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Category: Security

Breaking Changes in Azure Data Explorer

Gabi Lehner announces a change:

The current_principal_is_member_of() function checks if the principal who runs the query is a member in any of the users, apps or groups provided as arguments.

Up until now, it was allowed to specify the AAD group details in multiple forms, including the display name of the AAD group, without specifying the tenant id or name, for example current_principal_is_member_of(“mygroup”).

I have to say, that’s a pretty big security flaw.

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Cross-Subscription Key Vault Access

Andrew Coughlin sets up secure Key Vault access:

Let’s first discuss the setup of what we will be discussing in this blog post.  I will have two subscriptions assigned to the same Azure AD Tenant.   Within each Azure subscription I will have a resource group in each.  I will create the Azure Key Vault in one subscription / resource group and then I will create a virtual machine in the other subscription / resource group.  This is just for example purposes; I could utilize other azure services that can use managed identities.   I could also create a service principal for my application to use to get keys or secrets.

In this example we would be using private endpoints.  Are you looking for how to do this with public endpoints?  Check out my recent post on how to do that here .

When in doubt, private endpoints are the right choice. They’re probably the right choice when not in doubt as well.

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Errors Sending Subscription E-mails in SSRS

Garry Bargsley sorts out an e-mail problem:

Recently, I was tasked with creating an email subscription to a new SSRS report in an environment that I was not familiar with.  I have created my fair share of subscriptions in my day, and this one was very straightforward.

I found the report, clicked on Manage, and went to the Subscription page.  Clicked on New Subscription and filled in all the information, easy peasy.

The subscription is ready to go when the schedule kicks in the next day, or so I thought.

Turns out that wasn’t quite the case. Read on to see what happened and how Garry fixed the problem.

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Data Sharing and Secure Cleanrooms in Databricks

Craig Porteous reviews a couple of announcements from Data + AI Summit:

Having worked with many organisations across different industries and sectors, the sharing of data with partners and vendors is always a pain point and one that all too often results in both parties not quite getting what they want or need. This isn’t restricted to my experience however which is why Databricks announced Delta Sharing back at DATA + AI Summit 2021.

Coming to this year’s conference, Delta Sharing has been established as the foundation for many new features with the announcement Databricks Marketplace and Cleanrooms for example, both built upon the Delta Sharing protocol. We’ll explore Cleanrooms below and I’ll look at the Databricks Marketplace in it’s own post.

Read on for Craig’s thoughts on two of the bigger announcements at this year’s summit.

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Giving Managers Access to Servers

Tracy Boggiano opens a can of worms:

So, what to rant about?  Should your managers have access to your SQL Server instances? It depends.  You say on what.  Well, just one thing.  What type of manager do you have?

Read on for Tracy’s thoughts on the matter. Speaking as a manager, I tend to agree. If you don’t know what you’re doing, better not to have the ability to mess things up. I can think of oddball scenarios where you might still want the manager to have (at least theoretical) access to a system, primarily as a backstop in case the line staff get locked out or someone gets hit by the lottery bus and you suddenly need to bring in a new employee. That’s more of “break glass in case of emergency” access, though.

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SQL Login of the Week Club

Mala Mahadevan recounts a horror story:

Its been a few years since I left consulting. But the last gig I was at – we encountered something like this. We had a big client who had outsourced all their database development and manual update work (no not to us, to some third-party contracting company). These were contractors paid by the hour, and the turnover was really high. Our client did not want to issue windows based authenticated logins to these people for some reason (do not recall what). So every week, when the week started, the contractor working on a particular server would get a SQL Server authenticated login they could use. This was valid just for that week and would expire the next week. And, every weekend , it was our job, as the remote DBA company, to set up those logins.

But wait, it gets worse.

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Comparing Column-Level Encryption to Always Encrypted

Tom Collins compares and contrasts:

A common question from developers & data owners  is what benefits does Always Encrypted offer over column level encryption  aka cell level encryption?    First thing to understand is what are the basic differences between the two methods – Column-level encryption vs Always encrypted

For as much as I appreciate Always Encrypted, it seems I use column-level encryption about an order of magnitude more often.

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Finding and Documenting SQL Server Instances

Tracy Boggiano continues a series on things to do at a new job as a DBA:

In my previous post, I expounded on my first 30 days I had at four jobs in the last four years. and how to setup your jobs box. I commented and got quoted on the fact that if it’s documented I don’t support it. So, these are methods of getting things documented, some including just having to have meetings, others running code.

One I believe in having a Central Management Server (CMS) where you can register your servers. Put them in as many groups as you desire but have core group such as Dev, Test, QA, UAT, Prod, Prod Sec, etc. The rest could be by application name if needed. I always have a set of names that are for the DBAs to use to do our work, other teams can have theirs for their work, i.e., deploying code.

If you aren’t using dbatools yet you should be. While not every shop can use to manage everything it is works every well for most tasks and that includes scanning the network for SQL Instances. Because unless you could into a well oiled machine there will be instances they don’t know about and one day someone will come knocking asking to fix it. Warn your security team before you run this.

Read on for examples of how you can find instances (assuming the security team is okay with it!), some of the information you’d want to document, and more. I would also recommend the most recent episode of the SQL Data Partners podcast, in which we talk to Jen and Sean McCown about documenting and managing your SQL Server inventory.

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Object-Level Security in Power BI and Analysis Services

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari take advantage of object-level security:

To be more technical, object-level security can be applied to tables and columns, but it cannot be applied to measures directly. If a measure – whether in a direct or indirect way – references a column or a table that is not accessible under the current security context, the measure becomes invisible as well. This way, it is guaranteed that if a column must be invisible to a group of users, its content cannot be inferred by looking at the result of measures based on said column.

Concretely, there may be cases where a measure should be hidden from a group of users without removing the visibility of existing data structures. Let us look at a simple example first. We define the Sales Amount measure as the product of Sales[Quantity] by Sales[Price]. You also have a Discounted Sales measure that applies a set discount Sales Amount; now how can you hide Discounted Sales from a group of users without hiding the initial Sales Amount measure? By hiding either Sales[Quantity] or Sales[Price], you would hide both measures. Because the discount is set inside the Discounted Sales measure and not stored in the model, it looks as though you cannot hide just the measure. However, it we create a dependency in Discounted Sales on an empty hidden table specifically created to generate that dependency, we can hide Discounted Sales by hiding that table.

Read on to see how.

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