Ed Elliott has a new Powershell module named DacFxed:
There is a solution? Well yes of course otherwise I wouldn’t have been writing this! DacFxed is a powershell module which:
- 1. References the DacFx nuget package so updating to the latest version is simple
- 2. Implements a hack (ooh) to allow contributors to be loaded from anywhere
- 3. Is published to the powershell gallery so to use it you just do “Install-Module -Name DacFxed -Scope User -Force”
- 4. Has a Publish-Database, New-PublishProfile and Get-DatabaseChanges CmdLets
Cool right, now a couple of things to mention. Firstly this is of course open source and available: https://github.com/GoEddie/DacFxed
This is a nice tool to deploy dacpac files using Powershell. Check out the GitHub repo for more details.
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