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Day: April 26, 2024

Dropping Data Frame Columns in R

Steven Sanderson performs feature selection:

As an R programmer, one of the fundamental tasks you’ll encounter is manipulating data frames. Whether you’re cleaning messy data or preparing it for analysis, knowing how to drop unnecessary columns is a valuable skill. In this guide, we’ll walk through the process of dropping columns from data frames in R, using simple examples to demystify the process.

Read on for three ways of doing this.

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Reviewing a Pull Request with the GitHub CLI

Mike Robbins shows off one feature of gh cli:

Checking out someone else’s pull request (PR) on GitHub is essential in collaborative software development, enabling thorough code reviews, local testing, and detailed feedback. This process allows developers to ensure the quality and functionality of the code before integration, identify and resolve potential conflicts, and maintain consistency across the project. By reviewing changes locally, team members can collaborate more effectively, offering insights and improvements that enhance the overall quality of the project. Additionally, local reviews support security audits and performance evaluations, ensuring that the code is not only functional but also optimized and secure.

I don’t use gh cli as much as I should (in part because 95+ percent of the time, I’m committing into one-man repos and use GitHub Desktop), but every time I do use it, I remember that it’s a nice CLI.

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An Overview of Powershell for DBAs

David Seis shares tips from an upcoming talk:

PowerShell is an essential tool for SQL Server database administrators looking to streamline their workflow and automate repetitive tasks. When it comes to troubleshooting your SQL Server instances, PowerShell is an essential tool for the DBA toolbox.

As a versatile scripting language and command-line shell, PowerShell enables seamless integration of commands, arguments, variables, and modules with an interface and logic that SQL users would find pleasantly familiar. This blog post will guide you through the basics of PowerShell, demonstrate how to implement simple automation for routine database tasks, and explore advanced automation strategies to optimize your database management.

The post starts as a basic primer on Powershell but also includes plenty of notes on good ways to make use of the language as a DBA.

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Writing Conditional JOIN and WHERE Clauses

Erik Darling has Blondie stuck in my head:

The OR operator is a perfectly valid one to use in SQL statements. If you use an IN clause, there’s a reasonable chance that the optimizer will convert it to a series of OR statements.

For example, IN(1, 2, 3) could end up being = 1 OR = 2 OR = 3 without you doing a darn thing. Optimizers are funny like that. Funny little bunnies.

The problem generally isn’t when asking for IN or OR for a single column, with a list of literal values, the problem is usually when you:

  • Use OR across multiple where clause columns
  • Use OR in a join clause of any variety
  • Use OR to handle NULL parameters or variables

This is an excellent, detailed article and well worth the read.

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Building a Docker Image with Docker Build Cloud

Andrew Pruski shows off Docker Build Cloud:

In a previous blog post we went through how to build a Docker container image from a remote (Github) repository.

Here we’re going to expand on that by actually building the image itself remotely, using Docker Build Cloud.

What we can do with Docker Build Cloud is instead of building the image locally and then having to push to a remote container registry (for example the Docker Hub), we can build remotely and then immediately push that image to the registry so that it is available for immediate use by say, our team members or deployment/testing pipelines.

Read on to see how it works.

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