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Category: ETL / ELT

Staging Your Data with ETL

Martin Schoombee provides some advice on creating ETL processes:

The concept of staging is not a complicated one, but you shouldn’t be deceived by the apparent simplicity of it. There’s a lot you can do in this phase of your ETL process, and it is as much a skill as it is an art to get it all right and still appear simplistic.

I have a few primary objectives when designing a staging process: Efficiency, Modularity, Recoverability & Traceability. Let’s take a closer look at each one of these, and some ideas & good practices that will help you achieve it…

Click through for several tips around each of those points.

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Limitations with Control Flows in Azure Data Factory

Meagan Longoria has a list:

If you’ve been using Azure Data Factory for a while, you might have hit some limitations that don’t exist in tools like SSIS or Databricks. Knowing these limitations up front can help you design better pipelines, so I’m listing a few here of which you’ll want to be aware.

1. You cannot nest For Each activities.
Within a pipeline, you cannot place a For Each activity inside of another For Each activity. If you need to iterate through two datasets you have two main options. You can combine the two datasets before you iterate over them. Or you can use a parent/child pipeline design where you move the inner For Each activity into the child pipeline. Fun fact: currently the Data Factory UI won’t stop you from nesting For Each activities. You won’t find out until you try to execute the pipeline.

Click through for several other limitations and workarounds.

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Loading Azure Synapse Analytics using PolyBase

Gauri Mahajan needs to load some data:

Azure Synapse Analytics is Microsoft’s data warehousing offering on Azure Cloud. It supports three types of runtimes – SQL Serverless Pool, SQL Dedicated Pool, and Spark Pools. As there are a variety of data sources on Azure, it’s very obvious that there can be varying types and volumes of data that would have to be loaded into Azure Synapse pools. There are three major types of data ingestion approaches that can be used to load data into Synapse. The COPY command is the most flexible and elaborate mechanism, where someone can execute this command from a SQL pool to load data from supported data repositories. This command is convenient to load ad-hoc and small to medium-sized data loads into Synapse. The second method of loading data is the Bulk Insert, where the method name is self-relevant regarding the approach functionality. To ingest the data from supported repositories into dedicated SQL pools, PolyBase is as efficient and at times it’s even more efficient than the COPY command. This article will help you understand the process to ingest data into Azure Synapse Analytics using PolyBase to load the data.

Click through for the process.

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Creating Parquet Files from SQL Server Data

Andy Leonard answers a challenge:

I searched and found some promising Parquet SSIS components available from CData Software and passed that information along. I shared my inexperience in exporting to parquet format and asked a few friends how they’d done it.

I thought: How many times have I demonstrated Azure Data Factory and clicked right past file format selection without giving Parquet a second thought? Too many times. It was time to change that.

Another route is to use PolyBase. If you’re okay with writing the results to Azure Blob Storage, you can insert directly into Parquet files the results of a SQL query. If that sounds interesting, here are posts on connecting to Azure Blob Storage via PolyBase and inserting into Azure Blob Storage. I insert in CSV format to make it easier for people to follow, but swap the file format with Parquet and it works all the same.

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Bad Request when Debugging an Azure Data Factory Pipeline

Ed Elliott ran into a problem:

Now, whenever I am troublehooting something in Azure and I come to the activity logs I am always hopeful but also always dissapointed that they don’t show more details. The bit that really annoys me is that I know Micrsoft see more detailed error information as I have been screen sharing with a support tech who used log exporer to see more detailed error messages than I see – grrrr, just show us the data! Anyway, I digress – so in the activity log, does it give a clue as to what is wrong?

No, in a word no it doesn’t. 

Read on for the conclusion, which rates as “Should have been an easy fix but the error message was completely unhelpful.”

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Azure Data Factory and JSON Array Hand-Offs

Rayis Imayev wants to pass a JSON array from one Azure Data Factory pipeline to another:

This next post came out of an error message during my attempt to pass a hard-coded array value between pipelines. Strangely, this use-case worked well in the pipeline that was already deployed in ADF, however, I was getting an error message while trying to test and execute this very same pipeline in a Debug mode.

Click through for the explanation.

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Logical Separation in Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev is at a crossroads:

I was raised listening and reading fairy tales where the main character would reach a crossroad with a large stone that had some directions written on it – turn right and you will lose your horse, turn left and you will lose your life, walk straight and you will find your happiness. 

Also, growing up in a small Ukrainian industrial city, closely situated to a railroad hub, I was always fascinated to see many colorful rail traffic lights, trying to imagine where a myriad of rail tracks would lead trains on them.

Similarly, Azure Data Factory (ADF) provides several ways, to control/direct/filter your pipeline workflows; it’s all conditioned and constrained to the boundaries of my “crossroad stone” writings.

As one of my intellectual heroes is purported to have said, if you see a fork in the road, take it.

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Azure Data Factory Deployment Methods

Kamil Nowinski contrasts two methods for deploying Azure Data Factory pipelines:

Turned out that two-third of people use Microsoft’s deployment way, according to their answers on that poll (including few people who publish the code manually). In 1/3 cases people prefer to deploy directly from code. You may ask: what’re the differences? What characterizes both methods? Which one is better?
Before I start answering these questions, let me present both methods of publishing.

Read on to learn more about these approaches.

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Little Things in Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev has some kind words about small niceties in Azure Data Factory:

Recently Microsoft team conducted a brief year-end survey about a “one thing” that Azure Data Factory (ADF) “made your day in 2020” – There were different responses from the global parameters support to the limit increase of ADF instances per subscription.

I personally like the little things that are not easily detected on a surface, but with a deeper immersion into a data pipeline development, your level of gratefulness increases even more.

Click through for a few examples.

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