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Category: Administration

Finding Open Transactions

Andy Mallon has a stored procedure to find open transactions:

I’m fussy. Paul’s example script is awesome, but I want to tweak it to meet my needs. I also want to wrap it into a stored procedure so that I can put it in my DBA database, and have it installed on every server I manage. In addition to the columns Paul pulls back, I want to find out:

  • More session details: host name, application name, etc
  • More transaction info: Transaction state, duration, etc
  • Filter out very short transactions: I want to filter out the noise for regular activity

There’s also a transaction state that I exclude. Transaction State 3 means “The transaction has been initialized but has not generated any log records.” A transaction in this state won’t affect log reuse. However, it could affect the size of the version store in TempDb if you’re using Read Committed Snapshot Isolation. I haven’t run into this as a problem, so I filter it out.

I used dbo.Check_Blocking as a base to create another check script to check open transactions

Click through to see what Andy’s procedure offers and also for a link to get the script.

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Simulating Network Latency

John Paul Cook shows how to use WANem to simulate network latency in a Hyper-V environment:

Access WANem from either SQL Server virtual machine using a case sensitive URL that includes WANem’s IP address. In this example, the URL is Inside the SQL Server virtual machines, I set the browser’s start page to the WANem home page. Create a delay of 1000 msec and retest SQL Server to SQL Server connectivity.

It looks like a good way of proving out whether your setup can handle extreme latency before you build it for real.

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Using Relog To Load Perfmon Counters Into SQL Server

Raul Gonzalez shows how to use the Relog executable to bring Perfmon counters into SQL Server:

Relog is an application and as such it might be able to connect to a SQL Server. In this case, the way to connect is via ODBC driver, hence we have to create a new DSN in the computer we want to run Relog.exe, which does not have to be necessarily the same server where SQL is installed.

If we click Start and start typing ODBC it’ll show the 2 versions available in modern OS’s which are 32bit and 64bit, we need to choose the 64bit version to make it work.

Seems like being relog.exe a bit old, the only driver that actually works is the oldest, but whatever, it works!, so we choose the SQL Server one.

He also provides a bonus script at the end, which builds a dynamic pivot table of your counter information.

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Splitting Large Files Out In SQL Server

Tracy Boggiano has a script which splits out large files in a filegroup into a smaller set of files:

The solution I offer allows you to break your files into any size you want by rebuilding your indexes. You will need some disk space for it to create the new files while it runs the process then it will drop the large file.  This will also take up some space in your transaction log so if you not running your transaction log backups frequently enough you could have a lot of disk space taken up by that so watch out for that. All the code can be downloaded from my github repository here.

Read on for an explanation of the entire process.

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Logging Perfmon Data

Raul Gonzalez has started a new series around getting perfmon data into SQL Server.  First up is logging perfmon counters:

Here you have the template I have used to create my Data Collector, you just need to write it down to a XML file and change some of the counters which are related to SQL Server.

When I say MSSQL$MSSQL2016, that is because this counter refer to a named instance called MSSQL2016. If that was the default instance, it’d be just “SQL Server”.

Example: <Counter>\SQL Server:Buffer Manager\Page life expectancy</Counter>

Once you adjust it, you’re good to go.

Click through for a sample data collector set and some instructions on logging counter values.

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Setting Up A Test Lab Domain Controller

David Fowler has a new series on building a test lab, starting with a domain controller:

One of the most useful tools to the DBA when we need to test new features, recreate a fault that we’ve seen in production or just want to see ‘what if…?’ is a test lab.

Some of you are going to be lucky enough to have a few servers kicking around or a chunk of the virtual environment that you can build a test lab in but not all of us do.  In this series of posts I’m going to look at how we can build up a fully functioning test lab consisting of a domain and clustered SQL Servers on our desktop PC.  Now, although I’m going to be building this environment on my desktop, the main steps will be the same if you’ve got separate hardware for this so may still be relevant.

So, in this series we’re going to build a virtual test lab that’s going to consist of a domain controller and a couple of SQL Servers in a Windows Failover Cluster, hosting an Availability Group.

Read on for a step-by-step guide using Virtualbox to build these VMs.

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Alerting On SQL Server Blocking

Andy Mallon has built a process to e-mail him when there’s excessive blocking:

  1. Only alert if there’s actually a problem that is actionable. Please don’t throw email alerts at me if there’s nothing for me to do. Don’t be the boy who cried wolf. You probably already have an email rule that ignores alerts you don’t care about. Don’t make more spam.

  2. Only alert if the problem is critical. In addition to my #1 requirement that it be actionable, I should have to act now. Email alerts are a cry for help, and aren’t appropriate for every problem. For lower-priority problems, I prefer digest reports, where I can set aside time in my day to work on many lower-priority issues and take care of them all at once.

I cannot agree enough with the cited section—this is so important for alerts, but something we tend not to think about.  That’s why I have tens of thousands of unread alerts in my inbox tagged for auto-deletion (most of which alerts I didn’t create and don’t relate to me at all, but I can’t go breaking somebody else’s workflow).

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Data File Migration With Minimal Downtime

Nate Johnson weaves a yarn around moving from one storage system to another with minimal downtime:

Our ERP database has been chosen by the IT gods to get moved to the shiny new flash storage array, off the old spinning-rust SAN.  This is fantastic news for the business users.  But lo, the executives warn us, “You must do this with no downtime!” (said in my best Brent Ozar PHB-imitation voice).  Of course when we tell them that’s impossible, they say, “OK, you must do this with minimal downtime.”  That’s mo’ betta’.

So what are our typical options for doing a database migration?  Or, more specifically, a data file migration.  See, we’re not moving to a new server, and we’re not moving a bunch of databases together; we’re just moving this one ERP database.  And we’re keeping it on the same SQL instance, we’re just swapping the storage underneath.

Click through for some discussion on options, followed by implementation of a particular strategy.

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Failed To Open Loopback Connection

Arun Sirpal diagnoses a connection problem:

I could not read my error log on one of my local SQL Servers, when I executed the following code:

EXEC sp_readerrorlog

I received the below:

Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Failed to open loopback connection. Please see event log for more information. Msg 22004, Level 16, State 1, Line 2 Error log location not found.

Fortunately, the error logs had a bit more detail, so Arun has the answer for you.

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Troubleshooting Client Disconnections

Mike Hays looks at a trace flag that can help you troubleshoot why client connections drop:

About once a month, I get support ticket regarding SQL Server dropping an application’s or user’s connection.  The problem is SQL Server does not just randomly drop a connection and continue to work normally.  Some force outside the control of SQL Server breaks the connection.  By default, SQL Server does not record when this event occurs.

In my history of working with SQL Server, only in extreme situations have I ever seen SQL Server drop its connections.  The most common example is when SQL Server is in the process of shutting down.

Click through for the trace flag and details.

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