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Category: Cloud

Replicating To Azure SQL DB

Jeffrey Verheul shows how to enable replication from your on-prem SQL Server up to Azure SQL DB:

Replication to another on-premise instance is easy. You just follow the steps in the wizard, it works out-of-the-box, and the chances of this process failing are small. With replicating data to an Azure SQL database it’s a bit more of a struggle. Just one single word took me a few HOURS of investigation and a lot of swearing…

The magic word is “secure.”  Read the whole thing if you’re thinking of migrating an app to use Azure SQL DB and want to minimize downtime, or if you just want that extra level of protection that having a copy of your database out of the data center can give you.

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Querying Genomic Data With Athena

Aaron Friedman explains how to use Amazon Athena to query S3 files:

Recently, we launched Amazon Athena as an interactive query service to analyze data on Amazon S3. With Amazon Athena there are no clusters to manage and tune, no infrastructure to setup or manage, and customers pay only for the queries they run. Athena is able to query many file types straight from S3. This flexibility gives you the ability to interact easily with your datasets, whether they are in a raw text format (CSV/JSON) or specialized formats (e.g. Parquet). By being able to flexibly query different types of data sources, researchers can more rapidly progress through the data exploration phase for discovery. Additionally, researchers don’t have to know nuances of managing and running a big data system. This makes Athena an excellent complement to data warehousing on Amazon Redshift and big data analytics on Amazon EMR 

In this post, I discuss how to prepare genomic data for analysis with Amazon Athena as well as demonstrating how Athena is well-adapted to address common genomics query paradigms.  I use the Thousand Genomes dataset hosted on Amazon S3, a seminal genomics study, to demonstrate these approaches. All code that is used as part of this post is available in our GitHub repository.

This feels a lot like a data lake PaaS process where they’re spinning up a Hadoop cluster in the background, but one which you won’t need to manage. Cf. Azure Data Lake Analytics.

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Azure TCO Calculator

James Serra links to the Azure Total Cost of Ownership calculator:

For a long time clients would ask me how to determine the cost savings by migrating their applications and databases to Azure.  I never had a good answer until now: The Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) Calculator.  Now in preview, just provide a brief description of your on-premises environment to get an instant estimate of the cost savings you can realize by migrating your application workloads to Microsoft Azure

I think this is a useful start, though a big part of the value I see in Azure is moving certain things from IaaS to PaaS, like getting rid of the web servers and going to Azure Websites.

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Apache Ranger On ElasticMapReduce

Varun Rao explains role-based access control using Apache Ranger on Amazon ElasticMapReduce:

Using the HUE SQL Editor, execute the following query.

These queries use external tables, and Hive leverages EMRFS to access the data stored in S3. Because HiveServer2 (where Hue is submitting these queries) is checking with Ranger to grant or deny before accessing any data in S3, you can create fine-grained SQL-based permissions for users even though there is a single EC2 role specified for the cluster (which is used by all requests the cluster makes to S3). For more information, see Additional Features of Hive on Amazon EMR.

If your job includes securing a Hadoop cluster, this is a nice read, even if you don’t use EMR.

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Identity Not Found

Melissa Coates explains Azure Active Directory tenancy to solve an Azure Analysis Services error:

The Analysis Services product team explained to me that a a user from a tenant which has never provisioned Azure Analysis Services cannot be added to another tenant’s provisioned server. Put another way, our Corporate tenant had never provisioned AAS so the Development tenant could not do so via cross-tenant guest security.

One resolution for this is to provision an AAS server in a subscription associated with the Corporate tenant, and then immediately delete the service from the Corporate tenant. Doing that initial provisioning will do the magic behind the scenes and allow the tenant to be known to Azure Analysis Services. Then we can proceed to provision it for real in the Development tenant.

Read the whole thing.

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Elastic Database Pools

Arun Sirpal describes Azure elastic database pools:

The key to using elastic database pools is that you must understand the characteristics of the databases involved and their utilisation patterns, if you do not understand this then the idea of using an elastic database pool may cause problems.

The maximum amount my pool has is 100 eDTUs, I know for a fact that the S2 databases will not be used at the same time, the other S0 databases might be used at the same time at the most 3 of them at the same time. Basically what I am saying here is that I know that when the databases concurrently peak I know that it will not go beyond the 100 eDTU limit.

One thing that Arun does not mention is the relative ease of interconnecting databases within a pool, so even if it doesn’t end up being cheaper on net, that might be a benefit worth having.

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AWS Data Lake

Nick Corbett announces that Amazon is rolling out their own data lake solution:

Separating storage from processing can also help to reduce the cost of your data lake. Until you choose to analyze your data, you need to pay only for S3 storage. This model also makes it easier to attribute costs to individual projects. With the correct tagging policy in place, you can allocate the costs to each of your analytical projects based on the infrastructure that they consume. In turn, this makes it easy to work out which projects provide most value to your organization.

The data lake stores metadata in both DynamoDB and Amazon ES. DynamoDB is used as the system of record. Each change of metadata that you make is saved, so you have a complete audit trail of how your package has changed over time. You can see this on the data lake console by choosing History in the package view:

Having a competitor in the data lake space is a good thing for us, though based on this intro post, it seems that Amazon and Microsoft are taking different approaches to the data lake, where Microsoft wants you to stay in the data lake (e.g., writing U-SQL or Python statements to query the data lake) and Amazon wants you to shop the data lake and check out the specific S3 buckets and files for your own processing.

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Python Support In Azure Data Lake

Saveen Reddy announces that Python is now a first-tier language in the Azure Data Lake:

This week, were are now making announcing even more support for Python. As of today Python is now a first-class language supported by our management SDKs. This enables you to develop applications or automate the Data Lake services. Check out or Getting Started articles that now include many python samples

Saveen has a Jupyter notebook which demonstrates Python in Azure Data Lake Store.

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Azure Functions

Steph Locke has taken a shine to Azure Functions:

Azure Functions take care of all the hosting, all the retry logic, all the parallelisation, all the authentication gubbins, all the monitoring for you. The only bits of code you really have to write is the important stuff – the code that implements the business process. This makes a coding project go from >500 lines to <50, and it should be better quality too! This is super handy for data integration, and I would recommend it over and above Data Factory, unless you need to do some Hadoop stuff and maybe not even then.

The wag in me says that with F#, you could take it from 50 lines to 10…  Read the whole thing.

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Sharing Power Query Queries

Chris Webb shows how to use Azure Data Catalog to share queries from Power Query:

While I’m really happy to have this functionality back, and I think a lot of people will find it useful, there’s still a lot of room for improvement. Some thoughts:

  • This really needs to extended to work with Power BI Desktop too. In fact, it’s such an obvious thing to do it must be happening soon…?

Given how quickly the Power BI team iterates, that’s probably the case.  Anyhow, read the whole thing.

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