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Category: Powershell

Removing Indexes by Name from Multiple SQL Servers

Jana Sattainathan doesn’t have time to click-and-repeat:

This is something I had to do today. In this blog post, I am going to show you how you can disable or remove indexes matching certain name criteria or other condition(s) across multiple servers and databases in various tables. Usually, this is a very painful process if done by hand but with the fantastic work done by the dbatools team, it becomes quite easy.

Read on for the Powershell script.

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Enabling SSH Remoting with Powershell 7

Patrick Gruenauer makes a remote connection:

With Powershell 7, we can enable and use SSH Remoting. Unlike WinRM, SSH is more popular because it is a more familiar technology and is also available on other platforms. In this post I will show you how to easily enable SSH on PowerShell 7 with a few lines of code.

Click through to see what you need to install on the machine and how to configure everything.

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A WPF-Based Countdown Timer

Jeffrey Hicks keeps track of time:

Last year I released a PowerShell module called PSClock. The module contains a command to create a transparent WPF form displaying a clock. Shortly after, someone posted a request for a countdown timer. Not an unreasonable request and one I finally got around to implementing. However, I already had a module with a number of timer and countdown-related commands called PSTimers I had been thinking of a WPF-based timer, so this solved two problems.

Read on to see how it works.

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Thoughts on Publishing a Powershell Module

Shane O’Neill reflects on pushing a Powershell module into the Gallery:

I’ve worked with PowerShell for years but have never published a module before. I’ve helped write changes to a few, e.g. dbatoolsdbachecks, and a few internal ones.

But the actual creating and publishing one needs adding to my experience list.

There was a lot of gnashing of the teeth, wailing of the cries, and reading of the documentation.

Read on for a few tips from Shane. You’ll probably still need to read the documentation…but maybe not as much?

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Finding Outdated Powershell Modules

Jeff Hill has a script for us:

In the world of PowerShell, some things move super fast while others may stay the same for years. If the module you are using does what you want with no issues, you may not think to see if a newer version is available. The PSReadline module is a good example. The version I was on worked great and it did what I wanted. I had no idea there was so much more that had been done.

Click through for a script which checks the Powershell Gallery for updates, though it does not force install those updates.

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dbops Powershell Module

Kevin Chant looks at a useful Powershell module:

Before covering the dbops PowerShell module I want to quickly cover DbUp.

DbUp is a .NET library that you can use to do migration-based deployments. It is open-source and is licensed under the MIT license, which you can read about in the DbUp license file.

According to the official list of supported databases, it allows you to do migration-based deployments to various databases. Such as SQL Server and MySQL. As you will discover later in this post it also works with a newer Azure service as well.

DbUp has been on my to-learn list for a little while, though I haven’t had a chance to dig into it yet.

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Pinging All Day in Powershell

Patrick Gruenauer wants to know if a service is up:

Recently, I have created a script that returns a beep sound when the connection is re-established. I would like to share this script here on my website.

Assume your network connectivity is broken. You wait until the connection is restored. In addition, you want to hear a sound when the connection is re-established. For this task, just use my script.

I’ve done some ping -t checks in my day, though never with a beep.

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Getting User Access Lists to All Power BI Reports

Tomaz Kastrun wants to know what you can see:

This way, you will have a better view of users, and their access to data and reports (if these are containing sensible data). You can always retrieve the list of workspaces and access the list of all users with the PowerShell cmdlet Get-PowerBIWorkspace.

I have also added the Join-Object module. It can join two objects or two arrays, based on the given matching columns.

Click through for a Powershell script which does the job.

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Try out Chocolatey

Grant Fritchey makes a recommendation:

Chocolatey, as it says on the web site, is a package manager for Windows. But what does that mean? Basically, a package manager is a central place to install, upgrade and remove software. You get a database of the software you have installed, then it can help you to manage your software. Package managers are built into most operating systems. For example, apt or yum on a Linux box. However, not Windows. That’s where Chocolatey comes in.

I do like Chocolatey a lot as well and not just on VMs that I regularly need to rebuild.

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