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Category: R

Could Not Find Function rxSqlUpdateLibPaths

I ran into an error after installing SQL Server 2017:

After installation completed, the DBA enabled SQL Server 2017 Machine Learning Services, but as soon as I tried to run a simple R script, it stalled for about 30 seconds and then I got an error:

Msg 39012, Level 16, State 1, Line 0
Unable to communicate with the runtime for ‘R’ script. Please check the requirements of ‘R’ runtime.
STDERR message(s) from external script:
Error: could not find function “rxSqlUpdateLibPaths”
Execution halted

Click through for the solution.

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Making a Shiny Dashboard

Anish Sing Walia walks us through creating a dashboard using Shiny:

Shiny is an amazing R package which lets the R developers and users build amazing web apps using R itself. It lets the R users analyze, visualize and deploy their machine learning models directly in the form of the web app. This package lets you host standalone apps on a webpage or embed them in R markdown documents or build dashboards and various forecasting applications. You can also extend your Shiny apps with CSS themes, htmlwidgets, and JavaScript actions. Shiny lets us write client-side front-end code in R itself and also lets users write server-side script in R itself. More details on this package can be found here.

I recently learned Shiny and started developing a web application using it.And since then I have been in love with it and have been using it in each and every data science and analytics project. The syntax is super easy to understand and there are lots of amazing articles and documentation available for you to learn it and use it. I personally had a background of developing full-stack web applications using HTML, CSS and javascript and other JS based scripting languages so I found the syntax easy.

I keep meaning to learn Shiny and someday I will, just to prove to my intern that she’s not the only one here who can…

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Kaggle Data Science Report For 2017

Mark McDonald rounds up a few notebooks covering a recent Kaggle survey:

In 2017 we conducted our first ever extra-large, industry-wide survey to captured the state of data science and machine learning.

As the data science field booms, so has our community. In 2017 we hit a new milestone of reaching over 1M registered data scientists from almost every country in the world. Representing many different backgrounds, skill levels, and professions, we were excited to ask our community a wide range of questions about themselves, their skills, and their path to data science. We asked them everything from “what’s your yearly salary?” to “what’s your favorite data science podcasts?” to “what barriers are faced at work?”, letting us piece together key insights about the people and the trends behind the machine learning models.

Without further ado, we’d love to share everything with you. Over 16,000 responses surveys were submitted, with over 6 full months of aggregated time spent completing it (an average response time of more than 16 minutes).

Click through for a few reports.  Something interesting to me is that the top languages/tools were, in order, Python, R, and SQL.  For the particular market niche that Kaggle competitions fit, that makes a lot of sense:  I tend to like R more for data exploration and data cleansing, but much of that work is already done by the time you get the dataset.

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ggplot2 Basics

Bharani Akella has an introduction to ggplot2:

Plot10: Scatter-plot

ggplot(data = mtcars,aes(x=mpg,y=hp,col=factor(cyl)))+geom_point()
  • mpg(miles/galloon) is assigned to the x-axis

  • hp(Horsepower) is assigned to the y-axis

  • factor(cyl) {Number of cylinders} determines the color

  • The geometry used is scatter plot. We can create a scatter plot by using the geom_point() function.

He has a number of similar examples showing several variations on bar, line, and scatterplot charts.

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Data Set Robustness

Tomaz Kastrun shows how robust the iris data set is:

Conclusion, IRIS dataset is – due to the nature of the measurments and observations – robust and rigid; one can get very good accuracy results on a small training set. Everything beyond 30% for training the model, is for this particular case, just additional overload.

The general concept here is, how small can you arbitrarily slice the data and still come up with the same result as the overall data set?  Or, phrased differently, how much data do you need to collect before predictions stabilize?  Read on to see how Tomaz solves the problem.

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The Correct Way To Load Libraries In R

Gerald Belton opens a can of worms:

When I was an R newbie, I was taught to load packages by using the command library(package). In my Linear Models class, the instructor likes to use require(package). This made me wonder, are the commands interchangeable? What’s the difference, and which command should I use?

Interchangeable commands . . .

The way most users will use these commands, most of the time, they are actually interchangeable. That is, if you are loading a library that has already been installed, and you are using the command outside of a function definition, then it makes no difference if you use “require” or “library.” They do the same thing.

… Well, almost interchangeable

Read on to understand the differences between the two.  I end up doing something very similar to his code snippet for exactly the reason he describes.  H/T R-Bloggers

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More R Services Internals Spelunking

Niels Berglund continues his series on R Services internals:

What happens is that straight after the AuthenticateConnection you will hit the WriteAsync breakpoint twice, the same way as we see in Code Snippet 4. The first hit at WriteAsync sort of makes sense, as it ties up with the call-stack we see in Code Snippet 5. But what about the second WriteAsync (the one that causes the second package to be sent), where does that come from? To try to figure that out, we start with the call-stack for that particular WriteAsync.

Execute the code in Code Snippet 1 again, and continue to the second WriteAsync. When you hit the breakpoint do a kc again. The call-stack should now look somewhat like this (this time it is the full call-stack):

It’s interesting the kind of stuff you can find with Wireshark and a debugger.

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Using Service Broker To Queue Up External Script Calls

Arvind Shyamsundar shows how to use Service Broker to run external R or Python scripts based on new data coming into a transactional system:

Here, we will show you how you can use the asynchronous execution mechanism offered by SQL Server Service Broker to ‘queue’ up data inside SQL Server which can then be asynchronously passed to a Python script, and the results of that Python script then stored back into SQL Server.

This is effectively similar to the external message queue pattern but has some key advantages:

  • The solution is integrated within the data store, leading to fewer moving parts and lower complexity
  • Because the solution is in-database, we don’t need to make copies of the data. We just need to know what data has to be processed (effectively a ‘pointer to the data’ is what we need).

Service Broker also offers options to govern the number of readers of the queue, thereby ensuring predictable throughput without affecting core database operations.

There are several interconnected parts here, and Arvind walks through the entire scenario.

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Reasons For Using Docker With R

Jeroen Ooms gives us a few reasons why we might want to containerize our R-based products:

The flagship of the OpenCPU system is the OpenCPU server: a mature and powerful Linux stack for embedding R in systems and applications. Because OpenCPU is completely open source we can build and ship on DockerHub. A ready-to-go linux server with both OpenCPU and RStudio can be started using the following (use port 8004 or 80):

docker run -t -p 8004:8004 opencpu/rstudio

Now simply open http://localhost:8004/ocpu/ and http://localhost:8004/rstudio/ in your browser! Login via rstudio with user: opencpu (passwd: opencpu) to build or install apps. See the readme for more info.

This is in the context of one particular product, but the reasons fit other scenarios too.  H/T R-Bloggers

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Linear Discriminant Analysis

Jake Hoare explains Linear Discriminant Analysis:

Linear Discriminant Analysis takes a data set of cases (also known as observations) as input. For each case, you need to have a categorical variable to define the class and several predictor variables (which are numeric). We often visualize this input data as a matrix, such as shown below, with each case being a row and each variable a column. In this example, the categorical variable is called “class” and the predictive variables (which are numeric) are the other columns.

Following this is a clear example of how to use LDA.  This post is also the second time this week somebody has suggested The Elements of Statistical Learning, so I probably should make time to look at the book.

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