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Category: Hadoop

Choose Your Hadoop File Format

Alex Woodie explains three of the most common Hadoop file formats:

You have many choices when it comes to storing and processing data on Hadoop, which can be both a blessing and a curse. The data may arrive in your Hadoop cluster in a human readable format like JSON or XML, or as a CSV file, but that doesn’t mean that’s the best way to actually store data.

In fact, storing data in Hadoop using those raw formats is terribly inefficient. Plus, those file formats cannot be stored in a parallel manner. Since you’re using Hadoop in the first place, it’s likely that storage efficiency and parallelism are high on the list of priorities, which means you need something else.

Luckily for you, the big data community has basically settled on three optimized file formats for use in Hadoop clusters: Optimized Row Columnar (ORC), Avro, and Parquet. While these file formats share some similarities, each of them are unique and bring their own relative advantages and disadvantages.

Read the whole thing.  I’m partial to ORC and Avro but won’t blink if someone recommends Parquet.

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What’s New In Hadoop 3.1?

Wangda Tan, et al, look at some of the new features in Apache Hadoop 3.1:

The diagram below captures the building blocks together at a high level. If you have to tie this back to a fictitious self-flying drone company, the company will collect tons of raw images from the test drones’ built-in cameras for computer vision. Those images can be stored in the Apache Hadoop data lake in a cost-effective (with erasure coding) yet highly available manner (multiple standby namenodes). Instead of providing GPU machines to each of the data scientists, GPU cards are pooled across the cluster for access by multiple data scientists. GPU cards in each server can be isolated for sharing between multiple users.

Support of Docker containerized workloads means that data scientists/data engineers can bring the deep learning frameworks to the Apache Hadoop data lake and there is no need to have a separate compute/GPU cluster. GPU pooling allows the application of the deep learning neural network algorithms and the training of the data-intensive models using the data collected in the data lake at a speed almost 100x faster than regular CPUs.

If the customer wants to pool the FPGA (field programmable gate array) resources instead of GPUs, this is also possible in Apache Hadoop 3.1. Additionally, use of affinity and anti-affinity labels allows us to control how we deploy the microservices in the clusters — some of the components can be set to have anti-affinity so that they are always deployed in separate physical servers.

It’s interesting to see Hadoop evolve over time as the ecosystem solves more real-time problems instead of focusing on giant batch problems.

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Scaling Kafka With Consumer Groups

Suhita Goswami explains how to use consumer groups to scale processing from Apache Kafka:

Kafka builds on the publish-subscribe model with the advantages of a message queuing system. It achieves this with:

  • the use of consumer groups
  • message retention by brokers

When consumers join a group and subscribe to a topic, only one consumer from the group actually consumes each message from the topic. The messages are also retained by the brokers in their topic partitions, unlike traditional message queues.

Multiple consumer groups can read from the same set of topics, and at different times catering to different logical application domains. Thus, Kafka provides both the advantage of high scalability via consumers belonging to the same consumer group and the ability to serve multiple independent downstream applications simultaneously.

Consumer groups are a great solution to the problem of long-running consumers when items to process are independent and can run concurrently.

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Using The Spark Connector To Speed Up Data Loads

Denzil Riberio explains how you can use the Spark connector for Azure SQL DB and SQL Server to speed up inserting data from Spark into SQL Server 15x over the native JDBC client:

Since the load was taking longer than expected, we examined the sys.dm_exec_requests DMV while load was running, and saw that there was a fair amount of latch contention on various pages, which wouldn’t not be expected if data was being loaded via a bulk API.

Examining the statements being executed, we saw that the JDBC driver uses sp_prepare followed by sp_execute for each inserted row; therefore, the operation is not a bulk insert. One can further example the Spark JDBC connector source code, it builds a batch consisting of singleton insert statements, and then executes the batch via the prep/exec model.

It’s the power of bulk insertion.

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Machine Learning From Kafka

Kai Waehner has a post covering a recent talk he did on using Kafka as a data source for neural networks:

This talk shows how to build Machine Learning models at extreme scale and how to productionize the built models in mission-critical real time applications by leveraging open source components in the public cloud. The session discusses the relation between TensorFlow and the Apache Kafka ecosystem – and why this is a great fit for machine learning at extreme scale.

The Machine Learning architecture includes: Kafka Connect for continuous high volume data ingestion into the public cloud, TensorFlow leveraging Deep Learning algorithms to build an analytic model on powerful GPUs, Kafka Streams for model deployment and inference in real time, and KSQL for real time analytics of predictions, alerts and model accuracy.

Sensor analytics for predictive alerting in real time is used as real world example from Internet of Things scenarios. A live demo shows the out-of-the-box integration and dynamic scalability of these components on Google Cloud.

Check out the slide deck as well for more details.

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Backing Up Cloudera Search Data

Eva Nahari explains different techniques to back up Cloudera Search data, as well as setting up disaster recovery:

If you have the raw data in HDFS (which most do, and which you should!), the most straightforward way to have a hot-warm disaster recovery setup is to use our Backup and Disaster Recovery tool. It allows you to set up regular incremental updates between two clusters. You then have the option of using MapReduce Indexer or Spark Indexer to regularly index the raw data in your recovery cluster and append to a running Solr service in that same recovery cluster. This way you can easily switch over from one Solr service to the backup Solr service if you experience downtime in the original cluster.

The lag would be depending on the network between the clusters and how frequent you transfer data between the clusters. To some extent it would also depend on how long time you need (i.e. how much resources you have available) to complete the MapReduce or Spark indexing workload and append it (using the Cloudera Search GoLive feature) into Solr active indexes on the recovery site.

Read on for several options.

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Single-Node PySpark

Gengliang Weng, et al, explain that even a single Spark node can be useful:

It’s been a few years since Intel was able to push CPU clock rate higher. Rather than making a single core more powerful with higher frequency, the latest chips are scaling in terms of core count. Hence, it is not uncommon for laptops or workstations to have 16 cores, and servers to have 64 or even 128 cores. In this manner, these multi-core single-node machines’ work resemble a distributed system more than a traditional single core machine.

We often hear that distributed systems are slower than single-node systems when data fits in a single machine’s memory. By comparing memory usage and performance between Spark and Pandas using common SQL queries, we observed that is not always the case. We used three common SQL queries to show single-node comparison of Spark and Pandas:

Query 1. SELECT max(ss_list_price) FROM store_sales

Query 2. SELECT count(distinct ss_customer_sk) FROM store_sales

Query 3. SELECT sum(ss_net_profit) FROM store_sales GROUP BY ss_store_sk

To demonstrate the above, we measure the maximum data size (both Parquet and CSV) Pandas can load on a single node with 244 GB of memory, and compare the performance of three queries.

Click through for the results.

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Synchronous Kafka With Spring Request-Reply

Gaurav Gupta shows how to use Spring-Kafka to implement a request-reply pattern:

The behavior of request-reply is consistent even if you were to create, say, three partitions of the request topic and set the concurrency of three in consumer factory. The replies from all three consumers still go to the single reply topic. The container at the listening end is able to do the heavy lifting of matching the correlation IDs.

Kafka’s real advantage still comes from distributed, asynchronous processing, but if you have a use case where you absolutely need synchronous processing, you can do that in Kafka as well.

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How Spark Works: RDDs And DAGs

Shubham Agarwal gets into the way that Spark translates operations on Resilient Distributed Datasets into actions:

When we do a transformation on any RDD, it gives us a new RDD. But it does not start the execution of those transformations. The execution is performed only when an action is performed on the new RDD and gives us a final result.

So once you perform any action on an RDD, Spark context gives your program to the driver.

The driver creates the DAG (directed acyclic graph) or execution plan (job) for your program. Once the DAG is created, the driver divides this DAG into a number of stages. These stages are then divided into smaller tasks and all the tasks are given to the executors for execution.

Click through for more details.

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Five Books For Learning Kafka

Data Flair has a guide to five books to help you learn Apache Kafka:

The book “Kafka: The Definitive Guide” is written by engineers from Confluent andLinkedIn who are responsible for developing Kafka.

They explain how to deploy production Kafka clusters, write reliable event-driven microservices, and build scalable stream-processing applications with this platform. It contains detailed examples as well. Through this including the replication protocol, you’ll learn Kafka’s design principles, reliability guarantees, key APIs, and architecture details, the controller, and the storage layer. However, even if you are new to Apache Kafka as the application architect, developer, or production engineer, this practical guide shows you how to use this open source streaming platform to handle real-time data feeds.

I haven’t read any of them yet, but a couple look interesting enough to add to my to-read list.

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