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Deployment and Release Strategies for Fabric CI/CD

Marc Lelijveld digs into CI/CD topics:

Recently, I wrote a blog about the new branch-out feature in Git connected Fabric and Power BI workspaces. In this blog, I will continue the topic of Git integration by discussing various setups you could consider in your Git integration, deployment and release strategies as part of your continuous integration and continuous delivery setup.

Will you connect Git only to your development workspace, or to all stages? And how do you handle your deployment? Keep reading to find out the different patterns you can consider!

Hey, I’m the one who’s supposed to tell people to read on to learn more!

Marc does a great job of laying out three patterns, so I’ll just complain a bit instead. The fact that this has been out for a year and still doesn’t support GitHub is annoying. I know that it’s scheduled to come out in Q3 of 2024, so it’s hopefully just a few months away. But it’s still annoying.