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Category: Hadoop

Apache Flink 1.9.2 Released

Hequn Cheng announces Apache Flink 1.9.2:

The Apache Flink community released the second bugfix version of the Apache Flink 1.9 series.

This release includes 117 fixes and minor improvements for Flink 1.9.1. The list below includes a detailed list of all fixes and improvements.

We highly recommend all users to upgrade to Flink 1.9.2.

Read on to see all of the things they’ve fixed and improved.

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Delta Lake and ACID Properties

Kundan Kumarr notes that Spark’s Delta Lake allows for ACID transactions:

DeltaLog is the crux of Delta Lake which ensures atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability of user-initiated transactions. DeltaLog is an ordered record of transactions. Every transaction performed since the inception of Delta Lake Table, has an entry in the DeltaLog (also known as the Delta Lake transaction log). It acts as a single source of truth, giving users access to the last version of a DeltaTable’s state. It provides serializability, the strongest level of isolation level. Let’s see how DeltaLog ensures ACID Transactions.

Click through for the explanation.

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Quick Hits on Azure Databricks Performance

Rayis Imayev has a few thoughts on optimizing delta table-based workloads in Azure Databricks:

2) Enable the Delta cache –
There is a very good resource available on configuring this Spark config setting:

And this will be very helpful in your Databricks notebook’s queries when you try to access a similar dataset multiple times. Once you read this dataset for the first time, Spark places it into internal local storage cache and will speed up the process of further referencing it for you.

Click through for several more along these lines.

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Cloudera and R

Ian Cook shows us how Cloudera works for R users:

Our customers love it when they can use familiar syntax to work with data regardless of its size or its source. The popularity of sparklyr is a case in point: it enables R users to use either SQL or dplyr—both familiar to most R users—to work with large-scale data using Apache Spark. Two R packages developed at Cloudera—implyr and tidyquery—aim to provide this same choice of either SQL or dplyr when querying tables with Apache Impala and when manipulating R data frames.

The implyr package is new to me, but looks interesting.

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What’s New with Delta Lake

Denny Lee and Tathagata Das announce Delta Lake 0.5.0:

With the following pull requests, you can now run even more Delta Lake operations concurrently. With finer grain conflict detection, these updates make it easier to run complex workflows on Delta tables such as:

– Running deletes (e.g. for GDPR compliance) concurrently on older partitions while newer partitions are being appended.
– Running file compactions concurrently with appends.
– Running updates and merges concurrently on disjoint sets of partitions.

Click through for the full changelog.

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Updates in Confluent Platform 5.4

Tim Berglund takes us through what has changed in Confluent Platform 5.4:

Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)

Back in July, we announced the preview for RBAC as part of the Confluent Platform 5.3 release. After gathering feedback and learning from everyone who tried it out, we are now pleased to announce the availability of RBAC in Confluent Platform 5.4. You can now make use of this feature in production environments with Confluent’s full support.

RBAC offers a centralized security implementation for enabling access to resources across the entire Confluent Platform with just the right level of granularity. You can control permissions you grant to users and groups to specific platform resources, starting at the cluster level and moving all the way down to individual topics, consumers groups, or even individual connectors. You do this by assigning users or groups to roles. This gets you out of the game of managing the individual permissions of a huge number of principals—a real problem for large enterprise deployments.

RBAC delivers comprehensive authorization enforced via all user interfaces (Confluent Control Center UI, CLI, and APIs), and across all Confluent Platform components (Control Center, Schema Registry, REST Proxy, MQTT Proxy, Kafka Connect, and KSQL). Given the distributed architecture not only of Apache Kafka but also of other platform components like Connect and KSQL, having a single framework to centrally manage and enforce security authorizations across all the components is, in a word, essential for managing security at scale.

Click through for several more features and where you can try it out, either on-premises or in a major cloud host.

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Spark is Not ACID Compliant

Kundan Kumarr explains how it is that Apache Spark is not ACID compliant:

Atomicity states that it should either write full data or nothing to the data source when using spark data frame writer. Consistency, on the other hand, ensures that the data is always in a valid state.

As evident from the spark documentation below, it is clear that while saving data frame to a data source, existing data will be deleted before writing the new data. But in case of job failure, the original data will be lost or corrupted and no new data will be written.

Click through for an explanation of these two along with a demo, and then an explanation of how Spark Datasets don’t follow the Isolation or Durability properties either. I don’t think any of this is earth-shattering to people, but it is a good reminder that Spark doesn’t fit all use cases.

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Improving Join Performance on ADF Data Flows

Mark Kromer has a few tips on improving ADF data flow join performance:

When you include literal values in your join conditions, Spark may see that as a requirement to perform a full cartesian product first, then filter out the joined values. But if you ensure that you (1) have column values from both sides of your join condition, you can avoid this Spark-induced cartesian product and improve the performance of your joins and data flows. (2) Avoid use of literal conditions to represent the results of one side of your join condition.

In other words, avoid this for your join condition:source1@movieId == '1'Instead, implement that with a dummy derived column. 

There are several good tips in this post.

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Log Aggregation with Apache Flink

Gyula Fora and Matyas Orhidi have started a series on log aggregation with Apache Flink:

There are several off-the-shelf solutions available on the market for log aggregation, which come with their own stack of components and operational difficulties. For example, notable logging frameworks that are widely used in the industry are ELK stack and Graylog. 

Unfortunately, there is no clear cut solution that works for every application, and different logging solutions might be more suitable for certain use cases. The log processing of real-time applications should for instance also happen in real-time, otherwise, we lose timely information that may be required to successfully operate the system.

In this blog post, we dive deep into logging for real-time applications.

This post is mostly understanding and setup, but it leads into processing and visualization.

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