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Notes on Linear Markov Chains

John Mount has some thoughts for us:

I want to collect some “great things to know about linear Markov chains.”

For this note we are working with a Markov chain on states that are the integers 0 through k (k > 0). A Markov chain is an iterative random process with time tracked as an increasing integer t, and the next state of the chain depending only on the current (soon to be previous) state. For our linear Markov chain the only possible next states from state i are: i (called a “self loop” when present), i+1 (called up or right), and i-1 (called down or left). In no case does the chain progress below 0 or above k.

Click through for notes on two variants of this sort of linear Markov chain, as well as a pair of appendices containing derivation notes and Python code.