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Category: Machine Learning

Multi-Class Classification in PyTorch

Adrian Tam does some iris categorizing:

Now you need to have a model that can take the input and predict the output, ideally in the form of one-hot vectors. There is no science behind the design of a perfect neural network model. But you know one thing, it has to take in a vector of 4 features and output a vector of 3 values. The 4 features corresponds to what you have in the dataset. The 3-value output is because we know the one-hot vector has 3 elements. Anything can be in between, and those are known as the “hidden layers” since they are neither input nor output.

Click through for the full tutorial.

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Using the Softmax Classifier in PyTorch

Muhammad Asad Iqbal Khan takes us through one of the classifier options available to PyTorch:

While a logistic regression classifier is used for binary class classification, softmax classifier is a supervised learning algorithm which is mostly used when multiple classes are involved.

Softmax classifier works by assigning a probability distribution to each class. The probability distribution of the class with the highest probability is normalized to 1, and all other probabilities are scaled accordingly.

Read on to learn some of the properties of the Softmax classifier, as well as how you can use this for multi-class classification in PyTorch.

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Running ML.NET in F#

Matt Eland builds a notebook:

In this article I’ll outline a simple pipeline that trains a regression machine learning model and saves it to a file for use later on. We’ll look at how to load the model using F# and use it to generate new predictions for new data points.

To round things out, I’ll be showing you how to do this all in a Polyglot Notebook, though you can skim over this aspect of the experiment as almost all of the code will work just fine in a normal .fs file outside of Polyglot Notebooks.

At the end, Matt mentions that the F# code looks a whole lot like C# code and that’s my biggest problem with the library: it forces you into writing C#-style code.

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Trying out FLAML

Gavita Regunath provides an overview of FLAML:

FLAML is short for Fast and Lightweight Automated Machine Learning library. It is an open-source Python library created by Microsoft researchers in 2021 for automated machine learning (AutoML). It is designed to be fast, efficient, and user-friendly, making it ideal for a wide range of applications.

Click through to learn more and to give it a spin with a pair of notebooks.

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Working with R in AML v2

Tomaz Kastrun ends the advent of Azure ML on a downer:

R language and Azure Machine Learning SDK for R was deprecated a year ago (end of 2021). But R can be still used for training and deployment by using Azure Machine learning CLI 2.0!

Furthermore, R language can be used in Machine Learning Designer, for data preparation, data wrangling and statistical analysis.

You can work with R but they make sure everything is more difficult.

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Structuring Azure ML Projects and using the Terminal

Tomaz Kastrun nears the end of the Azure ML advent. Day 20 covers package requirements and other niceties:

When creating notebooks, it is always a good way to have the dependencies included. Whether it is a particular version of a package, a separate script file or an installation requirement.

Selecting an environment or kernel can be an issue if it is not correctly initiated with the code. And you can also check the kernels with a simple python code:

Day 21 looks at the Azure CLI and running code from within a compute instance terminal:

Using Azure CLI can help you progress faster, make repetitve tasks automated and even use the GIT integration, for faster and better collaboration.

So we have created a YAML file on Day20 and we can use it also with Azure CLI to create an environment.

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Statistical Analysis in Azure ML

Tomaz Kastrun continues an advent of Azure ML. Day 18 takes us through feature exploration:

Azure Machine Learning is also a great tool to do ordinary statistical analysis, graph plotting and everything that goes along.

Let’s get an open dataset, that is available on UCI Machine Learning repository and import it in the pandas dataframe.

Day 19 picks up with feature engineering:

Yesterday we have shown, that statistical analysis and all bolts and whistles can be done super simple in Azure machine learning. Today we will continue with feature engineering and modelling.

So, what is feature engineering? Is a general process and can involve both feature construction: adding new features from the existing data, and feature selection: choosing only the most important features for improving model performance, reducing data dimensionality, doing log-transformation, removing outliers, to do scaling (normalisation, standardisation), imputations, general transformation (and others, as polynomial), variable creation, variable extraction and so on.

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MLflow in Action and Responsible AI

Tomaz Kastrun continues an advent of Azure ML. Day 16 shows off MLflow:

Yesterday we have looked into how to start the MLflow configurations and today, let’s put this to the test.

We will create a new notebook and use Heart dataset (link to dataset) to toy around. We will also import xgboost classifier to asses the accuracy of the presence of heart disease in the patient. We will be using a categorical (integer) variable with values from 0 (no presence) to 4 (strong presence) and attempt to classify based on 15+ attributes (out of more than 70 attributes).

Day 17 pivots to using the responsible AI dashboard:

Azure ML has provided users with collection of model and data exploration with the Studio user interface. But it also provides compatible solutions with Azure ML and Python package responsibleai. With the help of widgets, we will create an sample of dashboard to explore the solution with assessing the responsible decisions and actions.

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