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Category: Security

Protecting Hadoop Clusters From Malware

Michael Yoder and Suraj Acharya remind us that Hadoop clusters are made up of computers on a network, which means people will try to install malicious software:

Roughly two years ago there were a spate of attacks against the open source database solution MongoDB, as well as Hadoop. These attacks were ransomware: the attacker wiped or encrypted data and then demanded money to restore that data. Just like the recent attacks, the only Hadoop clusters affected were those that were directly connected to the internet and had no security features enabled. Cloudera published a blog post about this threat in January 2017. That blog post laid out how to ensure that your Hadoop cluster is not directly connected to the internet and encouraged the reader to enable  Cloudera’s security and governance features.

That blog post has renewed relevance today with the advent of XBash and DemonBot.

The origin story of XBash and DemonBot illustrates how security researchers view the Hadoop ecosystem and the lifecycle of a vulnerability. Back in 2016 at the conference in Luxembourg, two security researchers gave a talk entitled Hadoop Safari: Hunting for Vulnerabilities. They described Hadoop and its security model and then suggested some “attacks” against clusters that had no security features enabled. These attacks are akin to breaking in to a house while the front door is wide open.

Their advice is simple, but simple is good here:  it means you should be able to implement the advice without much trouble.

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Signing Certificates For Multi-Database Access

David Fowler shows you how to create a signed certificate which allows for cross-database access:

Recently Manish Kumar asked an interesting question, what do you do if your proc accesses multiple or even all the databases on the server?

So, instead of giving him a fuzzy answer in reply, I thought I’d write up exactly how you can deal with that sort of situation.

We’ve got two options and we’ll have a look at both of them (I’m not going to go into details about how signing procs works, please see the post mentioned earlier for a basic overview, here I’m going to look specifically at procs that access multiple databases).

Click through to see both solutions.

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Creating Firewall Rules With Azure Cloud Shell

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman shows how you can add a firewall rule for Azure SQL Database from the Azure Cloud Shell:

With my use of scripting and Azure Cloud Shell, I’m automating and building my environment, including SQL Database resources and then have a requirement to access and build the logical objects.  This means that I need a firewall rule build for the Azure Cloud Shell I’m working from.  The IP for this cloud shell is unique to the session I’m running at that moment.

The requirement to add this enhancement to my script is:

  1. Capture and read the IP Address for the Azure Cloud shell session.

  2. Populate the IP Address to a Firewall rule

  3. Log into the new SQL Server database that was created as part of the bash script and then execute SQL scripts.

Click through for instructions.

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Testing TDE Performance

Eduardo Pivaral tests the performance of a database with Transparent Data Encryption versus that same database without encryption:

Transparent data encryption (TDE) helps you to secure your data at rest, this means the data files and related backups are encrypted, securing your data in case your media is stolen.
This technology works by implementing real-time I/O encryption and decryption, so this implementation is transparent for your applications and users.

However, this type of implementation could lead to some performance degradation since more resources must be allocated in order to perform the encrypt/decrypt operations.

On this post we will compare how much longer take some of the most common DB operations, so in case you are planning to implement it on your database, you can have an idea on what to expect from different operations.

These results fit in reasonably well with what I’d heard, but it’s nice to have someone run the numbers.

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Security Improvements In Kafka And Confluent Platform

Vahid Fereydouny demonstrates a number of security improvements made to Apache Kafka 2.0 as well as Confluent Platform 5.0:

Over the past several quarters, we have made major security enhancements to Confluent Platform, which have helped many of you safeguard your business-critical applications. With the latest release, we increased the robustness of our security feature set to help with:

  • Using standard and central directory services like Active Directory (AD)/Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP)
  • Simplifying the management of access control lists (ACLs)
  • Proactive management and monitoring of security configurations to address the gaps as soon as possible

The following new security features are available in both Confluent Platform 5.0 and Apache Kafka 2.0:

  • Support for ACL-prefixed wildcards to simplify the management of access control
  • Kafka Connect password protection with support for externalizing secrets (to “secrets stores,” etc., like Hashicorp Vault)

The following security features are available only in Confluent Platform 5.0:

  • AD/LDAP group support
  • Feature access controls in Confluent Control Center
  • Viewing of broker configurations in Confluent Control Center, including differences in security configurations between brokers

Let’s walk through each of these enhancements in detail.

Read on for examples.

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Calculating Effective Rights For A SQL Server Principal

Louis Davidson gives us a procedure which provides effective rights for a principal:

In my blog Calculating a Security Principal’s Effective Rights. I built a view, named Utilty.EffectiveSecurity that you could query to fetch a security principal’s rights to objects in a database. In that blog I tested the code and showed how it works. Now I have taken this to the extreme and expanded the view to include all of the user’s security by finding all of their rights to all of the things that the get rights for.

The list of possible permissions you can fetch can be retrieved from:

This returns the following 26 types of things that can have permissions assigned and returned by the sys.fn_my_permissions function:

Read on for the code.

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Deploying An Azure Container Within A Virtual Network

Andrew Pruski shows us that you can now deploy an Azure container running SQL Server within an Azure virtual network:

Up until now Azure Container Instances only had one option to allow us to connect. That was assigning a public IP address that was directly exposed to the internet.

Not really great as exposing SQL Server on port 1433 to the internet is generally a bad idea: –

Now I know there’s a lot of debated about whether or not you should change the port that SQL is listening on to prevent this from happening. My personal opinion is, that if someone wants to get into your SQL instance, changing the port isn’t going to slow them down much. However, a port change will stop opportunistic hacks (such as the above).

But now we have another option. The ability to deploy a ACI within a virtual network in Azure! So let’s run through how to deploy.

Click through for those instructions.

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Checking AD Group Membership

Matthew McGiffen shows us a way to test if an account is a member of an Active Directory group:

As part of my job I manage a bunch of SQL instances for Development and Test.

Access is managed though Active Directory groups, so I rarely have to do anything regards managing permissions. Nonetheless I often get requests from people to give them access. This is usually for a new starter or someone who has moved from one team to another.

Of course, the answer is usually that they just need adding to the right AD group. Rather than assume though, I always get them to check before I pass the request on to the AD team. You never know, there could be something else wrong.

You can also use xp_logininfo if you want to go the other way and get all of the members of a particular group.

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Basic Linux For The SQL DBA

Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman continues her series on getting SQL Server DBAs ramped up on Linux:

Let’s begin with discussing WHY it’s not a good idea to be root on a Linux host unless absolutely necessary to perform a specific task. Ask any DBA for DB Owner or SA privileges, and you will most likely receive an absolute “No” for the response. DBAs need to have the same respect for the host their database runs on. Windows hosts have significantly hardened user security by introducing enhancements and unique application users to enforce similar standards at the enterprise server level, and Linux has always been this way. To be perfectly blunt, the Docker image with SQL Server running as root is a choice that shows lacking investigation to what privileges are REQUIRED to run, manage and support an enterprise database. This is not how we’d want to implement it for customer use.

Unlike a Windows OS, the Linux kernel is exposed to the OS layer. There isn’t a registry that requires a reboot or has a safety mechanism to refuse deletion or write to files secured by the registry or library files. Linux ASSUMED if you are root or if you have permissions to a file/directory, you KNOW what you’re doing. Due to this, it’s even more important to have the least amount of privileges to perform any task required.

Proper deployment would have a unique MSSQL Linux login owning the SQL Server installation and a DBAGroup as the group vs. the current configuration of ROOT:ROOT owning everything. With all the enhancements to security, this is one area that as DBAs, we should request to have adhered to. Our databases should run as a unique user owning the bin files and database processes.

Much of this post is walking us through some basics of security, but it also includes helpful built-in commands unrelated to security, like df to view free disk space.

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Always Encrypted With Secure Enclaves In SQL Server 2019

Jakub Szymaszek walks us through Virtualization Based Security memory enclaves in Windows Server 2019 and SQL Server 2019:

Today, we are super excited to announce that you can now try and evaluate Always Encrypted with secure enclaves in the preview of SQL Server 2019.

Always Encrypted with secure enclaves in SQL Server 2019 preview uses an enclave technology called Virtualization Based Security (VBS) memory enclaves in the upcoming version of Windows (Windows Server 2019 and Windows 10, version 1809), which is currently also in preview. A VBS enclave is an isolated region of memory within the address space of a user-mode process. The isolation of VBS enclaves is provided by the Windows hypervisor, which makes VBS enclaves appear as black boxes, not only to the processes containing them, but also all other processes and the Windows OS on the machine. Even machine administrators are not able to see the memory of the enclave. The below screenshot shows what an admin would get to see when browsing the enclave memory using a debugger (note the question marks, as opposed to the actual memory content).

The compliance regime is shifting toward preventing high-privilege users (DBAs, sysadmins, etc.) from accidentally or maliciously exposing sensitive information, so it makes sense that this is the primary security push.  I think that these changes are starting to make Always Encrypted a better option than a roll-your-own data encryption model.

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