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Category: Cloud

Well-Architected Framework for Oracle in Azure

Kellyn Pot’vin-Gorman has a new tool for us:

This invaluable framework provides clear guidance on the recommended practices to assess, architect and migrate Oracle workloads to the Azure cloud.  This should be the first place for answers to success for Oracle on Azure!

A special thanks to my teammate, Jessica Haessler for working so hard to help me get this to the finish line, as I would have never been able to get this done on my own!  

Click through for a link to the guide. There isn’t a Well-Architected Framework assessment for this yet but the WAF articles themselves have quite a bit of detail to them.

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Reading the Data Lake with the Serverless Pool via OPENROWSET

Ryan Adams begins a series on reading data from the data lake:

There are two ways to read data inside Data Lake using the Synapse Serverless engine.  In this article, we’ll look at the first method which uses OPENROWSET to query a path within the lake. 

Synapse is a collection of tools with four different analytical engines (Dedicated PoolSpark PoolServerless PoolData Explorer Pool).  This gives you a lot of options for ingesting, transforming, storing, and querying your data.  The article will focus on how you can use the Synapse Serverless Pool to query the data in your ADLS account.   

Click through for a primer on the topic, as well as a demo video.

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Error Handling Patterns in ADF Pipelines

Chenye Charlie Zhu begins a new series:

Orchestration allows conditional logic and enables user to take different based upon outcomes of a previous activity. Building upon the concepts of conditional paths, ADF and Synapse pipeline allows users to build versatile and resilient work flows that can handle unexpected errors that work smoothly in auto-pilot mode.

This is an ongoing series that gradually level up and help you build even more complicated logic to handle more scenarios. We will walk through examples for some common use cases, and help you to build functional and useful work flows.

Read on for a few error-handling patterns.

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Logic App Errors with Variables in Sharepoint Actions

Koen Verbeeck troubleshoots an issue:

I have a Logic App that reads out a SharePoint library and stores all the documents found into Azure Blob Storage (ADF only supports Lists). I was trying to make this Logic App “generic”, meaning I could change the source folder and the destination container by using variables. That way, I have one single Logic App which can read out any SharePoint library, instead of creating a new Logic App for each library.

So I adapted my HTTP trigger to accept a JSON payload, which contains the name of the folder on SharePoint and the name of the blob container.

Read on to see the error message, as well as how Koen resolved the problem.

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Networking Options with Azure SQL DB

Deepthi Goguri looks at four options:

Securing data in Azure is an important part and there are different security layers available in Azure. Below diagram shows you the different layers of Security we have in Azure to reach the customer data.

In this post, let’s focus on the Network security.

Click through for a table covering the four options in the columns list and a quick comparison of the highlights in the rows. Private link is definitely the best corporate option, though it also requires a fair amount of preparatory work.

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Plotly Visualizations in Azure Data Explorer

Adi Eldar improves ADX visualization:

Azure Data Explorer (ADX) supports various types of data visualizations including time, bar and scatter charts, maps, funnels and many more. The chosen visualization can be specified as part of the KQL query using ‘render’ operator, or interactively selected when building ADX dashboards. Today we extend the set of visualizations, supporting advanced interactive visualizations by Plotly graphics library. Plotly supports ~80 chart types including basic charts, scientific, statistical, financial, maps, 3D, animations and more. There are two methods for creating Plotly visuals:

Read on to learn more about those two methods.

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Azure SQL DB Lessons Learned

Kendra Little shares a few lessons:

When I think about service objectives, I tend to assume we’re talking about guaranteed uptime, often expressed in some number of 9’s.

But Azure SQL Database has its own language. The best resource I know of to learn that language is the Azure SQL glossary of terms.

Read on for three lessons, two of which are pretty straightforward but the third one is liable to strike without you realizing.

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Troubleshooting High I/O Usage on Azure SQL DB

Etienne Lopes troubleshoots a strange issue:

After the downsizing (to GeneralPurpose: Standard-series (Gen5), 2 vCores) occasionally there were timeouts in the application for a very specific task (the command timeout property in the application was set to 30 seconds). Other times the very same task would execute immediately, as it should always, since the underlying query was actually quite simple: a SELECT to a single, although large table (58 GB) but with a predicate that would always result in a perfect index seek to return never more than 300 rows. Furthermore each time there were timeouts, there were also momentary I/O spikes up to 100%:

Read on to learn more about what caused this problem and how Etienne was able to resolve it.

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Moving Azure SQL MI between Subscriptions

Sabrin Alsahsah migrates a SQL managed instance:

We have recently received a few service requests from our customers to know how to move an Azure SQL-managed instance between subscriptions. In this blog article, we will be discussing supportability, methods, and solutions that can achieve this goal, and you can decide the best for you depending on your business requirements and environment setup.

Currently, at this time there is no direct way to move a managed instance itself, but we can have a workaround by moving the Azure SQL managed databases across Azure SQL managed instances that are hosted\located in different subscriptions.

Click through for three workaround options.

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