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Category: Hadoop

Getting Started With Apache Mesos

Mahesh Chand Kandpal shows how to install Apache Mesos:

Follow the following instructions to install required packages and other Mesos dependencies.

# Update the packages.
$ sudo apt-get update

# Install a few utility tools.
$ sudo apt-get install -y tar wget git

# Install the latest OpenJDK.
$ sudo apt-get install -y openjdk-8-jdk

# Install other Mesos dependencies.
$ sudo apt-get -y install build-essential python-dev python-six python-virtualenv libcurl4-nss-dev libsasl2-dev libsasl2-modules maven libapr1-dev libsvn-dev zlib1g-dev

Then, Anubhav Tarar shows how to install Spark on top of Mesos: got to $SPARK_HOME/CONF

inside your add following parameters

export MESOS_NATIVE_JAVA_LIBRARY= /usr/local/lib/
export SPARK_EXECUTOR_URI=/path/to/spark-2.2.0-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz

8. start spark shell with mesos as master

./bin/spark-shell –master mesos://

Mesos is a rather interesting platform, and if you’re getting interested in Hadoop and Spark, it’s worth learning about this.

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Using Akka In A Streaming Solution

Artem Rukavytsia shows us how you can easily integrate Akka into a solution with Kafka and Spark Streaming:

Akka gives you the opportunity to make logic for producing/consuming messages from Kafka with the Actor model. It’s very convenient if actors are widely used in your code and it significantly simplifies making data pipelines with actors. For example, you have your Akka Cluster, one part of which allows you to crawl of web pages and the other part of which makes it possible to index and send indexed data to Kafka. The consumer can aggregate this logic. Producing data to Kafka looks as follows:

The Actor model, which Akka implements, is something I kind of understand, but have never spent much time trying to implement.  I can see how it’d make perfect sense communicating with Kafka, though, given the scale and independence of consumers within a consumer group that Kafka provides.

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Using Kafka To Drive Machine Learning

Kai Waehner has a nice architectural post on using Kafka as the focal point for machine learning training and prediction:

The essence of this architecture is that it uses Kafka as an intermediary between the various data sources from which feature data is collected, the model building environment where the model is fit, and the production application that serves predictions.

Feature data is pulled into Kafka from the various apps and databases that host it. This data is used to build models. The environment for this will vary based on the skills and preferred toolset of the team. The model building could be a data warehouse, a big data environment like Spark or Hadoop, or a simple server running python scripts. The model can be published where the production app that gets the same model parameters can apply it to incoming examples (perhaps using Kafka Streams to help index the feature data for easy usage on demand). The production app can either receive data from Kafka as a pipeline or even be a Kafka Streams application itself.

This is approximately 80% of my interests wrapped up in one post, so of course I’m going to read it…

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Using Spark Streaming On Kafka

Ayush Tiwari has an introductory tutorial on using Spark Streaming on top of Kafka:

The Spark Streaming integration for Kafka 0.10 is similar in design to the 0.8 Direct Stream approach. It provides simple parallelism, 1:1 correspondence between Kafka partitions and Spark partitions, and access to offsets and metadata. However, because the newer integration uses the new Kafka consumer API instead of the simple API, there are notable differences in usage. This version of the integration is marked as experimental, so the API is potentially subject to change.

In this blog, I am going to implement the basic example on Spark Structured Streaming & Kafka Integration.

This is a code-heavy tutorial, so check it out.

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Joins With Kafka

Florian Trossbach and Matthias J Sax show the various sorts of joins offered in Kafka, both streams and tables:

Apache Kafka’s Streams API provides a very sophisticated API for joins that can handle many use cases in a scalable way. However, some join semantics might be surprising to developers as streaming join semantics differ from SQL semantics. Furthermore, the semantics of changelog streams and tombstone messages (that are used for deletes) are a new concept in stream processing.

Kafka’s journey from Pub/Sub broker to distributed streaming platform is well underway, and our times as engineers are very exciting!

I didn’t know you could join streams together in Kafka, so that’s really cool.

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Polybase And RPC Protection

Casey Karst announces that Polybase supports Hadoop RPC protection:

Supporting this configuration allows PolyBase to connect and query Hadoop clusters that have wire encryption turned on. This enables a secure connection between Hadoop and SQL Server; as well as, among the Hadoop Data Nodes.

To connect to a Hadoop cluster with the set to privacy or integrity, you will need to alter the core-site.xml file that is installed with PolyBase. This file is generally found at C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL13.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Binn\Polybase\Hadoop\conf.

That’s good news for Polybase users.

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Long-Term Storage In Kafka

Jay Kreps shows us that you can use Kafka as a primary data store:

The short answer is that it’s not insane, people do this all the time, and Kafka was actually designed for this type of usage. But first, why might you want to do this? There are actually a number of use cases, here’s a few:

  1. You may be building an application using event sourcing and need a store for the log of changes. Theoretically you could use any system to store this log, but Kafka directly solves a lot of the problems of an immutable log and “materialized views” computed off of that. The New York Times does this for all their article data as the heart of their CMS.

  2. You may have an in-memory cache in each instance of your application that is fed by updates from Kafka. A very simple way of building this is to make the Kafka topic log compacted, and have the app simply start fresh at offset zero whenever it restarts to populate its cache.

  3. Stream processing jobs do computation off a stream of data coming via Kafka. When the logic of the stream processing code changes, you often want to recompute your results. A very simple way to do this is just to reset the offset for the program to zero to recompute the results with the new code. This sometimes goes by the somewhat grandiose name of The Kappa Architecture.

  4. Kafka is often used to capture and distribute a stream of database updates (this is often called Change Data Capture or CDC). Applications that consume this data in steady state just need the newest changes, however new applications need start with a full dump or snapshot of data. However performing a full dump of a large production database is often a very delicate and time consuming operation. Enabling log compaction on the topic containing the stream of changes allows consumers of this data to simple reload by resetting to offset zero.

This is a great article, especially the part about how Kafka is not the data storage system; there are reasons you’d want data in other formats as well (like relational databases, which are great for random access queries).

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Creating A Simple Kafka Streams Application

Bill Bejeck has built a simple Kafka Streams application for us:

This blog post will quickly get you off the ground and show you how Kafka Streams works. We’re going to make a toy application that takes incoming messages and upper-cases the text of those messages, effectively yelling at anyone who reads the message. This application is called the yelling application.

Before diving into the code, let’s take a look at the processing topology you’ll assemble for this “yelling” application. We’ll build a processing graph topology, where each node in the graph has a particular function.

His entire application is 20 lines of code but it does function as a valid Kafka Streams app and works well as a demo.

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How Kafka Is Tested

Colin McCabe walks us through the process of a change in Apache Kafka:

The Kafka community has a culture of deep and extensive code review that tries to proactively find correctness and performance issues. Code review is, of course, a pretty common practice in software engineering but it is often cursory check of style and high-level design. We’ve found a deeper investment of time in code review really pays off.

The failures in distributed systems often have to do with error conditions, often in combinations and states that can be difficult to trigger in a targeted test. There is simply no substitute for a deeply paranoid individual going through new code line-by-line and spending significant time trying to think of everything that could go wrong. This often helps to find the kind of rare problem that can be hard to trigger in a test.

Testing data processing engines is difficult, particularly distributed systems where things like network partitions and transient errors are hard to reproduce in a test environment.

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