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Category: Administration

Automating Azure SQL DB Maintenance

Tim Radney shows several methods for performing automated Azure SQL Database maintenance, including runbooks:

Once you create your account, you can then start creating runbooks. You can do just about anything with the runbooks. There are numerous existing run books that you can browse through and modify for your own use, including provisioning, monitoring, life cycle management, and more.

You can create the runbooks offline, or using the Azure Portal, and they’re built using PowerShell. In this example, we will reuse the code from the PowerShell demo and also demonstrate how we can use the built in Azure Service scheduler to run our existing PowerShell code and not have to rely on an on-premises scheduler, task scheduler, or Azure VM to schedule a job.

Read the whole thing if you have Azure SQL Database instances in your environment.

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Troubleshooting Distributed Replay Errors

Jonathan Kehayias walks through some common Distributed Replay errors and how to solve them:

On the Distributed Replay Controller machine, permissions need to be set in Component Services to allow the Distributed Replay Client Service accounts Launch and Activate permissions remotely on the COM component. The service accounts also need to be in the Distributed COM Users group in Windows. So in Component Services, expand Computers > My Computer > DCOM Config > DReplayController and right-click and open the Properties for the COM Component.

A lot of this boils down to permissions, but the error messages are about as unhelpful as they get.

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Side Effects Of Selects

Paul Randal describes a few things that can change behind the scenes when you run a SELECT query:

Statistics Update

If the database property Auto Update Statistics is set to True, when a query is being compiled and a necessary statistic is determined to be out-of-date, it will be automatically updated before optimization continues, thus changing the database. Your SELECT statement could cause this to happen. Additionally, if the Auto Update Statistics Asynchronously property is enabled, the statistic will be automatically updated, but after the optimization process (so the compiling query doesn’t have to wait).

Read on for a few more activities.

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Linux Administrative Basics For The SQL Server DBA

David Klee continues his SQL Server on Linux series with a discussion of basic Linux installation and usage:

You’ll want to learn the syntax for one of the console-based text editors. My personal favorite is ‘vi‘. It’s quick, streamlined, but does have a significant learning curve. Emacs is another editor that works great. Many others are out there, and your options open even more if you’re using a GUI. You’ll need an editor to edit configuration files.

The folder structure of Linux is one of the biggest changes. Whereas Windows is based off of an arbitrary drive-letter assignment system that dates back to the DOS era, Linux is is based off of a tree structure. All folders and files are based on a single point, ‘/’ or the root folder, and everything is based off of folders from this point. Certain folders from Windows, such as C:\Windows, C:\Users\username, or %WINDOWSTEMP%, are mapped to certain folders within the Linux operating system.

This is really high-level stuff; if you’re looking at administering a Linux box in a production environment, I’d highly recommend taking the time to learn Linux in detail.

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Using Plan Guides

Kendra Little has a video showing how to use plan guides:

If you need to add, remove, or replace hints from ad-hoc queries where you can’t change the code, plan guides can help. See a demo of removing a query hint from parameterized TSQL run from an application, and get tips on how to make your plan guides work in SQL Server.

The code from the demo is here. Links for more info are below the video. Have fun!

Click through to watch the video, or you can catch the podcast version.

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Azure AD On Azure SQL DB

Arun Sirpal shows how to set up Azure SQL Database to use Azure Active Directory accounts:

I think it is important to highlight a couple of points, more specifically around the requirement of ADALSQL.DLL and proper setup of AD which I will highlight below and reference some links, please do this as it lays the foundation for you.


You need ADALSQL.DLL which is part of the latest SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) to test access. This stands for Active Directory Authentication Library for SQL Server.

This goes through some of the issues Arun had setting everything up and provides workarounds and explanations.

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Check Your Transactions

John Morehouse talks about a mistake he made:

The other day I had to update some records, in Production.  I’m a firm believer of using explicit transactions and double checking things before committing a transaction.  This helps ensure things go as expected.  This also allows me a way to rollback the changes if they don’t.  It happens.

However, this means that I have to COMMIT said explicit transaction.  And not go to lunch without doing so.

Can you see my mistake?  I bet you can.

Fortunately, it sounds like it wasn’t a critical problem.  If you want to check for open transactions, Jack Vamvas has a couple methods.

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Finding Partition Boundaries

Kenneth Fisher shows how to find the min and max values for a partition:

So what does it do? Per BOL

Returns the partition number into which a set of partitioning column values would be mapped for any specified partition function in SQL Server 2016.

So it basically tells us which partition any given row is in. This can be particularly handy at times. For example, if you want to know the min and max values of a column per partition.

Read on for a couple scripts which use $Partition.

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Log Info DMF

Andrew Pruski looks at the new sys.dm_db_log_info dynamic management function in SQL Server 2017:

This new DMF is intended to replace the (not so) undocumented DBCC LOGINFO command. I say undocumented as I’ve seen tonnes of blog posts about it but never an official Microsoft page.

This is great imho, we should all be analyzing our database’s transaction log and this will help us to just that. Now there are other undocumented functions that allow us to review the log (fn_dblog and fn_dump_dblog, be careful with the last one).

I’m glad to see this make the cut, as replacing informative / idempotent DBCC commands with DMVs makes it easier to query this data, particularly in conjunction with other DMVs or system tables.

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Apache Solr Backup And Recovery

Hrishikesh Gadre shows how to back up indexes in Apache Solr:

The backup mechanism allows an administrator to create a physically separate copy of index files and configuration metadata for a Solr collection. Any subsequent change to a Solr collection state (e.g. removing documents, deleting index files or changing collection configuration) has no impact on the state of this backup. As part of disaster recovery, the restore operation creates a new Solr collection and initializes it to the state represented by a Solr collection backup.

It’s probably safest to treat data in Solr as secondary data, in the sense that you should be able to rebuild the entire data set from scratch instead of Solr being a primary data store.  I’m not a big fan of the author using the term “disaster recovery” instead of just “recovery” or “backup restoration” (as they’re different concepts), but it’s worth the read.

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