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Category: Naming

Naming Temporary Columns in DAX

Marco Russo and Alberto Ferrari team up to share a standard for naming temporary columns in DAX:

The formula works just fine, but it violates one of the golden rules of DAX code: you always prefix a column reference with its table name, and you never use the table name when referencing a measure. Therefore, when reading DAX code, [Sales Amt] is a measure reference, whereas ‘Product'[Sales Amt] is a column reference.

Nevertheless, in our DAX example ProdSalesAmt is a column of a temporary table (SalesByProduct) created by the FilteredSalesAmount measure. As such, ProdSalesAmt is a temporary column that does not originate from any column in the model and does not have a table name you can use as a prefix. This situation creates ambiguity in the code: it is not easy to discriminate between a column reference and a measure reference. Therefore, the code is harder to read and more error prone.

Read on for their standard, which is pretty easy to follow.

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Singular or Plural Table Names

Ed Elliott kicks a hornet’s nest:

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to designing tables in SQL Server around whether to pluralize names or not. How do you choose whether to pluralize or not?

If we want to store a list of people and their details do we use “Person”, “Persons”, “People” or “Peoples”? Some people will use “People” and some will use “Person”, other persons or people would go for “Peoples” or “Persons”.

My preference is singular. In the event that I do pluralize a table, I use a grammatically correct pluralization. None of this “childs” nonsense.

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Against Hard-Coded Database Names In Queries

Kendra Little explains why hard-coding database names in your stored procedures or views is a bad idea:

I’m terrible at naming things. I recently wrote some quick code to reproduce a design problem and demonstrate several options for solutions, and later realized that I’d named my objects dbo.Foo, dbo.FooFoo, and dbo.Wat.

But I feel strongly about a few important principles about referring to objects that are already named in a relational database, specifically SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.

Most of the time, you should use a two part-name for objects in the current database. It’s important to know your database context. When referencing an object in the current database, you should not specify the database name in the reference.

Read the comments as well. I’m not as hard-set against three-part naming for cross-database queries but can understand the sentiment.

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Data Lake Organization Tips

Melissa Coates has some great advice for people working with data lakes:

Q: Partitioning by date is common. Where should the dates go in the folder hierarchy?

Almost always, you will want the dates to be at the end of the folder path. This is because we often need to set security at specific folder levels (such as by subject area), but we rarely set up security based on time elements.

Optimal for folder security: \SubjectArea\DataSource\YYYY\MM\DD\FileData_YYYY_MM_DD.csv

Tedious for folder security: \YYYY\MM\DD\SubjectArea\DataSource\FileData_YYYY_MM_DD.csv

Click through for all of Melissa’s advice in FAQ form.

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Name Conflicts In DAX

Marco Russo takes us through an issue with naming in DAX:

You deploy this model and start creating reports using the Sales Returning Customers measure. So far, so good. One day, you need to extend the data model importing a new table that you decide to name ReturningCustomers. As soon as you import the new table named ReturningCustomers, your measure Sales Returning Customers stops working. The reason is that the ReturningCustomers variable generates a name conflict with the table that has the same name, as you can see from the error message.

‘ReturningCustomers’ is a table name and cannot be used to define a variable.

Marco has some advice if you’re in a situation where you are liable to see this pop up.

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Naming Conventions In SQL Server

Phil Factor explains naming requirements for SQL Server and gives suggestions for conventions to follow:

There are no generally accepted standards for naming SQL objects. Although ISO/IEC 11179 has been referred to as a standard for naming, it actually only sets a standard for defining naming conventions. There is a sample standard in the ‘Naming principles’ document (ISO/IEC 11179-5), but this is merely an example of how a standard should be defined. However, it is quite close to a general good-practice in programming.

When naming a table, it is a good idea to use a collective name or ‘object class term’ for the entity if one exists ( such as Employee, Cost, Tree, component, member, audience, staff or faculty) but use the singular rather than the plural form where possible. For the sake of maintenance, use a consistent naming convention that is informative but brief. It helps greatly to start with a dictionary of the correct nouns and verbs associated with the application domain and use that. If it proves inadequate, then the team can build on it. If a data model has been created as part of the design phase, this dictionary should be an end-product of this work.

As Phil notes at the end, consistency is the most important virtue here. It’s hard to work with a database where you have tables named Employees, employee_dates, and tblFiredEmployee.

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Naming Is Hard

Tim Mitchell calls out some bad naming practices:

Spaces in object names. The bane of my existence. Most relational databases will allow you to use spaces in object names, requiring anyone accessing that object to put brackets around the name. My rule of thumb is that if it’s something that I will interact with programmatically, it doesn’t get a space in the name. Spaces in object names tend to break things, so please stop doing this.

My favorite naming convention oddity is the idea that if something has “Number” in the name, it’s never a number.

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Finding Dependencies On Tables

Lori Brown shows us a few methods for finding references to tables:

I use sys.sql_modules to check for references to strings in stored procedures. You might think that this would not be necessary since you can find that in sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities for those. However, what if you do a lot of stuff in stored procedures that uses dynamic SQL to create objects or other stored procs on the fly? sys.dm_sql_referencing_entities might miss those. For example, when I look in sys.sql_modules for all occurrences of Sales.Orders I find more.

This is necessarily an incomplete list, but at least it gets you started.

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Missing @@SERVERNAME On Linux

Steve Jones fixes a naming issue on his SQL on Linux installation:

I setup a new instance of SQL Server on Linux some time ago. At the time, the Linux machine didn’t have any Samba running, and no real “name” on the network. As a result, after installing SQL Server I got a NULL when running SELECT @@SERVERNAME.

The fix is easy. It’s what you’d do if you had the wrong name.

Read on for the command, and don’t forget to restart the database engine afterward.

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Naming Indexes

Monica Rathbun hits one of my hobby horses:

As you can see from above, none of the names gave a complete indication of what the index encompassed. The first one did indicate it was a Non Clustered Index so that was good, but includes the date which to me is not needed. At least I knew it was not a Clustered Index. The second index did note it is a “Covering Index” which gave some indication that many columns could be included I also know it was created with the Data Tuning Advisor due to the dta prefix. The third index was also created with dta but it was left with the default dta naming convention. Like the first one I know the date it was created but instead of the word Cover2, I know there are 16 key columns are noted by the “K#” and regular numbers tell me those are included columns. However, I still have no idea exactly what these numbers denote without looking deeper into the index. The last index is closer to what I like however the name only tells me one column name when in fact it encompasses five key columns and two included columns.

I absolutely love seeing lots and lots of “_dta_” indexes; it’s a sign that I have a long day ahead of me.

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