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The Importance of Orchestration in E(L)TL Processes

Martin Schoombee begins a new series:

In the context of what we’re talking about throughout this series – facilitating the execution of an ETL process in a platform like Azure Data Factory – orchestration means that we’re using the ETL tool primarily for the “E” (Extract) part of the process. In addition to that, most people I know would also use the ETL tool to facilitate the workflow, in other words the order of execution and any constraints that go along with that.

In what I’d like to call the “traditional” approach for lack of a better term, all parts of the ETL process are performed natively by the tool (image below), using whatever built-in tasks are available and of course accounting for any nuances. With this approach, transformations are typically performed in transit and in memory.

Read on to see how the Orchestration approach differs from the traditional ETL approach.