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Category: Powershell

dbachecks Against Azure SQL Databases

Jess Pomfret takes us through running dbachecks on an Azure SQL Database:

Last week I gave a presentation at Data South West on dbachecks and dbatools. One of the questions I got was whether you could run dbachecks against Azure SQL Databases, to which I had no idea. I always try to be prepared for potential questions that might come up, but I had only been thinking about on-premises environments and hadn’t even considered the cloud.  The benefit is this gives me a great topic for a blog post.

Click through for the answer.

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Measuring Powershell Profile Load Times

Jeffrey Hicks shows us how to keep track of lost time:

Here’s the “issue” that often arises. Someone will mention that PowerShell, and this includes PowerShell Core, takes too long to load. In fact, PowerShell now shows you how long it took to load. Almost always, the issue is something profile related. Sometimes a command is taking too long to run, or maybe the profile needs a little cleanup. I know my PS7 load times were high until I cleaned up a few items and re-structured some of the commands.

To make this easier, I put together a simple script that you can run in Windows PowerShell, or PowerShell (even cross-platform) that will run your profile scripts and report how long they take to complete.

Click through for more details, as well as a script to test how quickly your Powershell profiles load.

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Saving Transcripts in Powershell

Garry Bargsley shows how easy it is to save a transcript in Powershell:

This week we are going to launch a blog series geared towards folks that are new to PowerShell. The growing popularity of automation is seeing people getting started with the PowerShell scripting language.

The Start-Transcript is a built-in command that allows you to quickly build a log of actions being taken by your script. There are other ways to build logs, but for beginners using the commands that are available to you is pretty easy.

Read on for a demo.

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Beyond 10GB for Power BI Users

Gilbert Quevauvilliers wants to go to infinity and beyond:

By default, when using Power BI Premium or Power BI Premium per user the dataset size is set to 10GB.

I have had the wonderful experience of refreshing my dataset and getting the following error:

In the steps below I will show you how to change this setting to allow for larger dataset sizes.

There are a few steps involved, but hey, if you’re paying for Premium, it’s worth a few steps to get this.

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Query Store Checks in dbatools

Jess Pomfret contributes to dbatools:

Once I was happy with my settings, I realised we were missing a ‘test’ command for dbatools. The suite of ‘test’ functions in dbatools (a lot that end up as checks in dbachecks btw!), give us an easy way to check our environment against best practices, or our desired settings.

Since dbatools is open-source I was able to write this function (Test-DbaDbQueryStore) and get it added into the module. It’s included as of version 1.0.131, so make sure you’re up to date.  Taking Erin’s suggestions and wrapping them in a little PowerShell, I can make it easier for myself and everyone else to make sure we’re following her guidelines.

Click through to see what those settings look like and how you can compare against current settings.

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Write-Host and Modern Powershell

Adam Listek brings us up to date on the utility of Write-Host in Powershell:

Over the years, there has been a lot of debate around the PowerShell Write Host cmdlet on whether it’s needed and when to use it. As in most cases, the answer is maybe and dependent on your needs.

To understand Write-Host and when to use it, let’s quickly explore the history of Write-Host and learn how best to use this useful cmdlet.

Read on to learn more.

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Console Coloration with Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks takes us through color changes with Powershell:

I readily admit that I spend a great deal of my day at a PowerShell prompt. My day is very much run from the command-line, and has been for quite some time. This used to be a drab, gray existence. But I’ve been finding ways to liven things up. Here’s one way.

The PSScriptTools module includes a number of custom format files with alternate views. You need to make sure the module is imported before you can use any of them.

It’s interesting just how much of a quality of life improvement file type coloration is. I’ll go out of my way to use colorized shells with bash, as well as pretty much any IDE and even Notepad++.

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Improving Performance Counters with Powershell

Jeffrey Hicks has an improvement to Get-Counter in Powershell:

I wanted to tell you about another addition to the latest release of the PSScriptTools module. This is something I’ve written about before but I decided to add the function to the module. I hope you find it a much easier way to work with performance counters. And it works in Windows PowerShell and PowerShell 7.x.

Click through to see what has changed.

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Deploy Reporting Services Projects with Powershell

Aaron Nelson has a pair of new Powershell cmdlets:

I built two new PowerShell commands to deploy SSRS projects, and they have finally been merged into the ReportingServicesTools module. The commands are Get-RsDeploymentConfig & Publish-RsProject. While the Write-RsFolderContent command did already exist, and is very useful, it does not support deploying the objects in your SSRS Project to multiple different folders in your report server. These two new commands can handle deployment to multiple folders.

Click through for details on each.

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