows are fixed sized and static. They are non-overlapping and are contiguous intervals. Every ingested data can be (must be) bound to a singled window.

Sliding windows are also fixed sized and also static. Windows will overlap when the duration of the slide is smaller than the duration of the window. Ingested data can therefore be bound to two or more windows

Session windows are dynamic in size of the window length. The size depends on the ingested data. A session starts with an input and expands if the following input expands if the next ingested record has fallen within the gap duration.

Part 19 includes good information on how data engineers can work with streams of data:

Streaming data can be used in conjunction with other datasets. You can have Joining streaming data, joining data with watermarking, deduplication, outputting the data, applying foreach logic, using triggers and creating Stream API Tables.

All of the functions are available in Python, Scala and Java and some are not available with R. We will be focusing on Python and R.

Check out all three of these posts.

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