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Day: April 4, 2024

Infrastructure as Code in GitHub

I have a new video:

In this video, we look at how to perform Infrastructure as Code in GitHub. We take a Bicep script and generate new Azure resources using it and GitHub Actions.

The video includes a very brief primer on Azure Resource Manager (ARM) and Bicep, and then gets into how you can use GitHub Actions to keep your Azure resources configured the way you expect.

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Building a Powershell Transcript

Rod Edwards saves the transcript:

I have a love for Powershell, it makes my life as a SQL Server tech so much easier when I have to either treat my instances as a herd cattle, rather than separate bovine entities, or have them interact with other technologies as part of a larger task… ie… play with the other farm animals if you will.

Enough of the animal metaphors.

We write Powershell, we run powershell, we swear when our powershell does not do what we would like it to. To this end, we need to log the output somewhere, particularly when our scripts are not going to be run interactively so outputting to the screen becomes pointless.

Click through for a depiction (sans farm animals) of how transcripts can be useful and how you can create one.

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Working with Query Store Hints

Etienne Lopes shares some thoughts around a new feature in SQL Server 2022:

Last December I got lucky since after upgrading from SQL Server 2012 to 2022, one of my clients had a process running in a particular database that went from around 10 minutes to around 10 hours!

You might be thinking: “It got 60 times worse, where’s the luck in that?”

Well, it presented me with a great opportunity to try a new feature in SQL Server 2022 called “Query Store Hints” (in a real production environment) and confirm the fabulous results that can be obtained by using it, with no effort at all. I thought it could be worth to share this experience and that’s what I’ll present in this post 

Click through for more details on the problem and solution.

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Row-Level Security in Postgres

Craig Kerstiens implements row-level security:

Row-level security (RLS) in Postgres is a feature that allows you to control which rows a user is allowed to access in a particular table. It enables you to define security policies at the row level based on certain conditions, such as user roles or specific attributes in the data. Most commonly this is used to limit access based on the database user connecting, but it can also be handy to ensure data safety for multi-tenant applications.

Read on to see how you can implement it. It’s pretty similar to the way we do it in SQL Server, though SQL Server has a few parts of policy evaluation that are more explicit versus putting the execution function code itself in a USING clause.

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Thoughts on Copilot in Fabric

Marc Lelijveld notes a pattern:

Lately it’s copilot before and after in all Microsoft communications and announcements. Also, during the Fabric Community Conference in Las Vegas where I was last week, it was hard to keep count of the number of times copilot was mentioned. Next to Microsoft communications, everyday conversations with customers and colleagues include copilots everywhere too. Which is fine, as long as we manage to keep things in perspective.

In this blog I will further elaborate on my experiences with copilot, where I experienced it as a useful addition to my day-to-day job and also where we should be careful. And no, this is not a rant on copilot, but just sharing my vision and everyday experience when talking about copilot to my customers.

I appreciate Marc’s grounding here. There’s a huge amount of hype around the various copilots, but after the initial demos, there’s a good bit less utility than meets the eye at present.

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Switching a Git Commit to another Branch

Olivier Van Steenlandt fixes an oopsie-doodle:

In the past couple of months, I’ve been doing a lot of different things at the same time. Because of that, it is no exception that I have quite some branches for my Database Projects that I’m working on simultaneously.

Because of this, another issue arises as well, it happens now and then that I’m committing my changes to the wrong branch. Luckily for me, I’m making this mistake by committing directly to my development branch, where the change needs to be done in the end anyway.

Nevertheless, I need to get my change into my feature branch as well. In this data recipe, I will be guiding you through the process.

Click through to see how. If you’re using a GUI like GitHub Desktop or Sourcetree, there are also ways of doing this within the UI.

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Imputing Future Values with Power BI

Joseph Yeates makes a forecast:

I recently had a requirement for a Power BI report to generate a forecast. The report data model consisted of daily amount information, which was aggregated and summarized in the report for monthly totals.

The data was current year to date, but for the remaining months in the year rather than displaying no data, the users wanted to impute the average for all of the previous months that did have data.

Granted, this doesn’t do anything fancy like factoring in seasonality or periodicity, but it is easy to put together.

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