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Digging Into dbachecks

Rob Sewell walks us through dbachecks configuration:

So I can import this configuration and run my checks with it any time I like. This means that I can create many different test configurations for my many different environment or estate configurations.

Yes, I know “good/best practice” says we should use the same configuration for all of our instances but we know that isn’t true. We have instances that were set up 15 years ago that are still in production. We have instances from the companies our organisation has bought over the years that were set up by system administrators. We have instances that were set up by shadow IT and now we have to support but cant change.

As well as those though, we also have different environments. Our development or test environment will have different requirements to our production environments.

This is a good, code-filled demonstration with a few videos as well.  If you want to get started with dbachecks, this is a good place to begin.