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Category: Security

Inferring Data from Its Absence

John Cook lays out an important insight:

One of the Safe Harbor provisions under HIPAA is that data may not contain sparsely populated three-digit zip codes. Sometimes databases will replace sparse zip codes with nulls. But if the same database reports a person’s state, and the state only has one sparse zip code, then the data effectively lists all zip codes. Here the suppressed zip code is conspicuous by its absence. The null value itself didn’t reveal the zip code, nor did the state, but the combination did.

Read the whole thing. This also leads to a swath of security attacks based around unions of information in which each query may data only when X number of people are in it (to prevent us narrowing down to one person) but based on some information I know about the person, I can write a combination of queries to elicit more info about that person. As an example, if I know that a person is left-handed (1/9 of the population), has red hair (around 2% of people), etc., I can find ways to combine these traits to make sure no individual query returns fewer than X results but I can have reasonably high confidence that I can get the individual with enough queries.

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Server Roles in Azure SQL DB and SQL Server 2022

Andreas Wolter has some new server roles for us to use:

The new server-roles that can be assigned to server logins to enable customers to assign and delegate job functions for server-wide metadata access and access to certain management commands without requiring Server Admin or AAD Admin privileges. This helps comply with the Principle of Least Privilege and implement role separation (sometimes also interchangeably referred to as Separation of Duties).

There are seven such roles for SQL Server 2022, though we saw three of them already in Azure SQL DB. Andreas takes us through the four new roles in detail.

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Allowing for Cross-Database Access via Module Signing

Tom Zika enables cross-database access:

I’ve recently had to revisit this topic and spent a lot of time recalling the details. So I’m writing this blog post mainly as a reminder for myself.

The most helpful part will be the diagram detailing all the components and their relation and a comprehensive example anyone can follow.

I’m not going to cover Module Signing in general (I’ll leave that to Solomon Rutzky).
Nor will I cover other ways to achieve Cross DB access (like Cross DB Ownership chaining) because this is superior from the security standpoint.

Click through to see a good way of providing access to cross-database resources without explicitly granting rights to users.

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Object-Level Security in Power BI

Chris Webb checks out Object-Level Security:

If you have sensitive data in your Power BI dataset you may need to stop some users seeing the data in certain columns or measures. There is only one way to achieve this: you have to use Object Level Security (OLS) in your dataset. It’s not enough to exclude those measures or columns from your reports or to hide them, because there will always be ways for enterprising users to see data they shouldn’t be allowed to see. However the problem with OLS up to now is that it didn’t play nicely with Power BI reports and so you had to create multiple versions of the same report for different security roles. The good news is that there’s now a way to create one report connected to a dataset with OLS and have it display different columns and measures to users with different permissions.

And then watch as Chris combines Row-Level Security with Object-Level Security to make it nicer for users but probably a mess for maintainers.

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Troubleshooting Firewall Issues with Azure SQL MI

Emanuele Meazzo sees a problem pop up regularly:

Here is something that will save you lots of time and headaches when trying to connect to Azure SQL Managed Instances, especially from onprem servers or from other clouds; I had to repeat this multiple times to multiple actors, so I know it will happen to someone else too.

In most cases, “Connect Timeout” and/or “Cannot open server xxx requested by the login; Login failed” errors are caused by the firewall configuration and a lack of understanding the SQLMI networking model, let me explain:

Read on for that explanation.

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MySQL Security

Lukas Vileikis starts a series on security in MySQL:

Security is a critical part of any infrastructure – it’s even more so in the database world, where one step in the wrong direction can be the cause of system disruptions and downtime, customer dissatisfaction, and in the worst-case scenario – deaths.

As MySQL is one of the primary relational database management systems being used in the world today, it’s critical to understand how to go about properly the database infrastructure to keep data breaches away from the organization’s websites or, if they’ve happened already, to become a thing of the past.

The first article covers some of the basics of security in MySQL. The second promises to have more.

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Azure Resource Locks

Craig Porteous explains the benefit (and pain) behind resource locks in Azure:

In theory, these are perfect for preventing accidental (or deliberate) deletion of resources in Azure. They don’t prevent the deletion of data though, only operating at the “control plane” of a resource. That still sounds great though. Turn them on everywhere! That’s another layer of security in your cloud data platform. Right?

Yeah, here’s where the pain comes in. I tried using resource group locks but there are some resources which use delete capabilities, such as Azure Media Service. A delete lock means no ability to delete uploaded videos.

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Protecting ML Models and IP

Pete Warden has some advice:

Over the last decade I’ve helped hundreds of product teams ship ML-based products, inside and outside of Google, and one of the most frequent questions I got was “How do I protect my models?”. This usually came from executives, and digging deeper it became clear they were most worried about competitors gaining an advantage from what we released. This worry is completely understandable, because modern machine learning has become essential for many applications so quickly that best practices haven’t had time to settle and spread. The answers are complex and depend to some extent on your exact threat models, but if you want a summary of the advice I usually give it boils down to:

– Treat your training data like you do your traditional source code.

-Treat your model files like compiled executables.

Read on to see why Pete came to this as the appropriate answer, as well as what I have to consider a sly mention of duck boat tours.

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Thoughts on Code Obfuscation

Joy George Kunjikkur reminds us of worse times:

Long long ago I was given the special task of hiding code. Hiding code..what? Yes, we have to deliver code in such a way nobody should be able to reverse engineer.

I’ve run into problems around this in modern code as well. For example, using client-side React means that you aren’t going to be able to hide secrets like credentials, connection strings, etc. in a way that users absolutely won’t be able to see them. In the SQL Server world, some companies use encrypted stored procedures, which is a joke considering that you also need to ship the keys to decrypt those procedures, meaning that an enterprising user can get around your obfuscation attempt in moments.

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