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Installing TensorFlow and Keras for R on SQL Server 2019 ML Services

I have a post on using TensorFlow and Keras in R on SQL Server 2019 Machine Learning Services:

What I’m doing is building a new virtual environment named r-reticulate, which is what the reticulate package in R desires. Inside that virtual environment, I’m installing the latest versions of tensorflow-probabilitytensorflow , and keras. I had DLL loading problems with TensorFlow 2.1 on Windows, so if you run into those, the proper solution is to ensure that you have the appropriate Visual C++ redistributables installed on your server.

Then, I switched back to the base virtual environment and installed the same packages. My thinking here is that I’ll probably need them for other stuff as well (and don’t tell anybody, but I’m not very good with Python environments).

Please continue not to tell anybody that I’m not very good with Python environments. I tend to dump things in the base environment, forget which one I’m in, and all kinds of other bad practices. I think I’m secretly undermining myself in Python, but I don’t have enough proof yet.