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Category: Powershell

Error Handling In Powershell In SQL Agent Jobs

Ben Miller has a couple of tips when executing Powershell within SQL Agent jobs:

What you don’t see is the way you have the job step succeed or fail. When using most commands in modules, you may find that errors still cause the step to fail because of the way they report the failure (some kind of throw or a Stop condition outside your control). So if you want things to fail that normally would show red on the screen but things would continue, remember that the default ErrorAction is Continue, so even though you get an error, PowerShell will just continue.

Read on for more.

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DataRow To JSON With Powershell

Rob Sewell shows how to convert a .NET DataRow into its JSON form using Powershell:

I wanted to be able to Mock $variable. I wrapped the code above in a function, let’s call it Run-Query

Which meant that I could easily separate it for mocking in my test. I ran the code and investigated the $variable variable to ensure it had what I wanted for my test and then decided to convert it into JSON using ConvertTo-Json

Read on to see the fun mess that ConvertTo-Json made and then Rob’s simplification.

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String Formatting With Powershell

Thomas Raynor provides a quick tip for string formatting in Powershell:

And, for some reason, instead of the default output which is formatted like a table, I want output presented like this.

This is a silly example, but notice that even though there are extensions of varying length (.ps1 and .dll are four characters including the dot, and .xlsx is five), all of the “file extension: <number>” is aligned.

How’d I do that?

Read on to learn how.

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What’s In Your Powershell Profile?

Shane O’Neill wants to know what’s in your Powershell profile:

This brings me back to the main point. My profile does 3 things

  1. Changes the default colour of error and warning messages,
  2. Sets an alias for notepad to “n” since I use it so much Set-Alias -Name n -Value notepad , and
  3. loads up the dbatools prompt

I don’t import any modules because the two that I use the most are updated so frequently plus I’m currently using PowerShell 5 so they get automatically loaded when I type in one of their commands.

If you don’t already have a profile, read on and see how you can do it.  And over-do it if you’re not careful.

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Policing Database Deployments

Drew Furgiuele has a rather interesting library that he’s released to the general public:

The base return is the TSQLFragment object, which in turn has a Batches object, which in turn holds… well it can hold a lot of different things. When the text is parsed, it will determine what type of object to return based on the statement it determines it is. For example, if it’s an insert statement it will be a certain type of object with a given set of properties and methods, and if it’s, say, a create index statement you’ll get different properties, such as which table or view is getting the index along with the indexed columns and included columns. It really is interesting.

But interesting can a double-edged sword: since the statement object that gets returned can be different for each parsed piece of code, that means to set up any type of intelligence around the stuff we’re dealing with, we need to check for very specific objects.

Unfortunately, I never got past the first animated GIF, whose subtitle was wrong.  You, however, should read the whole thing.

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Using Pester For Configuration Checks

Andrew Pruski shows how to use Pester to audit SQL Server configuration settings:

One Pester test running!

What I like about this is that it can be easily dropped into a job scheduler (e.g.- Jenkins) and then you’ve got a way to routinely check (and correct) all the configuration settings of the SQL instances that you monitor.

Pester would not have been my first thought for configuration checking, but it does serve as another useful option.

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Powershell Speed Testing

Shane O’Neill shows off a Powershell script which allows you to simplify performance testing:

Apart from catching up on news during my commute I only really use notifications for a certain number of hashtags i.e. #SqlServer, #tsql2sday, #sqlhelp, and #PowerShell.

So during work, every so often a little notification will pop up on the bottom right of my window and I can quickly glance down and decide whether to ignore it or check it out.

That’s what happened with the following tweet:

Click through for Shane’s demo.

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Additional Restore-DbaDatabase Functionality

Stuart Moore shows off a few examples of advanced Restore-DbaDatabase usage:

No matter how hard the dbatools; team tries, there’s always someone who wants to do things we’d never thought. This is one of the great things with getting feedback direct from a great community. Unfortunately a lot of these ideas are either too niche to implement, or would be a lot of complex code for a single use case.

As part of the Restore-DbaDatabase stack rewrite, I wanted to do make things easier for users to be able to get their hands dirty within the Restore stack. Not necessarily needing to dive into the core code and the world of GitHub Pull Requests, but by manipulating the data flowing through the pipeline using standard PowerShell techniques, all the while being able to do the heavy lifting without code.

Click through for several examples.

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Looping Through Pester Tests

Rob Sewell shows how to iterate through a collection of Pester tests:

The problem with  Test Cases is that we can only easily loop through one collection, but as Pester is just PowerShell we can simply use ForEach if we wanted to loop through multiple ones, like instances and then databases.

I like to use the ForEach method as it is slightly quicker than other methods. It will only work with PowerShell version 4 and above. Below that version you need to pipe the collection to For-EachObject.

Check it out for a good explanation of running groups of Powershell tests.

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