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Category: Internals

R Internals: Data Sizes With Nullable Columns

Niels Berglund digs into the Binary Exchange Langage (BXL) and notices something weird about data sizes:

When looking at the data sent, the size of the packages and “drilling” into the TCP packets we could deduct that: :

  • Each column has an over-head of 32 bytes (at least for non nullable data)

  • The size of the column in one row is the size of the data type for numeric types.

  • For decimal and numeric an extra byte is added to each column, where this byte indicates the precision.

  • Columns of alpha numeric type all had 2 bytes pre-pended to the bytes, except max types.

  • For char and nchar the storage size was 2 bytes plus the size the column was defined as.

  • For varchar and nvarchar the storage size was 2 bytes plus the size of the data stored.

  • For the varmax data types the number of bytes that were pre-pended varied dependent on the data size.

Read the whole thing.

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Three Sessions And A Funeral

Solomon Rutzky explains what happens to sessions after they see the light at the end of the tunnel:

Sessions, in SQL Server, are born when a Connection is made from a client library to SQL Server. Temporary objects – Tables and/or Stored Procedures (yes, these are a thing) – may be created during a Session’s lifetime. The question is: for those temporary objects that are not explicitly dropped, what exactly happens to them? It is commonly known that they magically (ok fine, “automagically” — ok, ok, FINE, “automatically”) get dropped. But when do they get dropped? When the Session ends, right? And the Session ends when the Connection is closed, right? Well, that is certainly the common / conventional wisdom, at least. But is that understanding of the nature of Sessions and temporary objects correct?

It’s a more complicated topic than you might get from first appearances.

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More R Services Internals Spelunking

Niels Berglund continues his series on R Services internals:

What happens is that straight after the AuthenticateConnection you will hit the WriteAsync breakpoint twice, the same way as we see in Code Snippet 4. The first hit at WriteAsync sort of makes sense, as it ties up with the call-stack we see in Code Snippet 5. But what about the second WriteAsync (the one that causes the second package to be sent), where does that come from? To try to figure that out, we start with the call-stack for that particular WriteAsync.

Execute the code in Code Snippet 1 again, and continue to the second WriteAsync. When you hit the breakpoint do a kc again. The call-stack should now look somewhat like this (this time it is the full call-stack):

It’s interesting the kind of stuff you can find with Wireshark and a debugger.

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When The Maximum Workspace Memory Isn’t The Internal Pool Maximum

Lonny Niederstadt answers the call from someone who needs the combination of Perfmon and DMV data:

When is a maximum not really the maximum?
When it’s a maximum for an explicitly or implicitly modified default.
Whether “the definitive documentation” says so or not.

Yesterday on Twitter #sqlhelp this question came up.



Aha! I thought to myself.  For this I am purposed! To show how Perfmon and DMV data tie out!

Read on for the simple form of the answer, followed by the complication which makes life interesting.

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Unboxing ISPACs

It’s an early Christmas for Richie Lee:

The first file that we’re going to look at is the [Content_Types].xml file, and this is the file that confirms that the ZipPackage class is used. There’s an article here that is ten years old but is still valid (scroll down to the System.IO.Packaging INcludes Zip Support to read up on this.) This is because we know that the content_types file is part of the output when using the ZipPackage class to zip up a bunch of files into a .zip. The content_file contains both the extension and content type of the three other files that are included in the ispac:

  • dtsx
  • params
  • manifest

Note that the content_types file does not specify the files, either in quantity or in content, other than the fact that they will contain xml.

Read on for a good amount of detail on what’s included in an Integration Services package.

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Diving Into Spark’s Cost-Based Optimizer

Ron Hu, et al, explain how Spark’s cost-based optimizer works:

At its core, Spark’s Catalyst optimizer is a general library for representing query plans as trees and sequentially applying a number of optimization rules to manipulate them. A majority of these optimization rules are based on heuristics, i.e., they only account for a query’s structure and ignore the properties of the data being processed, which severely limits their applicability. Let us demonstrate this with a simple example. Consider a query shown below that filters a table t1 of size 500GB and joins the output with another table t2of size 20GB. Spark implements this query using a hash join by choosing the smaller join relation as the build side (to build a hash table) and the larger relation as the probe side 1. Given that t2 is smaller than t1, Apache Spark 2.1 would choose the right side as the build side without factoring in the effect of the filter operator (which in this case filters out the majority of t1‘s records). Choosing the incorrect side as the build side often forces the system to give up on a fast hash join and turn to sort-merge join due to memory constraints.

Click through for a very interesting look at this query optimzier.

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Searching In Windbg

Ewald Cress shows us how to search for a four-byte pattern in the Windows debugger:

Cracking open Windbg on 2016 SP1 with the s command to look for byte patterns yielded nothing of value. Maybe something has changed with conventions or indirection? Nope, no joy in 2014 either.

In the end, it took the extremely brave step of RTFM, in this case the Windbg online help, to realise where I was going wrong. I was searching for a four-byte pattern by searching for doublewords. Sounds reasonable on the face of it, but what I had missed was that this specifically required the doublewords to be doubleword-aligned, i.e. starting on an address divisible by four. My method only had a 25% chance of working, so it’s sheer luck I ever got good results with it.

Changing to a byte search for four consecutive bytes gave me the non-aligned semantics my taste buds craved, and the results came pouring in.

This is in the context of gathering information on an uncommon wait type related to columnstore indexes.

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R Services Packet Captures

Niels Berglund continues his R Services internals series:

In Figure 15, I set the filter to be tcp.srcport==50755, and then I applied the filter by clicking the arrow. To start using this:

  • Clear the Process Monitor display, and make sure you are capturing events.
  • Start WireShark capturing (Ctrl+E). If you get a question whether you want to save the captured packets, just click “Continue without Saving”.
  • Execute the code in Code Snippet 3.

The Process Monitor output looks almost the same as in Figure 9, whereas the WireShark output looks like so:

Niels also includes a recap to help people who haven’t been following along get up to speed.

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Investigating The OS Workers DMV

Ewald Cress continues his DMV internals series:

wait_started_ms_ticks is set in SOS_Task::PreWait(), i.e. just before actually suspending, and again cleared in SOS_Task::PostWait(). For more about the choreography of suspending, see here.

wait_resumed_ms_ticks is set in SOS_Scheduler::PrepareWorkerForResume(), itself called by the mysteriously named but highly popular SOS_Scheduler::ResumeNoCuzz().

start_quantum is set for the Resuming and InstantResuming case within SOS_Scheduler::TaskTransition(), called by SOS_Scheduler::Switch() as the worker is woken up after a wait.

Ewald intends this post as an extension of the official documentation, so it’s best to read that documentation in conjunction with this post.

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R Services Internal Communication Mechanisms

Niels Berglund continues his R Services internals series:

When browsing for the symbols, you can use this command: x /1 *!TCP*. By using the option /1 you’ll only see the names, and no addresses. On my machine that gives me quite a lot, but there are two entries that catch my eye: sqllang!Tcp::AcceptConnection and sqllang!Tcp::Close. So let us set breakpoints at those two symbols, and see what happens when we execute our code.

The result when executing the code is that we initially break at sqllang!Tcp::AcceptConnection. Followed somewhat later by breaking at sqllang!Tcp::Close. Cool, this seems to work – let us set some more breakpoints and try to figure out the flow of events.

The first half recapitulates his previous findings, and then he incorporates new information in the second half.

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