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Kafka Analytics Patterns In HDP 3.1

George Vetticaden walks us through what’s coming with Apache Kafka in Hortonworks Data Platform 3.1:

A summary of these three new access patterns:

  • Stream Processing: Kafka Streams Support – With existing support for Spark Streaming, SAM/Storm, Kafka Streams addition provides developers with more options for their stream processing and microservice needs.

  • SQL Analytics: New Hive Kafka Storage Handler – View Kafka topics as tables and execute SQL via Hive with full SQL Support for joins, windowing, aggregations, etc.

  • OLAP Analytics: New Druid Kafka Indexing Service – View Kafka topics as cubes and perform OLAP style analytics on streaming events in Kafka using Druid.

Click through for high-level explanations of each.  George promises more detailed explanations as well.