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Day: January 17, 2024

Handling Orphaned Database Files with dbatools

Rod Edwards rounds up the orphans:

This may be an edge case issue, it may not. Or some may not know this is a potentially a thing. For any of the above questions, i’m not sure of the answer. I do know however, that it doesn’t involve morally suspicious fairy tales of any kind, flutes, or pastry products for that matter.

I also know that it’s something that could potentially be robbing disk space across SQL Estates so i’ll talk about it anyway and supply a simple way to fix this in one sweep using the magnificent DBATools.

Rod’s claim is no pastry products, but my counter-argument is that the command probably runs better if someone brings donuts in.

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TidyDensity and data.table

Steven Sanderson makes use of data.table:

I’m thrilled to announce a major upgrade to the TidyDensity package that’s sure to accelerate your data analysis workflows. We’ve integrated the lightning-fast data.table package for generating tidy distribution data, resulting in a jaw-dropping 30% speed boost.

The data.table package is so much faster than its competition in so many cases, yet I really don’t like its syntax.

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Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz diagnoses a problem:

In the realm of SQL Server, certain combinations of commands and functions can lead to unexpected conflicts and errors. A notable example is the conflict between the NEXT VALUE FOR function and the ROWCOUNT setting. This article aims to dissect the nature of this error, explaining why it occurs, its implications, and how to effectively capture and analyze it using Extended Events in Azure SQL Database. For example, we got the following error message: Msg 11739, Level 15, State 1, Line 11 – NEXT VALUE FOR function cannot be used if ROWCOUNT option has been set, or the query contains TOP or OFFSET. – NEXT VALUE FOR (Transact-SQL) – SQL Server | Microsoft Learn

Read on for more information, including what the error is telling us and how we can capture cases of that error using extended events.

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Granting Users Access to Create Fabric Items

Gilbert Quevauvilliers is in a giving mood:

I was recently working with a customer where I was showing them the awesome new features of Microsoft fabric. I then created a workspace and attempted to grant the individual users access to the workspace to create fabric items or workloads.

When the users went into the app workspace with the fabric settings, enabled, the users could not create any workloads.

Read on to see what the problem was and how you can resolve it.

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Adding a Service Principal to a Power BI Workspace

Marc Lelijveld reads the manual, disagrees with it, and stubbornly sets out to prove it right:

Today, I run into an issue by adding a service principal to a workspace. To my experience so far, this should be straight forward and a matter of adding with the right permissions in the workspace settings. However, for some reason I couldn’t get it to work. In this blog I will elaborate on what caused this issue and which tenant setting influences this.

Click through for the story behind this and the resolution to Marc’s issue.

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Chad Callihan answers one of the mysteries of the universe:

Have you ever seen ANSI_NULLS being set to ON or OFF in a script or stored procedure? I’ve seen or heard it mentioned a few times recently and thought it would be worth demonstrating an example of what this setting does.

Read on for the answer, including a truth table. But definitely keep ANSI_NULLS set to ON, as several important bits of functionality in SQL Server expect it that way.

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