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Understanding sp_reset_connection

Greg Low explains what sp_reset_connection does and why it’s often a good thing:

Anyone who’s ever traced activity against a SQL Server will have no doubt seen a large number of commands where the procedure sp_reset_connection has been executed. Yet, this command won’t appear anywhere in the source code of the applications that are running.

As an example of why this occurs, one of the most common data access technologies that is used to connect applications to SQL Server is ADO.NET. It has a SqlConnection object that represents a connection that can be opened to a SQL Server instance. In the design of the SqlConnection class, the architects of it were grappling with two big issues:

  • They knew that opening and closing connections to SQL Server was a relatively expensive process.
  • They also knew that on a busy website, they didn’t want to use enough resources (or might not even have had them), to open up a connection for each concurrent session on the website.

So they decided to make the connections to SQL Server able to be shared.

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