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Day: June 30, 2023

Rolling Correlation in R

Steven Sanderson tries out a function:

In the world of data analysis, time-series data is a common sight. Whether it’s stock prices, weather patterns, or website traffic, understanding the relationship between variables over time is crucial. One valuable technique in this domain is calculating rolling correlation, which allows us to examine the evolving correlation between two variables as our data moves through time. In this blog post, we will delve into the rollapply function and its capabilities, exploring its applications through a series of practical examples. So, let’s get started!

Click through for an example of how it works.

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Events in Apache Kafka

Lucia Cerchie explains the key metaphor in an event-driven system:

We can speak broadly, maybe even a little philosophically, about what events are. Events are “things that happen,” or sometimes, they are otherwise defined as representations of facts. All data is, in a way, a result of humans trying to grok events. At the same time, I honestly don’t find the definition helpful if we leave it at this level. Do we ever design apps around things that don’t happen? (Don’t think about that too hard.) 

Let’s get concrete: Events that might affect real-time data pipelines and applications, including things like Pinterest saves, USPS address changes, ship coordinate updates, and credit card transactions. 

Read on for more about events and how they drive the design of Kafka topics and the applications which use them.

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Thoughts on Fabric Data Wrangler

Gilbert Quevauvilliers tries out a tool:

I was going through my twitter feed and I came across this tweet where they spoke about the Data Wrangler Calling all #Python users! Have you tried Data Wrangler in #MicrosoftFabric?

I thought I would give this a try and that was the idea for my blog post. I honestly had no idea that firstly was this possible, but second that it is so easy for data wrangler to do all the hard work for me

I am going to demonstrate 2 transformations in this blog post, the first will be changing the d_date from date to datetime and then using the columns from examples I am going to create a new column where it concatenates 2 columns delimited with a double pipe command.

Read on for Gilbert’s thoughts.

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Monitoring Query Store State Changes

Jose Manuel Jurado Diaz wants to know when the Query Store state changes:

This morning, I have been working on a support case where our client was not able to see certain queries when querying the Query Data Store. We have observed that the cause is due to the Query Data Store changing to a read-only mode due to the volume of data and the limitation our client had on the QDS database space. Therefore, I would like to share the following PowerShell script that can be executed at regular intervals to check and retrieve when the state of QDS has changed. Unfortunately, in Azure SQL Database, we cannot use the Extended Event ‘qds.query_store_db_diagnostics’.

Click through to see Jose’s alternative solution.

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Protecting Kubernetes Services

Boemo Mmopelwa gives us an idea of Kubernetes service types and how to secure them:

A Kubernetes service is a logical abstraction that enables communication between different components in Kubernetes. Services provide a consistent way to access and communicate with the application’s underlying components, regardless of where those components are located.

In Kubernetes the default type is ClusterIP. Services abstract a group of pods with the same functions. Services expose pods and clusters. Services are crucial for connecting the backend and front-end of your applications.

This is different from your containerized applications that you can deploy on Kubernetes

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