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Author: Kevin Feasel

Learning to Learn

Buck Woody has a great post on learning how to learn:

In this new world of fast-paced learning, you’ll often find that you have to “throw away” what you’ve learned, meaning that a new language or tool is out now that requires your attention, and you won’t return to the one you know now. That doesn’t mean your hard study was wasted, because you’ll often find that new technology builds on the one you just learned, but I find that Type-A technologists are loath to drop something they just learned. You’ll have to get over that – it’s the way it is.

However, it can be true that once you learn something, it may be in an area that you just had to come up to speed on quickly, or it has “staying power” and will be around for a while. In that case, take this same process, and repeat all the steps, taking time to fill in the gaps and go much deeper in the areas you didn’t spend time on during your speed learning.

I really liked this post. The first thing it reminded me of was Sir Francis Bacon’s Of Studies (pdf, but with bonus content from Samuel Johnson), specifically the part about how we should superficially breeze through some books, but that others we must digest. The same goes with technologies.

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Handling Forbidden XML Characters with SQL Server

Slava Murygin shows how we can use Unicode characters to make XML appear to display special characters:

That is very known issue that SQL Server’s XML does not accept characters “&”, “<” and “>”.
There are two more forbidden XML characters ” ‘ ” and ” ” ” (single and double quotes), but SQL Server mostly accept them.

The common solution is to replace these characters by their codes.
Would say we have a silly sentence: “Anne & Robin collect > “berries” than Jane & Kevin, but < than Ivan & Lucy.

Slava’s post is specifically geared toward wanting to view the characters as-is, not store them for later display. I’m not sure how often that comes up, but it’s a valid use case.

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Custom Power BI Visuals with Charticulator

Kasper de Jonge shows how we can use Charticulator to build out custom visuals in Power BI:

Recently I attended an excellent session by Andy Kirk on the state of data visualization for 2019. One of the tools Andy is most excited about is called Charticulator. For those of you that haven’t heard about it, Charticulator is an open source project from Microsoft Research. Using a web UI you can design almost any charts by interactively specifying constraints (NO code).

The best news is that you can use these visuals directly in Power BI. You can even use your own data coming from the PBI data model. This came as news for many at Andy Kirk’s session so decided to do a quick post on it. Building very custom charts entices a lot of data artists but it is often hard to bring this to main stream BI product. The ease of the Charticulator and Power BI integration brings this type of data visualizations to a much broader audience.

This is a lot easier than telling people to learn D3, though Charticulator will necessarily have more limitations than writing all of the code yourself.

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Conversion Failed when Converting ‘NULL’ to Int

Kenneth Fisher has a fun error for us:

I love this error. Primarily because it demonstrates two very important things.

1. Errors matter. Make sure when you ask someone for help you give them the exact error and circumstances causing the error.
2. Experience matters. If you’ve been working with database development for a while you can probably pinpoint exactly what’s causing this error just from the error.

When I was handed this error from one of my co-workers I started by telling them exactly what was wrong, and then out of curiosity started a quick poll.

The answer is about as straightforward as it gets, and yet a pretty good percentage of people won’t get it on the first try.

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Azure Data Factory Pipelines

Cathrine Wilhelmsen continues a series on Azure Data Factory with a discussion of pipelines:

Pipelines are sorted by name, so I recommend that you decide on a naming convention early in your project. And yeah, I keep saying this to everyone else, but then I can never decide on how to name my own pipelines, haha 🙂 Don’t worry if you end up renaming your pipelines several times while you work on your project. It happens, and that’s completely fine, but try to stick to some kind of naming convention throughout your project.

In addition to naming conventions, you can create folders to organize your pipelines. Click the actions ellipsis next to the pipelines group, then click new folder.

Read on for more.

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Calculating Last Year to Date with DAX

Reza Rad wants to compare prior years to the current year, using year-to-date comparisons:

I have previously written about how to calculate the same period last year calculation and compare this year’s values with the last year’s values. However, sometimes, you don’t yet have the full year, especially for the current year. You might want to compare this year’s value with the last year’s value up until the same day but last year. This is what I call same period last year to date. Here in this blog article, I’ll explain how you can do that using DAX in Power BI. To learn more about Power BI, read Power BI from Rookie to Rock Star.

Click through to see how it’s done.

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The A* Search Algorithm

Akash Kumar takes us through the A* algorithm and how it works for search:

Path Finding has been one of the oldest and most popular applications in computer programming. You could virtually find the most optimal path from a source to a destination by adding costs which would represent time, money etc. A* is one of the most popular algorithms for all the right reasons. In this article, let’s find out just why.

Click through for an explanation of what the algorithm does and pseudocode to implement it.

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Azure Data Factory Components and Copy Data Wizard

Cathrine Wilhelmsen continues a series on Azure Data Factory. First, we get an overview of the available components:

Pipelines are the things you execute or run in Azure Data Factory, similar to packages in SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS). This is where you define your workflow: what you want to do and in which order. For example, a pipeline can first copy data from an on-premises data center to Azure Data Lake Storage, and then transform the data from Azure Data Lake Storage into Azure Synapse Analytics (previously Azure SQL Data Warehouse).

Then, Cathrine looks at the Copy Data wizard:

LEGO! Yay! I love LEGO. Rebrickable is an online service that will show you which LEGO sets you can build from the sets and parts you already own. Fun! 🙂

They also have a database of all official LEGO sets and parts (including themes and colors) that you can download for free as CSV files or JSON files.

The CSV files are automatically generated at the start of each month and can be found on

Cathrine takes this LEGO data and feeds it into Azure Data Lake Storage.

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Fastest Way to Delete Lots of Rows in SQL Server

Bertrand tries out a few methods to delete data and what SQL Server configuration settings do to this calculus:

That took far longer than I’m comfortable admitting. Part of that was because I had originally included a 0.1% test for rowperloop which, in some cases, took several hours. So I removed those from the table a few days in, and can easily say: if you are removing 1,000,000 rows, deleting 1,000 rows at a time is highly unlikely to be an optimal choice, regardless of any other variables

I think Aaron lays out the caveats pretty well, but I’d reiterate that the main benefit behind chunking delete operations is not so much to make things faster, but to reduce the amount of time you spend blocking more important work, like user queries. And reducing the risk of blowing out the transaction log file (and maybe running out of disk space too).

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JupyterLab Integration for Databricks

Bernhard Walter announces an integration between JupyterLab and Databricks:

This blog post starts with a quick overview how using a remote Databricks cluster from your local JupyterLab would look like. It then provides an end to end example of working with JupyterLab Integration followed by explaining the differences to Databricks Connect. If you want to try it yourself, the last section explains the installation.

I like this a lot, as it fights back a bit against the balkanization of data science: it means I don’t need to keep one set of notebooks here and another set of notebooks there and a third set of notebooks somewhere else.

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