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Category: Azure Data Studio

Azure Data Studio November 2020 Release

Alan Yu announces the November 2020 release of Azure Data Studio:

Another feature request was to provide support for parameters in a notebook. Parameterization is the ability to execute the same notebook with different parameters.

With this release of Azure Data Studio, users will now be able to utilize Papermill’s ability to parameterize, execute, and store notebooks. By stating the parameters cell as the first code cell in your notebook, it ensures that the injected parameters in the outputted parameterized notebook will be placed directly after the original parameters cell. That way the parameterized notebook will utilize the newly injected parameters instead of the original parameters cell.

Users can utilize Papermill CLI as well as the Python API  to pass in a new set of parameters quickly and efficiently as shown below.

That does look interesting.

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Azure Data Studio Database Projects

Warwick Rudd takes us through database projects in Azure Data Studio:

For a long time source control for Database Code, has been difficult or costly to implement and use.

With the ever expanding list of resources available for Azure Data Studio, we can now do even more while staying inside of a single tool allow us to be more productive and take advantage of implementing and using source control in our environments.

In the September 2020, release we have a new extension – Database Projects that I recommend you install and have approved if needed in your environment making your life easier with your database development being incorporated into source control.

I’ll stick to the ones in Visual Studio for now, but will check in on this in a couple releases to see if there’s enough value in here to make the switch.

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SSMS 18.7.1 Released

Glenn Berry takes us through the latest edition of SQL Server Management Studio:

One big change with SSMS 18.7 is described by Microsoft this way:

Beginning with SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) 18.7, Azure Data Studio is automatically installed alongside SSMS. Users of SQL Server Management Studio are now able to benefit from the innovations and features in Azure Data Studio. Azure Data Studio is a cross-platform and open-source desktop tool for your environments, whether in the cloud, on-premises, or hybrid.

So far, this has been a pretty controversial change. Erik Darling created a User Voice suggestion on October 20th that has already gotten over 234 votes, and many comments.

I’m not going to weigh in too much here, though I would prefer this to be an optional installation. Do watch out for an annoyance, though, if you have Azure Data Studio installed as a User instead of System.

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Azure Data Studio, October 2020 Edition

Alan Yu shows off this month’s changes in Azure Data Studio:

You can now deploy Azure SQL resources from the deployment wizard in Azure Data Studio. These new options sit alongside local options like SQL Server on-premises and on Big Data Clusters and hybrid options, like SQL Managed Instance on Azure Arc. The deployment wizard includes UI-assisted Notebook experiences to deploy Azure SQL virtual machines and links to the Azure portal to create SQL databases, database servers, and elastic pools (SQL managed instances are not yet included).

Click through for more information.

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Shipping Jupyter Books to the ADS Marketplace

Emanuele Meazzo shows one good use of the Azure Data Studio Extension Generator:

The recently released Extension Generator for Azure Data Studio has opened up yet another way to ship Notebooks and Books to ADS allowing you to easily author your extensions.

In my previous post I’ve detailed how you can now access a Book remotely, now, if you want the book to be actually installed in your ADS instance, you can install it as an extension!

It looks like the process isn’t entirely smoothed out yet, but they’re working on it.

Meanwhile, you can also check out Emanuele’s post on how to get the SQL Server Diagnostic Book as an extension.

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Azure Data Studio September 2020 Release

Alan Yu announces the September 2020 release of Azure Data Studio:

When trying out notebooks for the first time, many users were not familiar with Markdown, or users would always have to look up the syntax. Over time, we added a Markdown toolbar to help make it easier to remember Markdown syntax, which made many users happy, but we thought we could do even better. We wanted to make it as easy to write in notebook text cells as you would in an email or typing a document.

Through embracing hackathons and open source, and driven by the passion to do more for our users, we are excited to announce Rich Text Mode, also known as WYSIWYG Mode (what-you-see-is-what-you-get).

There’s a lot in this release.

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Generating Scripts in SSMS and ADS

Rob Farley walks us through automation options in SQL Server Management Studio and Azure Data Studio:

User interfaces are great, but I simply don’t want to have to remember to do everything the same way each time.

To that end, I want to wax lyrical for a moment about the Script button on most dialog boxes in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS), and make a quick mention of what things (currently) look like in Azure Data Studio (ADS). (I say “currently” because ADS is still under very active development and could have changed even by the time I publish this.)

The Script button is one of the best features of Management Studio. The UI lets you know what can be done, and the Script button lets you know the process. It’s also a nice reminder that this functionality is not unique to the UI. Management Studio’s implementation of the Script button isn’t perfect, but it is good.

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Building dacpac Files on Non-Windows Machines

Erik Ejlskov Jensen provides another advantage for Azure SQL Database’s database projects:

For a while now, it has been possible to publish a .dacpac file (meaning apply it to an new or existing database) using the cross-platform version of sqlpackage.

But authoring and building a database project (sqlproj) was only possible on Windows, as the .sqlproj project type is based on the classic .NET Framework .csproj project type.

Now, thanks to the new Database Project extension in Azure Data Studio Insiders build, it is now possible to author, build and manually publish a SQL Server Database project.

And by using the new MsBuild.Sdk.SqlProj SDK and project type, is is also possible to build and publish a Database Project from a build agent (CI pipeline), without having to install the sqlpackage tool. Read on!

You heard Erik.

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Azure Data Studio Extension Generator

Anjali Agarwal and Laura Jiang announce a new product:

The release of the Azure Data Studio extension generator is now available. Install the generator through npm and get started with extension development with these Azure Data Studio extension tutorials.

The Azure Data Studio extension generator is a command line tool designed to help extension authors get started with the process of extension development. It includes extension templates that enable users to create and publish extensions with minimal technical knowledge required. In our most recent release, we have added three highly requested extension templates to the generator.

Anything which helps make extension development easier is fine by me.

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Tips for Creating Azure Data Studio Database Projects

Kevin Chant offers some insights for us:

One of the options within the SQL database Projects extension is that you can publish your project to another SQL Server database. Of course, this is only for one database.

So, what do you do if you want to update multiple databases with one project? Well one option is to create a dacpac from your project and use that dacpac to update multiple databases.

You have a couple of options if you wish to do this.

Read on for some helpful tips.

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