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Extended Events in Azure SQL Database

Grant Fritchey compares and contrasts extended events on-premises to extended events in Azure SQL Database:

I have long advocated for the use of Extended Events. I’ve been posting all sorts of blog posts on how to implement them, how they present unique opportunities for new and interesting data, and how they do so much more than the old trace events, yet, put less of a load on the system. All of that is true, until we hit Azure SQL Database.

Now, don’t get me wrong, Extended Events are still awesome, amazing and wonderful. It’s just that, Azure SQL Database is going to force us to hop through a few hoops. I want to be up front with these… I’m trying to find the right word here, challenges? Maybe. Frustrations? Yeah, kind of. Limitations? Again, sort of, but not quite. We’ll settle on as neutral a term as possible: differences. For the moment.

Read on for the first part in an ongoing series.