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Against Hard-Coded Database Names In Queries

Kendra Little explains why hard-coding database names in your stored procedures or views is a bad idea:

I’m terrible at naming things. I recently wrote some quick code to reproduce a design problem and demonstrate several options for solutions, and later realized that I’d named my objects dbo.Foo, dbo.FooFoo, and dbo.Wat.

But I feel strongly about a few important principles about referring to objects that are already named in a relational database, specifically SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.

Most of the time, you should use a two part-name for objects in the current database. It’s important to know your database context. When referencing an object in the current database, you should not specify the database name in the reference.

Read the comments as well. I’m not as hard-set against three-part naming for cross-database queries but can understand the sentiment.