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Category: Source Control

Feature Branching and Hotfixes for Azure DevOps

Vytas Suopys covers a bit of source control strategy:

Have you ever deployed a release to production only to find out a bug has escaped your testing process and now users are being severely impacted? In this post, I’ll discuss how to deploy a fix from your development Synapse Workspace into a production Synapse Workspace without adversely affecting ongoing development projects.

This example uses Azure DevOps for CICD along with a Synapse extension for Azure DevOps: Synapse Workspace Deployment. In this example, I assume Synapse is already configured for source control with Azure DevOps Git and Build and Release pipelines are already defined in Azure DevOps. Instructions on how to apply this this can be found in the Azure Synapse documentation for continuous integration and delivery.

The specific example covers Synapse, though the general principle applies no matter what you’re deploying.

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CI/CD for the Synapse Serverless SQL Pool

Kevin Chant has some links for us:

Last week the January 2023 video of the Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft MVP series was released. Where I covered how to do CI/CD for dedicated SQL Pools in Azure Synapse Analytics.

Since the release of that video the most popular question raised has been how to perform CI/CD for serverless SQL Pools within Azure Synapse Analytics?

Read on for links galore.

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SQLCMD Variables in Database Projects

Olivier Van Steenlandt can’t live in this static world:

When I started to explore and use Database Projects, I ran into a specific situation quite fast where I was required to use SQLCMD variables. In this blog post, I will describe what they are, how you can use SQLCMD variables in Database Projects and where this might become very useful for you.

Click through for a scenario, a primer on using SQLCMD variables, and some basic details on how to use them in database projects.

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Pull Requests and Database Projects

Olivier Van Steenlandt continues building out a database project:

A Pull Request is an alternative way of merging branches. Instead of executing the merge yourself, you will create a Pull Request for someone else to revise your development and approve and merge when ok. By doing this you are introducing peer reviewing into your development process. From my experience, using Pull Requests will improve your development quality since someone needs to validate your changes before they can be deployed to a certain environment.

I wouldn’t advise using Pull Requests to get changes in a development environment but I would advise using it to get changes to an Acceptance- or Production environment. By doing this, you can already find issues in an earlier stage than in production.

Read on to see how they work, using Azure DevOps as the example. GitHub pull requests are very similar in nature.

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Thoughts on Software Development and Postgres

Ryan Lambert thinks about software development:

Question: Do you store your SQL code in GitHub (or other source control, e.g. GitLab)?

Yes! All mission critical SQL I am involved with is saved in a Git repo, either public or private depending on the project. The use of source control for mission critical code (SQL, Python, etc.) is non-negotiable. A good portion of my “not trivial” code is also stored in source control, with my trend leaning towards more code in source control. The trivial code isn’t worth the effort of putting it into source control or the bloat it creates in those projects.

Read on for more.

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Isolated Spark Testing with lakeFS

Adi Polak demonstrates lakeFS:

This tutorial demonstrates how to build a development and testing environment for validating your logic on a full-blown production data volume and variety, working with lakeFS and Spark. You will walk through the journey of creating a repository and building a Spark application while using lakeFS capabilities. You will learn how to data changes, revert them in cases of mistakes or other hiccups, and lately merge separate branches to reflect data changes from the isolated environments.

Not too long ago, I had a couple conversations with developers and data engineers about decentralized development and devs having their own environments and data. This seems like it would be a good approach to that common problem, and it works for Azure Synapse Analytics as well.

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Partial Database Projects

Olivier Van Steenlandt doesn’t get the whole cookie:

In this blog post, I will describe how you can get a database in source control partially. You might be wondering why you would do that. Well, let’s start by explaining the use case.

A couple of years ago, I was working for a company where a third-party vendor owned the OLTP system. At that point in time, we were not allowed to change any existing objects or create any new objects in the existing schemas. Though, we were required to be able to transfer the data from the OLTP system to the staging environment of our Data Warehouse. To do so, the third-party vendor created a schema in the database where we were allowed to create views and stored procedures to be able to get the data we needed.

Read on for an example of how this might work, as well as important database project settings you’ll want to change in that case.

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The Benefits of Stacking Pull Requests

Vivian Qu explains why stacking pull requests can make sense:

Becoming proficient in version control and change management is a necessary part of any software engineer’s job. However, I think that basic proficiency alone is not sufficient to be truly effective when working on complex production-ready software with a team of engineers. Stacking pull requests (PRs) is a key skill that should be learned early in a junior engineer’s career.

Stacking PRs is an advanced git technique that allows an engineer to break down one large change into a series of dependent changes that can be turned into smaller pull requests and reviewed separately.

Read on to learn more. It’s a skill I definitely don’t have, so time to add that to my to-learn list.

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Merging Database Project Changes

Olivier Van Steenlandt feeds changes into different branches:

When you start development, you create a feature branch, which is a living copy of your main branch where you apply changes during the development phase. As soon as you finalize your development, you want to get these changes to your development environment.

This process is called merging. During the merge process, 2 branches will be combined. At this point, we want our feature branch to be combined with the development branch.

Click through to learn how it all works.

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