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Category: R

Avoding Direct View() Calls In R

John Mount notes that you should not assume that the View() function in R will work:

R tip: get out of the habit of calling View() directly.

View() only works correctly in interactive environments, not currently in RMarkdown contexts. It is better to call something else that safely dispatches to View(), or to something else depending if you are in an interactive or non-interactive session.

Click through for a script which is safe to run whether you’re in R Studio or using knitr to build a document.

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Executing R Scripts In SSRS

Tomaz Kastrun shows how to include R scripts (and visuals) in SQL Server Reporting Services:

Using the privileges of R language to enrich your data, your statistical analysis or visualization is a simple task to get more out of your reports.

The best practice to embed R code into SSRS report is to create stored procedure and output the results to report. To demonstrate this, we will create two reports; one that will take two input parameters and the second one to demonstrate the usage of R visualization.

It’s nice to be able to use R to create nice visuals and then import them in your SSRS report, and Tomaz shows how.

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Investigating London Crime Data

Carl Goodwin digs into London crime data by borough and sees if he can predict crime rates:

Optimal predictions sit close to, or on, the dashed line in the graphic below, i.e. where the prediction for each observation equals the actual. The Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE) measures the average differences, so should be as small as possible. And R-squared measures the correlation between prediction and actual, where 0 reflects no correlation, and 1 perfect positive correlation.

Our supervised machine learning outcomes from the CART and GLMmodels have weaker RMSEs, and visually exhibit some dispersion in the predictions at higher counts. Stochastic Gradient Boosting, Cubist and Random Forest have handled the higher counts better as we see from the visually tighter clustering.

It was Random Forest that produced marginally the smallest prediction error. And it was a parameter unique to the Random Forest model which almost tripped me up as discussed in the supporting documentation.

Also be sure to read his notebook to get the full story.  H/T R-Bloggers

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Using drop = FALSE On Data Frames

John Mount explains why you might want to add drop = FALSE to your data.frame operations:

We were merely trying to re-order the rows and the result was converted to a vector. This happened because the rules for [ , ] change if there is only one result column. This happens even if the there had been only one input column. Another example is: d[,] is also vector in this case.

The issue is: if we are writing re-usable code we are often programming before we know complete contents of a variable or argument. For a data.frame named “g” supplied as an argument: g[vec, ] can be a data.frame or a vector (or even possibly a list). However we do know if g is a data.frame then g[vec, , drop = FALSE] is also a data.frame(assuming vec is a vector of valid row indices or a logical vector, note: NA induces some special cases).

We care as vectors and data.frames have different semantics, so are not fully substitutable in later code.

Definitely read the comments on this one as well, as John extends his explanation and others chime in with very useful notes.

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Microsoft ML Server 9.3 Released

Nagesh Pabbisetty announces Microsoft Machine Learning Server 9.3:

In ML Server 9.3, we have added support for SQL compute context in ML Server and in R Client running on Linux platforms, so data scientists who work on Linux workstations can directly use in-database analytics with SQL Server compute context. Additionally, the SQLRUtils package can now be used to package the R scripts into T-SQL stored procedures and run them from R environment on Linux clients.

An interesting scenario enabled by the addition of SQL Server Compute context in ML Server running on Linux is that organizations can now provide a browser-based interface for accessing SQL Server compute context with R Studio Server and ML Server running on a Linux machine connecting to SQL Server.

Since introducing revoscalepy library in the last release of ML Server and SQL Server 2017, we have shipped several additions and improvements in the Python APIs as part of CU releases of SQL Server 2017. We have added APIs like rx_create_col_info, rx_get_var_info etc. that make it easier to get column information, esp. with large number of columns. We added rx_serialize_model for easy model serialization. We have also improved performance when working with string data in different scenarios.

This also gets you up to R 3.4.3. H/T David Smith

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Looping In Python And R

Dmitry Kisler has a quick comparison of looping speed in Python and R:

This post is about R versus Python in terms of the time they require to loop and generate pseudo-random numbers. To accomplish the task, the following steps were performed in Python and R (1) loop 100k times (ii is the loop index) (2) generate a random integer number out of the array of integers from 1 to the current loop index ii (ii+1 for Python) (3) output elapsed time at the probe loop steps: ii (ii+1 for Python) in [10, 100, 1000, 5000, 10000, 25000, 50000, 75000, 100000]

The findings were mostly unsurprising to me, though there was one unexpected twist.

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Launching A Sparklyr Cluster

David Smith shows how to launch a sparklyr cluster in Azure:

When you’re finished, shut down your cluster using the aztk spark cluster delete command. (While you can delete the nodes from the Pools view in the Azure portal, the command does some additional cleanup for you.) You’ll be charged for each node in the cluster at the usual VM rates for as long as the cluster is provisioned. (One cost-saving option is to use low-priority VMs for the nodes, for savings of up to 90% compared to the usual rates.)

That’s it! Once you get used to it, it’s all quick and easy — the longest part is waiting for the cluster to spin up in Step 5. This is just a summary, but the full details see the guide SparklyR on Azure with AZTK.

It’ll take a bit more than five minutes to get started, but it is a good sight easier than building the servers yourself.

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Web Analytics With R

Maelle Salmon performs some analysis on the Locke Data blog:

Often, the URL of a blog post can be guessed based on its title, e.g. this one can be read here. But even if the transition from the Markdown file information to an URL is logical, it was best to get URLs from the in situ blog posts, and then join them to the blog post information collected previously, since some special characters got special treatment that I could not fully understand by looking at blogdown source code.

I first extracted all posts URLs from the website map.

Check it out.

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Using stringr To Remove HTML

I have a quick post on removing HTML markup with stringr:

This is a quick post today on removing HTML tags using the stringr package in R.

My purpose here is in taking some raw data, which can include HTML markup, and preparing it for a vectorizer.  I don’t need the resulting output to look pretty; I just want to get rid of the HTML characters.

Click through for the script.  If you need to do something nice with the text afterward, my technique is probably too much sledgehammer for niceties, but it does the trick for pre-processing before vectorization.

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Loops Versus Apply: Speed Comparison

Mike Spencer compares lapply (single core and its multi-core version) versus a for loop in R:

But how fast were they? Can we get faster? Thankfully R provides `system.time()` for timing code execution. In order to get faster, it makes sense to use all the processing power our machines have. The ‘parallel’ library has some great tools to help us run our jobs in parallel and take advantage of multicore processing. My favourite is `mclapply()`, because it is very very easy to take an `lapply` and make it multicore. Note that mclapply doesn’t work on Windows. The following script runs the `read_clean_write()` function in a for loop (boo, hiss), lapply and mclapply. I’ve run these as list elements to make life easier later on.

It’s interesting reading, particularly because I had expected lapply to do a little bit better.  Also interesting is the relative overhead cost of mclapply in this scenario:  going from 1 core to 4 cut the time to approximately 1/3, not 1/4.

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