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Category: Query Store

Identifying Expensive Queries via Query Store

Matthew McGiffen takes a look at what’s slowing down that SQL Server instance:

Some time ago I wrote a query store version of the “Top 20 queries” query that will produce a ranked list of your most expensive queries – and I’ve ended up using this a lot.

The only downside of using the DMVs for Query Store is that they are per database whereas dm_exec_query_stats is a view across the whole instance. So I had to use a cursor and a temp table, populating the temp table for each database in turn.

Click through for the script. This is where having a centralized Query Store, in which you regularly dump Query Store stats from various user databases into your own managed database, could be quite useful.

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Finding All Implicit Warnings via Query Store

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz has a script for us:

During our last session in SQL Data Saturday, we received a question about if it is possible to know all the conversion implicit captured by Query Data Store. In the following example, I would like to share with you an example how to capture this considering among of SQL Antipatterns. 

Basically, in sys.query_store_plan  we found the column called query_plan that contains the text of the execution plan. With this information plus other Query Data Store DMVs we could see the information required. 

Read on to see how you can shred out implicit conversions from the Query Store plans.

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Bugs in SQL Server 2022 CU4

Brent Ozar facepalms:

<sigh> Okay, so, the last few Cumulative Updates have had known issues around broken remote queries using the generic ODBC connector and errors with contained availability groups, but I couldn’t really care less about those. If you use those features, I give you bombastic side eye anyway.

However, in the last few days, two more known issues have surfaced.

And those two issues are definitely bad. Click through to see what they are and what the workarounds are until fixes come in.

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A Post-Migration Go-Live Plan for SQL Server 2022

Brent Ozar takes it slow:

You’re planning to migrate to SQL Server 2022, and you want your databases to be faster after the migration.

This is NOT a blog post about how to migrate – that’s the same as it’s been for a long time. Go build the new 2022 servers, and use log shipping or database mirroring to sync the old and new servers. (I’m not a fan of using Distributed Availability Groups to do version upgrades. You can, but it is a heck of a lot of moving parts to set up for a one-time migration.)

This is a blog post about what to do after you migrate:

Click through for five steps and what they entail.

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Data Cleanup in Query Store

Grant Fritchey does some housekeeping:

The most important thing to understand here is that Query Store won’t just keep collecting data forever, filling your hard drive. There is a hard limit to how much data Query Store contains. By default, prior to 2019, that was 100mb. After 2019, it’s 1,000mb. You can, of course, adjust this up, or down, as needed on your systems. It’s a database-by-database setting (as so much of Query Store is). You can change this through SSMS:

Even with that limit, there are still several options available to you for when to clean up old Query Store data, whatever the definition of “old” (i.e., time-based or at the user’s whim).

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SQL Server 2022 Query Store Hints

Matthew McGiffen takes a hint:

Another neat little feature in SQL Server 2022 is Query Store Hints. This is the ability to apply a query hint through Query Store rather than having to modify existing code or fiddle around with plan guides.

Query hints are a way to influence optimizer behaviour towards generating desired execution plans for a given query. The word “hint” is a bit of a misnomer as usually they mandate what you wish to happen.

Right. They’re ‘hints’ in the way that my wife ‘hints’ that I should take out the garbage.

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SQL Server 2022: Forcing Optimized Plans

Matthew McGiffen wants you to put yourr wallet and your best plans in the bag:

I’ve been reading Bob Ward’s book “SQL Server 2022 Revealed” and one of the new features in Intelligent Query Processing (IQP) jumped out at me. Not because it’s going to rock my world but rather it reminded me of an idea I had when I first started playing with Query Store when it came out.

I thought it would be cool if the execution plans cached in Query Store could be used to populate the plan cache after an instance restart, removing the need for all queries to be recompiled. I even raised a suggestion on Microsoft Connect for it to be considered as a new feature.

Click through to see what Microsoft came up with along these lines.

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SQL Server: Learning from Query Store

Grant Fritchey explains a second-order effect of Query Store:

I may have occasionally talked about the importance of Query Store, but today I want to emphasize just how much Microsoft is weaponizing query store.

Of course, I don’t mean they’re creating the Death Star or something, I simply mean they’re taking the information that Query Store gathers and using that to enable a number of new performance enhancements within SQL Server.

Grant shows several examples of how SQL Server can take data in Query Store and use it to make queries in that database faster. It took a few versions of SQL Server but we’re getting to see some of the long-run promise of the feature, now that most of the bugs have been ironed out and the SQL Server development team has had enough time to implement this functionality.

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SQL Server 2022 Query Store Hints

David Pless takes us through some new query hints:

Query Store hints provide a direct method for developers and DBAs to shape query plans without changing application code.  

Query Store hints are a new feature that extends the power of Query Store—but this means that Query Store hints does require the Query Store feature to be enabled and that your query and query plan are captured in the Query Store.

Just like plan guides, Query Store hints are persisted and will survive restarts, but Query Store hints are much easier to use than plan guides.

Read on to see which options are available and how they work.

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