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Category: Security

Module Signing For Database Rights

Solomon Rutzky shows how to use module signing to grant granular permissions to users:

Scenario: We want to allow one or more Users and/or Database Roles to be able to truncate certain Tables, but not all Tables. We certainly do not want to allow anyone the ability to make structural changes to the Table.

Also, it is likely that, over time, at least one more Tables will be added that the User(s) and/or Role(s) should be able to truncate, and less likely, though not impossible, that one or more tables that they should be able to truncate now might be removed.

Truncation is a great example of the kind of right you’d want behind a signed stored procedure, as the level of right necessary to truncate a table is absurd:  practically full control of the table.  Module signing is something that I wish more DBAs knew and implemented.

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Kerberos And SQLCMD

Kenneth Fisher notes a behavior change for SQLCMD with SQL Server 2014 and later:

This error is seen when using a Windows Authenticated id and NTLM or an untrusted Kerberos connection. From what I understand, with Kerberos the client (SQL in this case) gets a ticket containing your credentials, it can then pass this ticket on to other servers that trust it to have authenticated you to be sure you are who you say you are. Note the mention of trust. This means that even if you are using Kerberos if the two servers aren’t in a trusted relationship then you will still see the error. And NTLM doesn’t have the option to do this at all (again, not sure why).

At this point it’s important to note that this is not a SQL Server error. You will see this error in other places where you bounce across multiple machines and aren’t using Kerberos with a trusted relationship. I’ve seen it when trying to access files before (it was a weird situation admittedly).

Read on to learn about the ramifications of this behavioral change and how you can prevent double-hop problems when running newer versions of SQLCMD.

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Securing KSQL

Yeva Byzek shows the methods available to secure a Kafka Streams application:

To connect to a secured Kafka cluster, Kafka client applications need to provide their security credentials. In the same way, we configure KSQL such that the KSQL servers are authenticated and authorized, and data communication is encrypted when communicating with the Kafka cluster. We can configure KSQL for:

Read the whole thing if you’re thinking about using Kafka Streams.

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Data Discovery And Classification In SQL Server

Gilad Mittelman explains how the SQL Information Protection (aka Data Discovery and Classification) process works in SQL Server and Azure SQL Database:

SQL Information Protection (SQL IP) introduces a set of advanced services and new SQL capabilities, forming a new information protection paradigm in SQL aimed at protecting the data, not just the database:

  • Discovery & recommendations – The classification engine scans your database and identifies columns containing potentially sensitive data. It then provides you an easy way to review and apply the appropriate classification recommendations via the Azure portal.

  • Labeling – Sensitivity classification labels can be persistently tagged on columns using new classification metadata attributes introduced into the SQL Engine. This metadata can then be utilized for advanced sensitivity-based auditing and protection scenarios.

  • Monitoring/Auditing – Sensitivity of the query result set is calculated in real time and used for auditing access to sensitive data (currently in Azure SQL DB only).

  • Visibility – The database classification state can be viewed in a detailed dashboard in the portal. Additionally, you can download a report (in Excel format) to be used for compliance & auditing purposes, as well as other needs.

Check it out, especially with GDPR breathing down our necks.

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Using Group-Managed Service Accounts With SQL Server

Wayne Sheffield has a post on using gMSA with SQL Server:

A gMSA is a sMSA [standalone managed service account] that can be used across multiple devices, and where the Active Directory (AD) controls the password. PowerShell is used to configure a gMSA on the AD. The specific computers that it is allowed to be used on is configured using some more PowerShell commands. The AD will automatically update the password for the gMSA at the specified interval – without requiring a restart of the service! Because the AD automatically manages the password, nobody knows what the password is.

Not all services support a gMSA – but SQL Server does. During a SQL Server installation you can specify the gMSA account. The SQL Server Configuration Manager (SSCM) tool can be used to change an existing SQL Server instance to use a gMSA. After entering the gMSA account you simply do not enter a password. The server automatically retrieves the password from the AD.

This is a nice way of improving service account security in a scenario where, for example, you can’t or don’t want to use virtual service accounts.

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Pushing SSH User Keys With Powershell

Anthony Nocentino shows how to use Powershell to distribute SSH keys to remote machines:

Folks in the Linux world are used to moving SSH keys to and from systems enabling password-less authentication using SSH user keys. Let’s take a minute to look at what it takes to use PowerShell to distribute SSH user keys to remote systems.

In the OpenSSH package there’s a command ssh-copy-id which is a bash script that copies a user’s public key to a remote systems. There’s a little intelligence in the script to set things up properly on the remote system for password-less key based authentication. If the appropriate directory and key file aren’t set up, ssh-copy-idwill create the directory and key file with the correct permissions on remote system. As far as I can tell, ssh-copy-id has not been implemented in the Win32-OpenSSH port. So that leaves us with implementing this functionality ourselves, in PowerShell.

Read on to see how he does it.

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Module Signing In Practice

Solomon Rutzky shows how you can use certificate-based module signing to grant users fine-grained permissions:

-- 1) Create the Certificate:
CREATE CERTIFICATE [Permission$ViewServerState] ENCRYPTION BY PASSWORD = 'UseBetterPassword!' WITH SUBJECT = 'VIEW SERVER STATE permission', EXPIRY_DATE = '2099-12-31';
The password is used to protect only the Private Key, not the Public
Key or the Certificate in general.
The default expiration date is 1 year from the date the Certificate is
created. However, in many situations, such as with Module Signing, the
expiration date is actually ignored. Still, I prefer to set the
expiration date to 2099.

The DBA handling this server in the year 2100 is going to be really upset.  Certificate signing works wonders in conjunction with stored procedures, as you can grant procedures all kinds of rights needed for your application but users cannot run ad hoc queries expecting those same rights.

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Active Directory Management With Powershell

Jana Sattainathan walks us through a few AD management scenarios using the Powershell Active Directory module:

If you are an AD admin, you are very likely a pro at managing AD group membership but for mere mortals, this can be a tedious task. Please read on to find out what I am talking about and how to address that easily

For example, you get an urgent request to

  • Move a bunch of users from one AD group to another

  • To make matters worse, you are not given any ID’s but rather just the names!

Jana shows how to whip up a script to perform this migration in a few lines of code, as well as several other scenarios.

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Meltdown Performance Effects On Cassandra

The folks at Instaclustr have done some analysis on how Meltdown has affected Cassandra performance on AWS:

In our Security Advisory published 8 January, we advised of up to 20% increase in CPU utilization and small increase in latency across managed clusters in AWS and GCP following the rollout of the patches to the cloud provider hypervisors. We have since observed a reversal of this impact in the weeks following the initial announcements. That is, these effects disappeared when further AWS and GCP patches were rolled out by the cloud providers.

We assessed the risk of the vulnerabilities to our environment as Low. Our clusters run as single tenant and customer access is limited to the application layer.  If a user were able to exploit either of the vulnerabilities they could only gain access to their own information.

In short, they saw a change early on, but subsequent patching has removed that performance degradation.  Read the whole thing for more details.

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Data Masking Prior To SQL Server 2016

Daniel Hutmacher shows how to roll your own data masking with SQL Server:

Dynamic data masking is a neat new feature in recent SQL Server versions that allows you to protect sensitive information from non-privileged users by masking it. But using a brute-force guessing attack, even a non-privileged user can guess the contents of a masked column. And if you’re on SQL Server 2014 or earlier, you won’t have the option of using data masking at all.

Read on to see how you can bypass dynamic data masking, and for an alternative approach that uses SQL Server column-level security instead.

Click through for the demo.

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