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Category: R

Partitioning Data For Performance Improvement In R

John Mount shares a few examples of partitioning and parallelizing data operations in R:

In this note we will show how to speed up work in R by partitioning data and process-level parallelization. We will show the technique with three different R packages: rqdatatabledata.table, and dplyr. The methods shown will also work with base-R and other packages.

For each of the above packages we speed up work by using wrapr::execute_parallel which in turn uses wrapr::partition_tables to partition un-related data.frame rows and then distributes them to different processors to be executed. rqdatatable::ex_data_table_parallelconveniently bundles all of these steps together when working with rquery pipelines.

There were some interesting results.  I expected data.table to be fast, but did not expect dplyr to parallelize so well.

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Sharing R Notebooks

Hanyu Cui and Hossein Falaki show how to share a notebook using RMarkdown:

RMarkdown is the dynamic document format RStudio uses. It is normal Markdown plus embedded R (or any other language) code that can be executed to produce outputs, including tables and charts, within the document. Hence, after changing your R code, you can just rerun all code in the RMarkdown file rather than redo the whole run-copy-paste cycle. And an RMarkdown file can be directly exported into multiple formats, including HTML, PDF,  and Word.

Click through for the demo.

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Pipe-Friendly Functions In R

William Doane gives some tips on writing pipe-friendly functions in R:

Languages that don’t begin by supporting pipes often eventually implement some version of them. In R, the magrittr package introduced the %>% infix operator as a pipe operator and is most often pronounced as “then”. For example, “take the mtcarsdata.frame, THEN take the head of it, THEN…” and so on.

For a function to be pipe friendly, it should at least take a data object (often named .data) as its first argument and return an object of the same type—possibly even the same, unaltered object. This contract ensures that your pipe-friendly function can exist in the middle of a piped workflow, accepting the input from its left-hand side and passing along output to its right-hand side.

Click through for a couple of examples.  H/T R-Bloggers

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Grouping And Aggregating In SQL, R, And Python

Dejan Sarka has a few examples of aggregation in different languages, including SQL, R, and Python:

The query calculates the coefficient of variation (defined as the standard deviation divided the mean) for the following groups, in the order as they are listed in the GROUPING SETS clause:

  • Country and education – expression (g.EnglishCountryRegionName, c.EnglishEducation)
  • Country only – expression (g.EnglishCountryRegionName)
  • Education only – expression (c.EnglishEducation)
  • Over all dataset- expression ()

Note also the usage of the GROUPING() function in the query. This function tells you whether the NULL in a cell comes because there were NULLs in the source data and this means a group NULL, or there is a NULL in the cell because this is a hyper aggregate. For example, NULL in the Education column where the value of the GROUPING(Education) equals to 1 indicates that this is aggregated in such a way that education makes no sense in the context, for example aggregated over countries only, or over the whole dataset. I used ordering by NEWID() just to shuffle the results. I executed query multiple times before I got the desired order where all possibilities for the GROUPING() function output were included in the first few rows of the result set. Here is the result.

GROUPING SETS is an underappreciated bit of SQL syntax.

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Reading JSON Data Using httr

Akshay Mahale shows us how to use a few tidyverse-friendly packages to read JSON data from web endpoints:

When it comes to R to consume such APIS we focus majorly on the package below:

  • httr This package takes it very seriously when we have to work with We data by exposing some very useful functions. It provides us with HTTP client to access APIS with GET/POST methods, passing query parameters, verifying fetched response wrt to data format and if error-free.

  • jsonlite In order to convert received JSON response to readable R Object or a data frame, jsonlite helps to convert json to R object and vice versa.

  • rlist To perform some additional manipulation on data structure of received JSON response rlist exposes some important methods and list.stack. This methods are useful to get parsed json data into a tibble.

Read on for an example extracting data from a web endpoint.

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Dealing With Heteroskedasticity

Bruno Rodrigues explains the notion of heteroskedasticity and shows ways of dealing with this issue in a linear regression:

This test shows that we can reject the null that the variance of the residuals is constant, thus heteroskedacity is present. To get the correct standard errors, we can use the vcovHC() function from the {sandwich} package (hence the choice for the header picture of this post):

lmfit %>% 
    vcovHC() %>% 
    diag() %>% 
##       (Intercept)   regionnortheast       regionsouth        regionwest 
##      311.31088691       25.30778221       23.56106307       24.12258706 
##         residents   young_residents per_capita_income 
##        0.09184368        0.68829667        0.02999882

By default vcovHC() estimates a heteroskedasticity consistent (HC) variance covariance matrix for the parameters. There are several ways to estimate such a HC matrix, and by default vcovHC() estimates the “HC3” one. You can refer to Zeileis (2004) for more details.

We see that the standard errors are much larger than before! The intercept and regionwest variables are not statistically significant anymore.

The biggest problem with heteroskedasticity is that it can introduce bias in error terms.  That’s not the end of the world, but if the level of heteroskedasticity is serious enough, we want to find ways to account for it.  H/T R-Bloggers.

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Building A Gantt Chart With ggplot2

Sebastian Sauer shows us how to build a gantt chart in R:

Of importance are only TaskPrevious_Evnet and Duration. In addition, we need an overall start date (“2019-03-01” in this case). Each subsequent task is assumed to follow neatly its predecessing event.

Our job is to compute the start date and end date of task given that we know the initial start date and the durations. As said, this procedure is based on the assumption that there is a frictionless and gapless sequence of tasks.

Read on for a code-heavy example.  I’ve always had a soft spot in my heart for gantt charts.

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RStudio Integration With Databricks

Brian Dirking, et al, announce support between RStudio and the Databricks platform:

With Databricks RStudio Integration, both popular R packages for interacting with Apache Spark, SparkR or sparklyr can be used the inside the RStudio IDE on Databricks. When multiple users use a cluster, each creates a separate SparkR Context or sparklyr connection, but they are all talking to a single Databricks managed Spark application allowing unique opportunities for collaboration between users. Together, RStudio can take advantage of Databricks’ cluster management and Apache Spark to perform such as a massive model selection as noted in the figure below.

I like seeing this level of integration, especially from a language like R, which has historically been limited to operating on a single machine’s memory.

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Gathering Punctuation With tidytext

Julia Silge uses the tidytext package to compare works of literature in terms of punctuation usage:

Commas are the PUNCTUATION WINNER, except in Anne of Green Gables and Ulysses, where periods win out. These two novels are dramatically different from each other in other ways, though, and Ulysses is an outlier overall with almost no spoken dialogue via quotation marks and an unusual use of colons to semicolons. Exclamation marks are used relatively more in Wuthering Heights and Alice in Wonderland!

Exploring text in these kinds of ways is so fun, and tools for this type of text mining are developing so fast. You can incorporate information like this into modeling or statistical analysis; Mike Kearney has a package called textfeatures that lets you directly extract info such as the number of commas or number of exclamation marks from text. Let me know if you have any questions!

Yet more proof that Ulysses was an awful book.

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