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Category: Data Lake

Azure Data Lake Updates

Saveen Reddy points out a few updates to Azure Data Lake Store & the Azure Data Lake Analytics portal:

Use Custom Delimeters when Previewing Files

Previously, we had supported comma, colon, space, tab, ampersand, and bar delimiters. With the many different kinds of files used in Azure Data Lake Store and Azure Storage, we’ve added a “Custom” delimiter options for you to define your own delimiter.

To change the delimiter on the Azure Portal:

  1. Open the file you want to preview using Data Explorer.

  2. Click on Format

  3. Under Delimiter, click the dropdown and change it to Custom

  4. A new Custom Delimiter field will appear, type in your delimiter here

  5. Click OK

Read on for more updates.

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Data Lake Planning

Melissa Coates discusses some of the planning involved with creating a data lake:

Does a Data Lake Replace a Data Warehouse?

I’m biased here, and a firm believer that modern data warehousing is still very important. Therefore, I believe that a data lake, in an of itself, doesn’t entirely replace the need for a data warehouse (or data marts) which contain cleansed data in a user-friendly format. The data warehouse doesn’t absolutely have to be in a relational database anymore, but it does need a semantic layer which is easy to work with that most business users can access for the most common reporting needs.

On this question, my answer is “Absolutely not.”  Data warehouses are designed to answer specific, known business questions.  They’re great for regulatory reporting, quarterly reports to shareholders, weekly reports to management, etc.  Data lakes are designed for ad hoc analysis of information.  Read the whole thing.

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Automatic Approval For Data Lake Analytics

Yan Li reports that Azure Data Lake Analytics no longer requires waiting for approval:

We’re happy to announce that we’ve made it much faster to get started with the Data Lake Store and Analytics services starting today. Before today, when you tried to sign up for these services you had to go through an approval process that introduced a delay of at least one hour.

Now, you no longer have to wait for approval, and you can simply create an account immediately.

Yan also has some “getting started” links to help you out, now that you don’t have to wait for an account.

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Securing The Data Plane

Michael Schiebel gives an overview of security architecture inside a data lake:

Existing platform based Hadoop architectures make several implicit assumptions on how users interact with the platform such as developmental research versus production applications.  While this was perfectly good in a research mode, as we move to a modern data application architecture we need to bring back modern application concepts to the Hadoop ecosystem.  For example, existing Hadoop architectures tightly couple the user interface with the source of data.  This is done for good reasons that apply in a data discovery research context, but cause significant issues in developing and maintaining a production application.  We see this in some of the popular user interfaces such as Kibana, Banana, Grafana, etc.  Each user interface is directly tied to a specific type of data lake and imposes schema choices on that data.

Read the whole thing.  Also, “Securing the data plane” sounds like a terrible ’90s action film.

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Azure Data Lake ACLs

Saveen Reddy introduces file and folder level Access Control Lists for Azure Data Lake storage:

We’ve emphasized that Azure Data Lake Store is compatible with WebHDFS. Now that ACLs are fully available, it’s important to understand the ACL model in WebHDFS/HDFS because they are POSIX-style ACLs and not Windows-style ACLs.  Before we five deep into the details on the ACL model, here are key points to remember.

  • POSIX-STYLE ACLs DO NOT ALLOW INHERITANCE. For those of you familiar with POSIX ACLs, this is not a surprise. For those coming from a Windows background this is very important to keep in mind. For example, if Alice can read files in folder /foo, it does not mean that she can rad files in /foo/bar. She must be granted explicit permission to /foo/bar. The POSIX ACL model is different in some other interesting ways, but this lack of inheritance is the most important thing to keep in mind.

  • ADDING A NEW USER TO DATA LAKE ANALYTICS REQUIRES A FEW NEW STEPS. Fortunately, a portal wizard automates the most difficult steps for you.

This is an interesting development.

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Reading From The Data Lake

Bill Vorhies discusses technologies to analyze and use data in a data lake:

So the takeaway that many DB developers would have you believe is ‘Hadoop Good’, ‘RDBMS Bad’.

But wait.  RDBMS EDW hasn’t gone away and won’t. That’s where we keep our single version of the truth, the business data that record legal transactions with customers, suppliers, and employees.  We also get strong SLAs, strong fault tolerance, and highly curated data based on strong ETL, provenance, and governance.  Those are all things that are missing in our Data Lake.

Anybody who sells you on one technology to solve all problems is shilling snake oil.  Bill’s answer is an Adjunct Data Warehouse, which sits separate from the Enterprise Data Warehouse.  You go to the EDW when you risk getting fired or going to jail if the data’s wrong; you go to the ADW when you need data not in your EDW, or when you need larger-scale analytics in which it’s okay to be 1% off.

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Visiting Production

Randolph West discusses production access:

During a recent client meeting about a database migration, I realised that I have never logged into a SQL Server on their production environment. My involvement has been strictly dealing with setting up the new environment and log shipping the backups.

I get that I’m not a full-service DBA for this client, but it got me wondering about the many security discussions I’ve seen and participated in, in the past: that not even a junior DBA might need access to production database systems, if it’s not within the scope of his or her work.

Limiting production access is a smart move, but it’s important to realize the downstream consequences:  the people who still have access to production will (at least in the short term) have to perform a lot of the tasks that others were doing previously, including data fixes, research, etc.  It’s important to be prepared for that.

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Overlapping Ranges Using U-SQL

Michael Rys explains how to merge overlapping ranges of data using U-SQL:

If you look at the problem, you will at first notice that you want to define something like a user-defined aggregation to combine the overlapping time intervals. However, if you look at the input data, you will notice that since the data is not ordered, you will either have to maintain the state for all possible intervals and then merge disjoint intervals as bridging intervals appear, or you need to preorder the intervals for each user name to make the merging of the intervals easier.

The ordered aggregation is simpler to scale out, but U-SQL does not provide ordered user-defined aggregators (UDAGGs) yet. In addition, UDAGGs normally produce one row per group, while in this case, I may have multiple rows per group if the ranges are disjoint.

Luckily, U-SQL provides a scalable user-defined operator called a reducer which gives us the ability to aggregate a set of rows based on a grouping key set using custom code.

There are some good insights here, so read the whole thing.

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Relational Data In Data Lakes

Shankar Selvam discusses one company’s tool for bringing relational data into a data lake:

The next step in building this pipeline is to configure the sink or destination for the imported data. Hydrator provides capabilities to store data in time-partitioned directories via a built-in CDAP Dataset called Time-partitioned File Set.  Once the data is stored in the fileset, CDAP automatically adds a partition which can be queried using Hive.

In this use case we will configure a Time-partitioned File Set that stores data in Avro format by usingTPFSAvro as the sink.

I like the fact that there’s a UI for this.  Between this tool and NiFi, the Hadoop ecosystem is getting some tools to make data migration easier to understand, and I think that will help adoption.

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