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Author: Kevin Feasel

Mobile-Friendly Reports In Power BI

Reza Rad shares some tips on building mobile-friendly reports in Power BI:

Report fitted in my mobile screen, however when I see that in smart phone even with 5 inch screen, it is too small! texts are not readable in that size, and bar or column charts are too small to be selected with touch screen. When you design for smart phone size consider making sizes bigger. Also don’t use too many charts in one page, because it will make things small. few charts in each page will makes things readable and user will be able to highlight them and select items.

You can use formatting to make your font sizes bigger, and titles of charts bigger. However there are some charts and some elements that can’t be resized (for example labels inside tree map, or labels for x-axis in column chart below). Make sure to design big and clear with only few visualization elements in each page. Here is what I build and it shows in mobile phone nicely;

The upshot is that dashboards are about where we’d want mobile development to be—easy to use and “just works”—but reports have a ways to go yet.

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Subqueries In Spark 2.0

Davies Liu and Herman van Hövell discuss SQL subqueries in Apache Spark 2.0:

In the upcoming Apache Spark 2.0 release, we have substantially expanded the SQL standard capabilities. In this brief blog post, we will introduce subqueries in Apache Spark 2.0, including their limitations, potential pitfalls and future expansions, and through a notebook, we will explore both the scalar and predicate type of subqueries, with short examples that you can try yourself.

A subquery is a query that is nested inside of another query. A subquery as a source (inside aSQL FROM clause) is technically also a subquery, but it is beyond the scope of this post. There are basically two kinds of subqueries: scalar and predicate subqueries. And within scalar and predicate queries, there are uncorrelated scalar and correlated scalar queries and nested predicate queries respectively.

They also link to a Notebook which you can use to follow along.  If you’re interested in window functions, here are notes from Spark 1.4.

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Alternate Credentials

Daniel Hutmacher shows us various techniques for starting Management Studio under different Windows credentials:

The easy way to solve this is to just log on directly to the remote server using Remote Desktop and use Management Studio on that session, but this is not really desirable for several reasons: not only will your Remote Desktop session consume quite a bit of memory and server resources, but you’ll also lose all the customizations and scripts that you may have handy in your local SSMS configuration.

Your mileage may vary with these solutions, and I don’t have the requisite skills to elaborate on the finer points with regards to when one solution will work over another, so just give them a try and see what works for you.

I prefer Daniel’s second option, using runas.exe.

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Columnstore Batch Mode Changes

Niko Neugebauer discusses how Batch Execution Mode has changed since SQL Server 2014:

I will share a little secret with you – it’s all about the Batch Execution Mode in SQL Server 2014: all those Hash Match iterators are running in Batch Mode, even though we are not using Columnstore Index anywhere.
In SQL Server 2016 this old (since 2012) functionality has been removed and once you are running your queries in the compatibility level of 130 (SQL Server 2016), your queries that were taking advantage of it – will be running significantly slower.

There is a fast & brutal solution for that problem – set your compatibility level to 120, but do not go there until you have understood all the implications: some of the most important and magnificent improvements for the Batch Execution Mode are functioning only if your database is set to compatibility level 130: single threaded batch mode, batch sorting, window functions, etc.
From what I know, there is no way you can have all of those functionalities working together under the same hood and enjoy the old way of getting Batch Execution Mode without the presence of the Columnstore Index.

The conclusion is a bit of a downer.  Read the whole thing.

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Service Broker Networking

Colleen Morrow discusses endpoints and routes in Service Broker:

One of the first questions you might ask when distributing Service Broker solutions across multiple machines is “how does SQL Server know where the other service is?”  And that’s where routes come in.  When we distribute a Service Broker solution, we use routes to tell SQL Server the server name and endpoint port of a remote service on the network.

For example, in our taxes solution, we would create a route in the Taxpayer database that points to the IRS service, and a route in the IRS database that points to the Taxpayer service

Good stuff.  A big part of Service Broker’s value is its ability to communicate across servers, not just databases on the same instance.

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Taxi Rides

Mark Litwintschik has an ongoing taxi ride data analysis series.  This time, he gives PostgreSQL a run:

For this workload the reporting speeds don’t line up well with the price differences between the RDS instances. I suspect this workload is biased towards R’s CPU consumption when generating PNGs rather than RDS’ performance when returning aggregate results. The RDS instances share the same number of IOPS each which might erase any other performance advantage they could have over one another.

As for the money spent importing the data into RDS I suspect scaling up is more helpful when you have a number of concurrent users rather than a single, large job to execute.

This is an interesting series Mark has going.

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Data Protection Manager

Tom Roush discusses gotchas around Microsoft’s Data Protection Manager:

You’ve got DPM installed, and for the most part, configured.  It’s working, but you have transaction log drives filling up on some of your servers, and it’s not really clear why.

Wanna know why?

Here’s the answer:

It’s because the UI is very unclear, because the documentation is unclear, (there was a hint of it on page 83) and because the things that would be obvious to a DBA simply aren’t mentioned.

Tom has a very detailed post on the topic, making it a must-read if you use this tool.

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Hack Those P Values!

Ned Bicare provides us a sure-fire method for getting our academic papers published:

“If you torture the data long enough, it will confess.”

This aphorism, attributed to Ronald Coase, sometimes has been used in a disrespective manner, as if it was wrong to do creative data analysis.
In fact, the art of creative data analysis has experienced despicable attacks over the last years. A small but annoyingly persistent group of second-stringers tries to denigrate our scientific achievements. They drag psychological science through the mire.
Ned has a great tool to play around with as well, letting us Statistics our way to academic success.
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