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Category: Cloud

The Key Concepts of Azure Synapse Analytics

Simon Whiteley takes a look at what Azure Synapse Analytics really is:

You might have seen that I’ve been pretty busy recently, digging into the new Azure Synapse Analytics preview, announced back at Microsoft Build 2020. I’ve explored the spark engine, SQL serverless/On-Demand and various other bits… but I’m still getting the same question of “Cool!…. but what actually is it?”. One of the problems here is that Azure SQL Data Warehouse was rebranded as “Azure Synapse Analytics”… but it’s not the same as the full workspace. Having two products, both talked about in Marketing, one generally available, one still in preview – it’s no wonder people are still confused!

Simon also has a video, which I recommend so that you can enjoy the funny way he pronounces “Synapse.” That said, next time I’m in the UK, it’ll be just as fair for someone to point out the funny way I pronounce “Synapse.” Also, you should watch the video because Simon knows the topic cold and does a great job of explaining things.

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Improving Async Stats Update Concurrency

Dimitri Furman announces a change in Azure SQL Database:

In Azure SQL Database and Azure SQL Managed Instance, the background process that updates statistics asynchronously can now wait for the schema modification lock on a low priority queue. This improves concurrency for workloads with frequent query plan (re)compilations.

New behavior is enabled with the ASYNC_STATS_UPDATE_WAIT_AT_LOW_PRIORITY database-scoped configuration. This feature is currently in public preview.

Dimitri does a good job of explaining what this means and how it can make life a little better for people querying tables with statistics updates.

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Understanding the RESOURCE_GOVERNOR_IDLE Wait Type in Azure

Josh Darnell does some sleuthing:

With a big gap between CPU and elapsed time, it’s often worthwhile to check wait statistics. If the query was running, but not using CPU, it seems reasonable that it was waiting on something. Normally, with on-prem SQL Server, you’d have to check sys.dm_os_wait_stats, and take a diff of the cumulative values before and after.

However, thanks to (relatively) recent enhancements to execution plans (which keep getting better and better!), we can see a subset of what resources the query waited on right in the plan.

Looking at the plan from my Azure query, here’s what I see:

<Wait WaitType="SOS_SCHEDULER_YIELD" WaitTimeMs="5733" WaitCount="323" />
<Wait WaitType="RESOURCE_GOVERNOR_IDLE" WaitTimeMs="5545" WaitCount="430" />

Notice that there were 5.5 seconds of RESOURCE_GOVERNOR_IDLE waits during this query. That explains the 5 second gap in CPU and elapsed time. But what does it mean?

Click through to learn more about this in the context of Azure SQL Database.

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Including Headers in Zero-Row ADF Data Flows

Mark Kromer meets a challenge:

Today, we don’t have an option in data flows in ADF to include headers when your transformations result in zero rows. But you can build the logic to handle this scenario. So, until we add a checkbox feature to include headers, you can use this technique below to achieve this.

Click through for the explanation, as well as a completed version you can take for your own.

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E-mailing Query Results via Logic Apps + Azure Data Factory

Rayis Imayev has to send an e-mail:

It is a very simple concept, you have a database query result, either a direct database table output or a stored procedure returned result that needs to be sent as email notification. This email could serve as a status report of your daily data processing job or alert notification with some metrics that require immediate attention, and you want to be as user-friendly as possible with this message aka HTML format for your dataset is required.

I’ve built this solution approach over a year go and wanted to document and share it after recently using it in one of my projects. Again, I agree, there other more or less effective ways to achieve the very same goal, this blog post is just a recollection of my efforts to send HTML formatted SQL query results using Azure Data Factory and Logic App.

It’s a bit more effort than sp_send_dbmail, though also considerably more flexible.

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Reducing Costs in Azure

Matt Robertshaw has a few tips for saving money in Azure:

4. Enterprise Dev/Test subscriptions

Enterprise Dev/Test subscriptions are provided as part of Microsoft Enterprise Agreements (EA).  They’re designed for teams of Visual Studio subscribers to run development and test workloads in Azure but at discounted rates, specifically on Windows virtual machines and exclusive gallery images.  This is significant because I see many clients using regular Azure subscriptions for development and test, which means they’re potentially paying more than they need to.

One additional point I’d make, though it kind of fits in with points 7 and 9, is to try to make your own services “cloud-first.” In other words, a typical cloud migration takes services built for on-prem data centers, converts the servers into VMs, ships those VMs up into Azure/AWS/Google/whatever, and then you end up paying more than you did on-prem.

Instead, read up a bit on cloud architecture and see how you might be able to change a service to fit that model. Instead of having a server running all the time, is it possible to store messages in a queue and have functions process these messages on a given schedule? Can you use expensive tools like Azure Synapse Analytics to perform nightly data processing and move the results to a much less expensive Azure SQL Database?

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Unit Testing Azure Data Factory Pipelines

Richard Swinbank walks us through what it takes to run a unit test against an Azure Data Factory pipeline:

In part three of this series I looked at functional tests for ADF pipelines: verifying, in isolation, that pipelines are “doing things right”. In this post I’ll be testing isolated pipelines to check that they’re “doing the right things” – this is one description of a unit test. In a general-purpose programming language, unit tests might be used to verify that an individual line of code is executed, or that it has a particular effect. In Azure Data Factory, the smallest unit of development – a “line of code” – is a pipeline activity. I will be writing tests to verify that specific activities are executed (or not) and to inspect their results.

There’s a fair bit involved in this sort of test.

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